like I said - Im not here to pass judgement on anyone's car. None of us will have the same looking car & thats one reason why I bought my Nismo. I had the BMW 3 series.. like every other person on this planet.. thats what I traded. I wanted a fun car no one else had. and I made a few changes to it.. like the rims & stereo. #704 didnt color his rims to please ME - and I dont put stickers on my car to make anyone else happy (well, except Memphis). I do love that CF top & hope to do that.. eventually. and an exhaust.. blah blah.
the system is heavy.. very heavy.. over 200lbs. It is completely removable.. but I dont plan on tracking the car, so it'll stay there. Two people can lift it out & I can put it back stock.. but no plans on doing that.