Conversation Between LafitteZ and Ron
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
hey ron i talked to my guy and he said its heat sunk on so i couldnt get it off without damaging it but you can order the material from nissan and any interior guy can make a new cover for your head rest
Good deal. Lmk!

huhhh thats a good question. ill ask my interior guy. the door was kindve worn from my hand so we didnt save it. let me ask him on monday and well see what we can do.
also what did you do with your alcantara door panels?
Hey man, that sounds tempting, got some pics? Are your new covers for the headrests removable? If they are, would you be interested in swapping headrests with me? You can just slide your new cover on the headrests I send you and that way I can get a matching set. Let me know!
hey ron i have the oem seat covers. they are in pretty good shape. The only thing is the headrest leather cant come off so we had to put the new covers on top. ill sell ya the seat covers for 120 shipped if ya want them.