Conversation Between 6MT-Z34 and djlouedwards
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
Hey, I'm from bergen county lol...if it moves to the rain date i will but if not i won't be able to, i'm going to z nationals down in georgia that weekend hahaha
its all good bro, it was cool a few ppl came had some good food and good weather. btw where in north jersey are you from?
Hey man,
Sorry I couldnt make it this Saturday. How was it?
we're meeting up at around 8:00 am in the starbucks on edgewater, some of us will go there early to secure a few parking spots and a grill lol
Yea I saw that. What time you guys meeting up??
same here in the bergen county and a few other friends are having a ZZQ (bbq) this saturday in fort should come by!
Hey! I see you're from jersey as well. What part of jersey are you from?