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jwick 12-18-2014 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by theDreamer (Post 3057292)
Yep, stock clutch, flywheel, csc, all factory original.

That's pretty impressive

theDreamer 12-29-2014 09:19 AM

Final update for the year.

The race begins August 6, 2015!!

theDreamer 02-18-2015 01:00 PM

Well it has been an interesting start to a new year. The good news is a few upgrades will soon be on the way, the downside is why the upgrades are happening.

A couple days ago, driving down the freeway my supercharger decided it wanted to make a nice loud squeal noise and start to emit white smoke. Quickly pulled off and killed the car, towed it back to the shop and we started to inspect it and SC fluid was all over the place and the rotrex unit was black (photo below). We imagine there must have been a leak in a line carrying all the SC fluid, dumped the fluid, and the rest is history.

So trying to turn a negative into a positive the car is going to be making the switch to e85 along with a new rotrex supercharger!

Photo of the SC:

Hotrodz 02-18-2015 07:43 PM

Sorry to hear about your miss fortune, but excited to hear about the upgrade!:ugh2: :tup:

Nut_N_Much 02-22-2015 10:17 AM

Congratulations, can't wait to see the results. I blew my seals out, and like you gave me a chance to get a nice tight motor and new SC system.

Hope it all works out. :tiphat:

Chuck33079 02-22-2015 10:23 AM

Same size blower, or one that can move more air?

theDreamer 02-23-2015 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chuck33079 (Post 3118999)
Same size blower, or one that can move more air?

I have the largest that fits (c38-81) unless I can get the GTM motor mounts that give it the extra space to fit the c38-91.
Bauer used the 81 with an 88mm pulley (and some of the other 1.5 upgrade pieces) and got to 500whp. Sourcing the new intake piece & pulley is the tough part from GTM, emailed & called so far but have not heard back.

If it all falls through I can just dump a new 81 with the same pulley/injectors/etc and touch up the tune for a new SC, but seems like a waste with having to rip it all out already.

Chuck33079 02-23-2015 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by theDreamer (Post 3119810)
I have the largest that fits (c38-81) unless I can get the GTM motor mounts that give it the extra space to fit the c38-91.
Bauer used the 81 with an 88mm pulley (and some of the other 1.5 upgrade pieces) and got to 500whp. Sourcing the new intake piece & pulley is the tough part from GTM, emailed & called so far but have not heard back.

If it all falls through I can just dump a new 81 with the same pulley/injectors/etc and touch up the tune for a new SC, but seems like a waste with having to rip it all out already.

Jtran could fab you a new motor mount if that's all you need.

theDreamer 02-23-2015 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Chuck33079 (Post 3119826)
Jtran could fab you a new motor mount if that's all you need.

I emailed Amber this morning on the parts list of what I need.
Two things I have found out while working on this upgrade:
-GTM may have customized the pulley offset of the rotrex unit, so they are not off the rack Rotrex pulleys.
-To upgrade to the 91 unit I need their engine mounts

The 1st one I am hoping that with my SC I can either salvage the custom work off it to fit the pulley or have a shop reverse engineer it, and the 2nd I am unsure of so asking around.

It might take sending the car to Jtran for them to tear it apart to see what they can do. Apparently I need to redo the intake piece from the filter to the SC as it has a couple bends that hurts airflow when trying to do smaller pulleys. One reason GTM put the intake filter right under the headers, the other we all know why....:stirthepot:

zpuddmaster 03-26-2015 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by theDreamer (Post 79976)
Yes it does have me thinking, the main reason I even am using a front plate (though we are required in Texas) is because I drive through a part of Houston where they will give a ticket for anything. Though, not tested yet, I will see how hard it is to take off and on without having to get out the screwdriver and such. If I am able to just twist the main bolt which goes into the tow hook and get it on/off easily then I will do that.

I live in Texas too. I heard they might do away with that silly law but in the meantime, i yanked that license plate off the front. Only problem now is I have holes in my bumper because the dealer had butchered it.
My son bought a 1998 Mercedes-Benz E300 Turbodiesel and yanked the front license off and when he went to take his driving test the Trouper at DPS refused to let him take his test because he had no license plate on front. He had it in the front window. He will try again next month. A month's wait to go take again. nice..

theDreamer 09-27-2015 09:45 AM

A quick update, Langley helped (and by help he did most of the work) get the SC off.
Now to send it off and begin looking at upgrades while the car is on jack stands.

theDreamer 07-18-2016 12:35 PM

Well time almost an annual update, the Z is slowly being put back together with the help of Chuck. We had some fun with the new engine mount for the 1.5 upgrade kit, but somehow were able to get it in and secure properly. Hoping to tackle a huge chunk of the remaining re-install this weekend and then comes to fun process of dumping fluids that have been sitting for over a year.

We also learned that the original pulley off my seized SC is smaller than the 88mm, and assume it is the 84mm based on the size comparison and quick tape measure measurement. This could get interesting since the 88mm was already pushing the limits of the Rotrex unit but since we have the 84mm we may put it on and will see what happens when we tune.

Goal this go around:
-1.5 kit upgrade
-Migrate to ECUtek
-Flex fuel upgrade (injectors/plus/fuel pump/return) and tune

jwick 07-18-2016 06:29 PM

Love to help out too. This weekend is booked but if you extend into next weekend or beyond hit me up.

theDreamer 07-19-2016 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by jwick (Post 3519176)
Love to help out too. This weekend is booked but if you extend into next weekend or beyond hit me up.

Will do, hoping to get it all buttoned up on the re-install this weekend but once that is complete we will stop, then comes the task of dumping all the fluids & fuel and re-loading. We figure the re-install is one weekend, take a break, and return to double check our work and then do fluids, so might be good to have you come and do a look over with fresh eyes before we do fluids.

jwick 07-19-2016 12:56 PM

Just let me know

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