Conversation Between jose_o9 and armensti
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
but if you wanted to can you paint the little cap too?
The lil silver button was left silver. When you take it all apart its just a cap. I left it that way because there is still small amounts of silver outside the car where it would not upset it. I used ppg and house of kolor clear. Its on there like factory.
i know it stands out so much on black. so how are the handles doing now? my only concern with painting them is that they get used so much. doesn't the paint come off? and how did you paint the little button thats used to lock and unlock the door? im guessing you took the whole thing apart and painted it one by one?
Dyi is on "exterior>"got rid of nasty silver handles"
could you pm me the way you painted your door handles? or did you write up a DIY for it?