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Conversation Between Mikey370z and Sunsational04
Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 158
  1. Sunsational04
    12-11-2008 08:44 AM - permalink
    lol of course i kno where idaho is.. you'd probably never catch me there butttt i do kno where it is. all farms?? lol no wonder you guys get wasteyyy all the time! your not from there are you? you woulddd be the bad one in your 'class' or whatever you wanna call it.. do they like beat you up??
  2. Mikey370z
    12-11-2008 12:21 AM - permalink
    yeah, i was pretty much the T.I.'s target lol.. i thought i wa the baddest dude in basic training, i came in there wearing a pink shirt, long hair, n holy jeans, but that didnt work cause as soon as they saw me, i was getting screamed at, cursed at, n the one that hurt me the most was when they called me a fruitcake, that was sensitive i kinda thought that was offensive lol..but its all good, whats crazy is my T.i. is on my myspace lol..
    yeah were known as hard partiers, especially where i live at, im in idaho, the only thing here is potatoes, so partying is big here, do u even know where idaho is?
  3. Sunsational04
    12-11-2008 12:15 AM - permalink
    hahaha dont you get in trouble??? id be scared to deathhhh! but you guys do seem like partiersss lol is that how you spell that?? drawing a blank! yea noo drinky before workieee for meee.. :-p gooood little xray tech haha
  4. Mikey370z
    12-11-2008 12:11 AM - permalink
    well i guess the penicilin got 2 me huh? like i said she was cute, i was alone in that room eith her, im surprise i just asked for a number n since she can c my butt cheeks i coulda done some other stuff ya know??? u know what i mean lol..
    well yeah in ur job its not a good idea to drink prior work, in the military we do it anyways lol, cause we dumb and retarded lke the chief's say lol..
  5. Sunsational04
    12-11-2008 12:04 AM - permalink
    lololol omgggg greatest response ev. how grrrreat!! why there?? are you nutsss! i think i cant drink like before because i usually have work in the morn and to feel shitty doing what i do is just terrrrrible. ughhh
  6. Mikey370z
    12-11-2008 12:01 AM - permalink
    lol, yeah whats messed up was i started hittin on her, n i forgot i was in basic training so i i got in trouble with my T.I. n i think i asked for her number but she dint give it 2 me, idk y, i thought i was cute, but maybe not lol.. i actually got better stories 2 tell ya 2morrow
    in terms of beer pong, def crown royal n coke, best combo ever, i can play bout 5 games , then i get tipsy, once im tipsy i chig a beer then puke like crazy, i dont ever puke outside i always puke in my buddys master bedroom lol..
  7. Sunsational04
    12-10-2008 11:55 PM - permalink
    hahahahahaha sorrrry that one made me laugh outloud. your funny. but yeaa beeer is yuckkkkyyy. im a firm believer in beer before liquor makes you sicker!! i like mainly three olives cherry & sprite. thats soo good! lol you play w/ liquor?? your craze! last time i did that i played w/ captian and it was noooot so good! hahah
  8. Mikey370z
    12-10-2008 11:50 PM - permalink
    lol, yeah what sucked was i was the first one 2 get my shot, n i thought man this is gonna be some old dude touching my butt cheeks, but i was wrong it was this really cute SSgt., i was embarrased cause she said i had a real small butt, she said it looked like an apple
    an yeah i hate beer i prefer liquor, especially when i play beer pong, it gots 2 be liquor cause if i drik beer im puking, n its kinda sick lol..
  9. Sunsational04
    12-10-2008 11:45 PM - permalink
    good luck with that!! i usually pass out when i get them. i pump myself up like its no big deal blah blah you can do it and wooowiee there i go seeing f'n stars! REAL cute!
    soo about being 21 umm its prettttty goooood. esp since im near AC w/ all the casinos and stuff that makes it fun but its weird bc before i was 21 i went out more and drank beer and stuff but now i like HATE beer and only drink sometimesss or i wont OD like before lol
  10. Mikey370z
    12-10-2008 11:41 PM - permalink
    it was wasy painful, but u right i did survive, im sure i gots 2 come back soon for a follow-up
    quick question hows it like being 21?

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