HI there! Could you please post a Hex file of your Cipher ELECTRONIC Throttle Map here?
I did try wstar settings from the thread " UpRev Smooth Throttle " and it is promising.
I would like to compare yours from wstar settings.
That's not bad at all. Yeah, I'd like to push around 470 to the wheels.. figured the 1.5 would give me some room to play. I've still got my stock cats, so once my FI exhaust gets here I'll play around with it. What's your average gas mileage? Appreciate the info man, gonna call Mike back and see if I can get that thing ordered today
I get 24 mpg on the highway,go with stage 1.5 you can add or subtract power the stage 1 is whatever the number is after you go to the dyno,no changing pulley sizes like with the 1.5.
As far as the Motordyne pipes you will make more power with stock cats,with the VVEL these engines have a lot of overlap and the stock cats have a little more back pressure keep the A/F in the combustion chamber so you will get more power out of it.
Thanks for the reply man. I think I'm set on the SC setup. I love the Z, I just wish it had more all around power. What you described sounds perfect. No removed crash bar, easier install(doing it myself), keep my FI exhaust / motordyne test pipes. A bunch of stuff. I think I'll do the Stage 1 or 1.5, with oil cooler and call it a day.. Do the clutch when it goes. What kind of gas milage do you get? I do drive long distances sometimes.
My car runs great,how it runs,idles is all on who tunes it as far as the TT vs SC they are both great a SC follows the same curve as stock just more power a TT's power comes on very fast meaning you can get 125 hp in a 500 rpm spread and if you are not ready for it or you are in a turn your in trouble.
Hey, just curious as to how your Z is running. I'm debating between the TT GTM stage 1, or the 1.5 SC kit. How many miles do you have? If you had to do it again, SC or TT? Thanks
The fitment is good (I don't remember where I got them)but I sold them and now have a set from Z1 theirs have the best fit and operation of any hood struts I've seen.
Thanks ,he's funny ,he is the first Shar pei that we have had that when you pull/play with his wrinkles/rolls he goes crazy running around the house like a maniac.