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Picture 2 of 7 from Album MODS
Bronze Volk TE-37 19's
front 8.5
rear 9.5
(I wanted a bigger width but found these at up garage in Japan when I used to be stationed there and couldnt miss the deal)
Bronze Volk TE-37 19's
front 8.5
rear 9.5
(I wanted a bigger width but found these at up garage in Japan when I used to be stationed there and couldnt miss the deal)
Picture Added 10-27-2009 12:08 AM

Showing Picture Comments 1 to 4 of 4
  1. sinceday1
    04-23-2010 10:05 AM - permalink
    Damn sexy Wheels
  2. sstevens7
    04-25-2010 05:48 PM - permalink
    I might me getting stationed in Japan next year after I am done with Aviano.....can you get these at better prices there?
  3. bilo
    04-26-2010 03:22 AM - permalink
    Put it this way. i went to a rim dealer in Yokohama, JP when I pre ordered my Z. I was going to be able to custom order advan RS-D 20 by 9.5 F and 20 by 11 rear for $2000 bucks. Keep in mind "CUSTOM" offset color and all for a 370z. So yes the only way to get Japanese racing rims cheap, is to by them in Japan. Is like car heaven there!
  4. bilo
    04-26-2010 03:23 AM - permalink
    ps...the only reason i didnt get the advans were that they would take 3 months to make and I was leaving in 1 month to go back to the states. Shipping wasnt an option with them. But I love my Volks!

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