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Conversation Between 370z and Mikey370z
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. Mikey370z
    12-24-2008 02:10 PM - permalink
    thats sweet man, i work with comps also, but in the air force we have 2 be flexible so we have 2 know how to work on servers n network as well lol.. working with the network is fun, cause i only got 2 deal with a base, but in civilian life it might be diff lol..
  2. 370z
    12-24-2008 02:02 PM - permalink
    i like workin on comp... so this occupation fits me just fine...may be in few yrs i might wanna go further.. what about you?
  3. Mikey370z
    12-24-2008 01:15 PM - permalink
    sweet, how ya like it?
  4. 370z
    12-24-2008 12:17 PM - permalink
    nope...just a bachelor in M.I.S. about 3 yrs of experience in the field
  5. Mikey370z
    12-24-2008 11:11 AM - permalink
    hey bro, since u work in the IT business, do u have any certs?
    in the military were suppose to have sec plus, A+, and net plus, all friggin driving me crazy lol..
  6. Mikey370z
    12-11-2008 01:08 PM - permalink
    lol, i know what u mean, i gots lucky i was financed for my z, one of the benefitd of being in the military ya know, if not i woulda bought that car aat around 15% which woulda sucked major b**ls ya know..
    3so any updates?
  7. 370z
    12-11-2008 12:36 PM - permalink
    i hear ya.
    i transfered my 05 audi cabriolet to someone, lost about 4k in 1 yr, but that is ok cuz i put about 26k in a yr, also i don't think i'll be able to sell now a days...
    shitty thing was that the apr was 6. something % but since i got out of the lease after just a yr, i calculated and it was 32%...oh fkin and learn i guess..

    list your car on craigslist !
    my buyer contacted me in 3 yrs of listing
  8. Mikey370z
    12-10-2008 05:45 PM - permalink
    yeah dude, i plan on gettin mine around may, my only setback is finding the right person to buy my z, i dont just wanna sell it and get ripped off, this one dude was offering me 15 g's for it, n that was pretty much trying 2 rip me ya know
  9. 370z
    12-10-2008 02:37 PM - permalink
    the deal w/ me is that i used to own a 96 240sx: sold it, then an 05 audi cabriolet: sold it also, now 02 RSX from my bro...
    damn the new Z will be the shiet... i mean we all know how 350z was, and my thinkin is that if someone buys the new Z, they will be able to enjoy it easily for 7 years or so until the newer Z comes out then...7 or more yrs of enjoyment is def worth it in my book, thats a big chunk of our human life.
  10. Mikey370z
    12-10-2008 12:47 PM - permalink
    of course my man, right now im in the same boat as u, i have a red 350z that i love 2 death, ima have to sell her around mayish then buy the 370z around july which is myplan

    whats ur opinion on the new z?

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