Conversation Between nomodsjk and newtothe370
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
It's cool man it took me a while to figure it out too. Click on user cp(control panel) on the top left hand corner of the screen on the home page then click edit avatar. My advice would be to click on every option under user cp just to get familiar with everything.
my bad man, I'm still new to the site.... how do i put a photo up? like as my picture when i post things
Jeez man I'm dumb!!! I just realized I'm the one who sent you a friend request lol. Its been a long weekend. No wonder why I couldn't accept my own friend request
Hey man I saw your friend request but I'm having a hard time trying to accept it. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'll get it figured out tho