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Conversation Between PaulZ370 and bucketman
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. PaulZ370
    05-10-2012 11:34 AM - permalink

    It happened! Dave just got in touch with me about my exhaust that's at his shop. If you want it, do you think you can stop by with your van and pick it up from him? It's yours for the taking...
  2. PaulZ370
    02-07-2012 08:58 PM - permalink
    Harold - we've lost our Camera - can't find it anywhere. You didn't happen to maybe find a digital camera in a black zippered case by any chance somewhere in your garage...?
  3. PaulZ370
    07-09-2011 09:51 AM - permalink

    I might be taking you up on your offer to lend a hand with my Z! I've just ordered my Stillen Oil Cooler and the Dealer wants to charge me $270 to install it! I have no choice at this time, unless you think you have the time and want to mess with this installation? I realize I am asking a big favor here, so just let me know - I understand either way!
    Appreciate it Harold!
  4. PaulZ370
    07-04-2011 10:34 AM - permalink
    LOL... no I did not recognize you! Good to see you on here... I'll be keeping an eye on the Southern Region Bulletin Board as you say - I am anxious for some Z action, and the LA Z club does not seem to be very well organized with a lot of Z activities. Mike (Z IT GO) tells me he went to the Gonzalez show and gave Mike Blazek his contact info, but never heard back. Oh well, anyways, I am looking forward to some cruising for sure! Z Ya Soon!
  5. bucketman
    07-03-2011 09:46 PM - permalink
    Gee Paul, I guess you don't recognize the ride. This is Harold. Glad your on the board now!! Mario was just over here last week picking up some rims for his 300zx. I still have all of mine and a few more that you have never seen. The 370z guys are pretty enthusuastic and have get togethers on a regular basis. Just watch the southern region bulletin board. If you need any help with your car Ive done, CAI's both stillen and Injen, HFCs, Stillen exhaust, oil coolers, sway bars, big brake kits,etc,. I have a pretty nice shop at my house and am more than willing to lend a hand. Glad your back into Z's
  6. PaulZ370
    07-03-2011 08:41 PM - permalink
    Hey Bucketman - Happy 4th first off... I am in Covington, and just met Z IT GO yesterday by chance. I'm a fairly new 370Z owner - you can check out my ride (all stock) on my page on here. I had a 1990 300ZXTT prior, sold it in 2005 a few months before Katrina. Anyways, gonna get you on my "Friends" list. Hope to tag with you guys on some show or outing involving 370's...
    Z Ya!

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