Thanks, Joe. And, sorry for not responding sooner. MR painted the insides of the headlight enclosures to match the cars paint (Platinum Graphite ). Before that, the headlight enclosures were chrome plated. I like the way the painted enclosures tone down the front of the car and let the LED's do their thing. I also had the bright Orange "Swoosh" smoked so it doesn't stick out like the stock version. I don't have any pictures prior to the conversion, bit if your roadster is stock, then that is what it lookes like.
Hey, the lighting looks sweet. I have a Brilliant Silver roadster like you and I'm thinking about the custom lights. What I was wondering is did you have MR paint anything or did they just put in the landing strip and projector LED's? I wanted to know what the before and after color scheme looked like if you have additional pics. If you could share those that would be great.