Conversation Between Huan'z and theDreamer
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
TX_370 had some issues with them I know, but most are fine. The only thing you have to worry about is puddles and not going through any deep ones which in Houston can be tough.
02-26-2012 04:19 PM - permalinkmy37z
Hi guys! Sorry if I post this on our group. But I just need help badly.
I just installed my injen CAI and everything was fine! But I'm kinda worries about the rain/flood here in Houston! Anyone of u with injen? Or have u guy heard about the problem of injen on our z? Any advice will be really appreciat! And all I need now is put back the front bumper but will wait for u guy to respond and I just want to prevent the sucking water happen in any case. Thanks a lot Houston z members!!!