No worries....let's see if I can answer these in order......
#1 - the background is real. It was taken @ Z Dayz & the photographer heard about the fog settling in over the lake and ran over and said "WE GOTTA GO TAKE THOSE PICTURES NOW!!!"
#2 - I love the drop but I'll admit I do sometimes regret it. I have already had to roll the front fenders this year and also raise the front up compared to how it was last year. I still bottom out ocassionally....I'm working on making that not happen. Seems to only be the passenger side that it happens on.
#3 - I finally did get a camber kit. Outside of that nothing else. I had the camber in the rear set at -4.1 and now it's back to minimum stock of -2.1. I loved the super aggressive look I had before and thought I'd hate the stock look but now I'm happier with what I have.
Whew...hope that I answered your questions.