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EVO_Killer 07-30-2009 06:34 PM

I bought my plate frame from Great guys over there!!!

The tint I had done. Its 35%.

As for the z/evo in looks department, the Z wins hands down. The cheap Lancer looks almost (ALMOST!!!) the same as the Lancer Evolution. Nothing looks like the 370. Pure SEXYNESS!!!

Mike@Blackline 07-30-2009 08:39 PM

doesnt the stillen underdrive not have a harmonic dampener?

"But for a street-driven car, one that you might want to last a couple of hundred thousand miles, we do not recommend using a pulley without a harmonic dampener"

Tip 11: Crank Pulleys

EVO_Killer 08-01-2009 08:00 AM

5 Attachment(s)
All this talk makes me still want an Evo... Would love it as a project car. To bad they are stupid expensive in Canada.

Got some new toys... Check em out.

Shunya 08-01-2009 10:51 AM

the Jspec tails look really sexy. wonder what they look like on red

travisjb 08-08-2009 10:58 PM

wow! just noticed this thread... at first I thought it was a journal for a dude investing in his 370z... now i see it is a p'ing match on whether srm sucks and evo vs 370... two arguments that will rage on for eternity! hope that OP is okay with us p'ing on his journal! guess he deserves it some for picking that name!!!

so, back on topic... evo_killer, nice job so far with the mods! what are you planning next??? if you're headed for the track, going to need to work on the brakes


EVO_Killer 08-09-2009 08:07 AM


travisjb thanks... not trying to lecture, some insightful points being made and I love learning about the evo... and ryan's car is BAD-***!... but also want to know about lance's build!
Thanks Dude!

Ryans car is super bad @ss!!!! Maybe he'll give me a Killer deal on some Volk RE30 in Machine Black.:tup:

Just picked up some HKS hipermax III Coil Overs and the coolest toy ever. A Magden M1.b Performance Computer!!! Its keeps track of dynamic horsepower, engine temps, and all other kinds of cool sh*t. It was featured in the new Fast & Furious movie. Steven at Ampliified hooked me up!!! (Thanks again Dude!!) I can't wait for delivery and install. I will get some pics asap.

EVO_Killer 08-09-2009 08:13 AM


so, back on topic... evo_killer, nice job so far with the mods! what are you planning next??? if you're headed for the track, going to need to work on the brakes
Brakes are next. Any suggestions???

travisjb 08-09-2009 09:49 AM


Since your car is new, you should be able to find a G37 or non-sport buyer for your existing akebonos, which helps offset the price of this kit. Alternative is to spend a little less money and try to mix and match parts from different vendors, e.g., COZ may soon be selling 2-piece light weight slotted rotors that go with the sport package. And of course if you go that route, you'll need upgraded pads, fluid and probably need to add ducting if you're going to track the car. The AP Racing brakes I have don't seem to need any ducting, but I'll prob do that anyways.

travisjb 08-09-2009 09:50 AM

out of curiosity, why the grounding kit? understood that to be more of an automatic transmission thing

EVO_Killer 08-09-2009 11:01 AM

why not....
Looks cool...
Can't hurt....

And I was high on T3's when I ordered all that stuff....

Diversion 08-09-2009 11:05 AM

nice car OP! :p

ct63084 08-09-2009 03:47 PM

Hey Evo_Killer how much WHP do you have with this set up?

EVO_Killer 08-09-2009 05:50 PM

I also want to know....

After I get my Berk HFC's on I want to get a tune and dyno.

I wonder what my Magden Performance Computer will clock my cars dynamic horsepower at??? Waiting to hear back from Steven at Amplified on when they're coming.

LiquidZ 08-09-2009 06:43 PM

EVO Killer,

Do you have any images of the Magden computer and how you installed it in your car?

cagneymc@yaho 08-09-2009 09:39 PM

i just sold my 06 MR to a guy in winnepeg actually. I live in Savannah, Georgia. I was running 11.5xx at the track. Stock turbo, stock block, stock head, stock ecu. All i had was TBE, cams, intake, and meth. Made 423 awhp and 426 torqe. I miss her. But had to get my priorities straight for a while.

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