Conversation Between benzmat2 and bilo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
granted the automatic was a bad choice, I bought my Z in japan while being stationed if you read the pic comment you would have seen that I didnt know the paddles werent what I was sold on them to be. Also my rims are way way better then your bud....volk T-37s are 4 grand unlike the ones you bought from the stereo shop. the stock rims are made by rays rims, rays rims make performance rims called volks. get the picture.
LoL! I read what you wrote on DatsunZ profile and honestly "dont hate on me" really? Dude you got into the wrong kind of car buddy. Do you even know what NISMO stands for. There is a tradition that goes with these cars and your wasting money on the stuff your buying...keep it stock cause it would look so much better.