Ok, I will do that as you wish (tomorrow evening). If you EVER want to come back again, please send me a email at the370z@live.com and I'll reactivate your account.
thank you for your kinds words. I really hope everything works out for you. I'm not sure what you want me to do? Do you want me to just ban this account? or you can just not log in.
Gracias por contestar! Espero que siga bien. Y aunque sea un viejito como dice, si tiene un Z es pq se siente de 30, asi que si se anima ya sabe donde encontarme. Y si se entera de alguna reunion para duenos de Z, agradeceria si me avisa. SALUDOS!
Ive been doing alright for myself but everyday is another battle. Sorry to hear about the 350 mishap they're very immature bunch of oldies that enjoy the Internet too much. post pics of it z!