Conversation Between AK370Z and trackster22
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
Okay, may not have been clear. Can you assist? As you can see when I post it states my name, Rich Ceronie. I would like to change that so it reads something else. (i.e., SixTimer) etc. Can you direct me how to do that on the website. I have searched everyone and just don't see where i have the capability to change that. Thank you.
an email from who? I don't it matters if you chose to use your own name or not. It's more like a personal preference whether you WANT TO or NOT. Let me know
I received an e-mail today that suggested that I not use my actual name for my posts for security reasons. Would you be able to assist me in how I might change that so when I post its not Rich Ceronie? Thanks, Rich