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schrute 11-18-2009 04:48 AM

So how does it sound?

simota1 11-18-2009 04:56 AM

thanks DJ!!! haha schrute it sounds mean when u open her up has a nice tone to it.... im guessing it sounds like any other short ram?

phelan 11-18-2009 10:44 AM

homemade short ram intakes simota? word. lol

dyno it! maybe you make better power than the takedas ;)

theDreamer 11-18-2009 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 285540)
homemade short ram intakes simota? word. lol

dyno it! maybe you make better power than the takedas ;)

:shakes head:

phelan 11-18-2009 11:01 AM

LOL :hello: dreamer

simota1 11-18-2009 04:15 PM

hahahahahha!!!!! ^^^^phelan lol dreamer must have been like.... wat an *** lmao..... man i dont have a dyno here on my island.... the one dynojet we had the owner died in a bike accident then some stupid rich kid bought it and doesnt wanna share it with anyone.... he uses it to tune his hatch :shakes head:

JB1 11-18-2009 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by phelan (Post 285540)
homemade short ram intakes simota? word. lol

dyno it! maybe you make better power than the takedas ;)

That's low... :shakes head:

or maybe you're right.... :icon17:

JB1 11-18-2009 08:45 PM

Looking good simota! (except for the intakes, but that's just because you got the same result as me without spending $$$ on some non functional intakes;) )

simota1 11-18-2009 09:52 PM

haha thanks jb1!!!! ur car looks sweet....

motoextreme 11-27-2009 10:33 PM

Car looks great man, love all the mods. Can I ask what you used to put the black outline on the headlights? I was thinking a really dark tint from the tint shop would work, any advice?

simota1 11-27-2009 11:07 PM

i actually used auto paint and painted the outside of my headlight.... i think tint would work fine man... overlays always come out clean and if u dont like it u can rip it off again... :D

motoextreme 11-27-2009 11:11 PM

Thanks man, I'll take it into the tint shop monday as their doing the window anyway. Running out of mods myself, time to get creative. Thinking about blacking out my rims just cant decide. Nice job thus far bro!

simota1 11-28-2009 09:05 PM

no problem bro.... btw nice NISMO bro.... ur car is freaking nice....

simota1 12-05-2009 08:18 AM


alright u all know wat this post is about.... YES>>>>>> all my parts are in WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo after like two months of waiting its finally over my parts all arrived today..... soooo the ^^^^ is a tease i fully paid the race version oil cooler and the ground kit and power steering cooler by stillen......... sooo i took them home and installed them BUT i only paid half for the other parts greddy cat back and stillen high flow cats and headers.... sooo thats gonna have to stay at the shop for a lil longer till i funnel money in there...... anyways i installed the ground kit... and it was easy..... NOW here is the funny part.... the power steering cooler and the RACE VERSION mount in the same area the left side... its sooo freakin cluttered.... the lines were a pain in the *** to tuck.... anyways im tired from working on my car havent finished it i was ssooo tired from work and stuff soo yah.... ill take more pics.... tomoro in the morning when i finish... :tup:

backfirex 12-05-2009 09:56 AM

wow are you going to do this all yourself? haha thats so awesome ^_^ +1 for rep

simota1 12-05-2009 10:48 AM

yes i do majority of my modding by myself... EXCEPT if its gonna give me a pain in the A$$ like installing the stillen headers... thats what my good friend who owns a mechanic shop is gonna come in LOL...

motoextreme 12-05-2009 11:41 AM

I'm done trying to keep up with you. The crazy thing is just the shipping to Guam has to really add up.

Looking awesome bro! I have a few parts ready to install but just dont have the time, nothing like this though.

I really want to wrench on my car myself more but I Cant get it off the ground high enough to get under it. Suppose its better to pay someone then strip a crankshaft nut/bolt

Keep it up, I'll add more pics of mine too when I get it going again next week, look forward to reading yours.

simota1 12-06-2009 01:45 AM

thanks moto!!! yah shippin here does suck LOL... sometimes itll cost more than the actual part... thats why i have to ship it by boat... which sucks donkey balls... i took more pics... and i test drove her.... the temps were always at 180-200 TOP!!!! lol i was opening her up on the road wide open i usually start hitting 245-260 temps.. sooo im really happy with the results.. ill post pictures later.... :D

simota1 12-06-2009 02:38 AM

:tup:here are the updates.... PICTURES!!!!

Yup there pretty much bunched up next to each other... i had to but some black tar between mounting plates to insure it wouldnt rattle it came out great :tup:

another shot..... of it... u can see the lines were conncected already... it was a tight fit to make everything fit because of the stillen power steering oil cooler upgrade...

i installed a fresh K&N oil filter and 8 quarts of royal purple fully synthetic oil :D i think my baby was thirsty... LOL....

re routing the air channel ducts was a lil tricky.... i know the whole c thing going on restricts the air but hey at least i was able to put them back on....

and yah yah my car is dirty lol i was tired and i was gonna clean her but blah tomoro..... ill clean her... shot right after i test drove her and tried to see the oil cooling temps... outcome was great :D.... drove at very SPIRITED SPEEDS>>>> and it wasnt getting hotter than 190-200 degrees VERY VERY happy with the results... :D

hope u guys enjoyed my small update... hopefully if i get money fast enough ill be able to install my exhaust parts before new years hits ;)

phelan 12-06-2009 02:44 AM

so...that thing better be seeing some track time soon, right? right???

lol...i have a grounding kit sitting in my trunk i should install...

simota1 12-06-2009 03:30 AM

i took it to the track..... hit 14.6 DAMN THE STUPID HUMIDITY and ELEVATION.....!!!! if i break 13's with my bolt on parts.... ill scream for joy... im crossing my fingers... plus the track here SUCKS i cant grip if my life depended on it hahahah yah phelan hook it up it was pretty easy.. i cracked up when i tried following the 350z instructions i was like wtf why does it look like a different car... then i looked at the title LOL....

phelan 12-06-2009 03:36 AM

:rofl2: good job bro :tup:

simota1 12-06-2009 04:06 PM

thanks bro...

rico magic 12-06-2009 04:52 PM

Awesome job, your car is looking great!

simota1 12-06-2009 08:52 PM

thanks rico

simota1 12-15-2009 06:48 AM

:tup: Just installed my Stillen high flow cats.... car sounds great... has a nice tone when i floor it now :D ill post pics when my friend emails me them... my car didnt throw a CEL by the way.... or at least NOT YET.... if it does go on... i dont care... lol.... ill jus fix it..... didnt have a camera on hand when i installed them with my other buddy.... btw the top bolt on the cats was a pain in the *** to take out....i think i would have died trying to install these things with out a lift... anyways.... TWO MORE mods jus waiting for more money before i can pick them up my GREDDY cat back and the stillen headers... im also waiting on my pillars from spawn..... but yah thats my update for now... :happydance:

simota1 12-15-2009 06:51 AM

O i almost forgot.... i also discovered..... that i blew large chunks out of my right rear tire... i was sooo dissapointed...... but it was my fault... i figured it was when i was doing doughnuts with my z.... LOL...wat? lol i was jus trying to have fun?!?...:ugh2: i should have recorded it on VIDEO... damn now its a lost cause.... lol its kool... if that one tire blows then ill jus change it with a new one.... hopefully it doesnt blow until like end of next year LOL im hoping to get rims hopefully this coming new year... some volks or work rims hopefully.. keeping my fingers crossed...

370Zsteve 12-15-2009 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by simota1 (Post 324448)
O i almost forgot.... i also discovered..... that i blew large chunks out of my right rear tire... i was sooo dissapointed...... but it was my fault... i figured it was when i was doing doughnuts with my z.... LOL...wat? lol i was jus trying to have fun?!?...:ugh2: i should have recorded it on VIDEO... damn now its a lost cause.... lol its kool... if that one tire blows then ill jus change it with a new one.... hopefully it doesnt blow until like end of next year LOL im hoping to get rims hopefully this coming new year... some volks or work rims hopefully.. keeping my fingers crossed...

:ugh2: Hopefuly it doesn't blow at 80mph on the highway, Simota! Geezus, get a new tire, wtf?

simota1 12-15-2009 07:45 AM

yah man thats a good point man... i think ill chenge it..... i was like f*ck man..... at first only one chunk was missing then i was like holy jesus theres alot missing... anyways should be only like three hundred for a tire right?!? thankfully its only one tire....

phantom21 12-15-2009 11:27 AM

Working in tire manufacturing; tread separation is a taboo. You better get some new skins on her quick!

simota1 12-28-2009 07:24 AM

im a lil dissapointed cuz my friend still hasnt given me the photos from my cats... but in other news.... i installed my greddy spectrum elite.... :tup: the install wasnt as bad as i thought.... took mr 4-5 hours with out a lift.... fitment was perfect... gonna post pics tomoro cuz as always i dont have a stupid camera but another friend who was helping me install the cat back took pics so hopefully ill get those on the forum... ill get a sound clip too... it sounds sooo sexy... :D

RCZ 12-28-2009 12:30 PM

Simota, I have one new tire. I would send it over to you but I think we don't have the same tire. If you CAN use it somehow, I'll give you a really good price..

simota1 01-02-2010 10:15 PM

finally got a short clip up... still dont have pics from friends... :shakes head: but yah ill post more when i have more time... happy new year everyone!! :D

aliveZ 01-02-2010 11:10 PM

sounds really good on the drive by, also looks great with the black fangs and wheels. congrats.

simota1 01-02-2010 11:54 PM

^^^^ thanks man!!! :happydance: glad u like it...

LateralG'z 01-03-2010 10:05 AM

You did a great job with the car. it sounds really good too.

JB-370z 01-03-2010 12:08 PM

Took 1hr 15min with lift to do hfc's and hks exhaust. Which greddy exhaust are you going with buddy??

simota1 01-03-2010 04:07 PM

ummm i went with the spectrum elite.... and stillen cats.... still needa install my headers..... man i wish i used a lift... i was too broke to have it installed so i installed the cat back using jack stands and rhino ramps LOL took me about 3-4 hours..

simota1 02-19-2010 12:10 AM

small update installed my stant gas instant fill lol... another small mod.... :happydance:

209Z 02-19-2010 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by simota1 (Post 407558)
small update installed my stant gas instant fill lol... another small mod.... :happydance:

whats that?

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