Conversation Between Business Kat and overtureZ
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I pmed out about my issue!
Hey man. Let me know what's going on and I'll see if I can offer any input. Let me know the specs of the car and what's going on. The biggest problem I had was the tps sensor and I insulated it with their "new" sensor that doesn't have the issue anymore.
Aside from that the O2 sensor throws codes for a bad cat if it goes bad but that just gives me a loss of HP sometimes if the sensor decides to be sassy. I went on a trip and my battery couldn't hold a charge which caused problems.
New sensor, new battery, new sensor, car back to new.
I'll be more active so I can get back to you.
Hey there I have a few questions involving your TPS issue. I am having the same issues with more side effects you didn’t mention, if you are still active here I would like to PM you?!