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Conversation Between axmea? and Vlamison
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. Vlamison
    11-22-2012 06:32 PM - permalink
    ya, i need camber kit really bad lol then ima get a tune and rims. i like the blue interior but its kinda annoying when u turn it on while driving lol, im going to change it to white led eventually. i love ur car front lip, i wish i didnt ruin mine hahahahaha
  2. axmea?
    11-21-2012 11:24 PM - permalink
    Looks like you've done a lot with your car bro. I did LED's on the plats and the interior exactly the same as yours. The blue interior looks good.
  3. axmea?
    09-27-2012 11:08 PM - permalink
    let me know if you need help. if there is a hole, i can help you. you can fiberglass the bottom or you can have a custom steel or aluminum plate installed in the bottom where the metal plate sticks out by an inch or so. this will make your S style lip super sic. I have an idea of having that plates made.
  4. Vlamison
    09-26-2012 03:15 AM - permalink
    Nice looks awesome. Iwas thinking about going w lowring springs but nothing lower than an inch cuz im scared of ruining my struts even tho its under warranty, i want to lower it but not have to buy camber and toe but same time an inch wont b enough for my taste hahaha ill just wait and get some coilovers... I dont have photo bucket and its seems complicated lol. U have fb?. Type in vlamison araujo and u will see the only name up there lol no one has that name but me and my dad. I posted the pics there. Or let me make it easier ima post on my album here on the forum.. Thank u for ur help
  5. axmea?
    09-25-2012 11:56 PM - permalink
    Thanks bro. Cant open the link you sent for some reason. Goes to facebook but nothing opens up. send me your facebook page.
    Here's the link to my photobucket page for more pix. Login to a private album and this

    The car is not on coilovers. I used H&R sport springs. Fronts went down by 1.25" and the rears went down by .75" I also had a camber kit, toe bolts, and 20mm spacers all around installed to make the tires flushed to the fenders a little bit.
  6. Vlamison
    09-25-2012 10:26 PM - permalink
    ur car looks nice, i was thinking buying some coilovers but i live in texas, too much bumps, and i already think the car is pretty low, but deff need harder springs, i like how low ur car is seating, what kind of springs are u using and how low did u lowered it?
    idk how to post pic here, i posted them on my fb. if u dont mind telling me how to do it or u can go on my fb and take a look.

  7. Vlamison
    09-25-2012 10:15 PM - permalink
    aight ima take a few pics right now and im post them in about 10 min or so.
  8. axmea?
    09-25-2012 10:08 PM - permalink
    Send me pictures so I can help you out. The mounting points and the quality of the mounting tape is a big deal. These lips hang low to begin with so it is naturally susceptible to all scraping hazards.
  9. Vlamison
    09-25-2012 07:50 PM - permalink
    man, i got the same lips u have sunline replica for 118 buck. but sad this is, i trying installing them, and there really isnt alot of choice, or maybe i didnt do a good job installing it, it wasnt firm enough and i ended up going a lil fast on a bump and after going on highway for a while, it was hanging kinda low, tried to fix it, on my way back home it scrapped on the concrete and made a whole on the bottom, i took to a shop, they said theres no way they can save it do u know anything about how to fix polyurethane or should i just buy a new one?

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