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miguez 06-05-2009 09:20 AM

I plan to reuse the stock shifter knob, what did you use to remove the stock shifter? Any recommendations?


miguez 06-05-2009 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by theDreamer (Post 77898)
The car cover was on my car all week while I was gone, it rained last night so I got a chance to see how it did against the rain. Water still leaks through a bit so it will not stay 100% dry, a little sad here but not a huge loss. No dirt, bird poo, or anything got underneath the cover which was the main purpose of it. Glad to come home and see the only dirt on the car was what was there when I left plus some water that seeps through from the rain.

One interesting thing to think about this car cover is that if it allows a little water in, it allows a little water out. The problem with covers that don't allow any water through is exactly that, they will keep whatever humidity was in from getting out, and that might not be a good thing.

theDreamer 06-05-2009 09:25 AM

Large set of channel locks and a shop rag, grabbed around the largest part of the shift knob up high. Was just very careful when twisting it off.


Originally Posted by miguez (Post 85199)
One interesting thing to think about this car cover is that if it allows a little water in, it allows a little water out. The problem with covers that don't allow any water through is exactly that, they will keep whatever humidity was in from getting out, and that might not be a good thing.

Good to note, thanks.

CBRich 06-05-2009 11:40 AM

Did you stabilize the shaft of the shifter while unscrewing the knob?

theDreamer 06-05-2009 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by CBRich (Post 85327)
Did you stabilize the shaft of the shifter while unscrewing the knob?

We popped off the area around the shifter at first to look at a few things and then just used the channel locks and went at it. Nothing else holding the shifter.

BerkTech 06-05-2009 03:27 PM

awesome post and nice pics

CBRich 06-05-2009 07:33 PM

So I guess you don't feel the torque applied during removal of the knob will have any adverse affect on the shifter, transmission, etc.

theDreamer 06-05-2009 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by CBRich (Post 85630)
So I guess you don't feel the torque applied during removal of the knob will have any adverse affect on the shifter, transmission, etc.

We only tried to loosen it a little at a time, just trying to break the lock tight seal on the shifter. Kept an eye on the lower half and did not see much movement which would cause problems.

absolutexk 06-06-2009 03:28 AM

damn it, texas requires front license plates??

Also, nice car.

rednek01 06-08-2009 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by CBRich (Post 85630)
So I guess you don't feel the torque applied during removal of the knob will have any adverse affect on the shifter, transmission, etc.

When I removed the shifter knob (thats me under Dreamer's car! :ughdance:) it did take a decent amount of effort, however I seriously doubt you are going to hurt the shifter linkage by removing the knob so I wasn't worried about it and wouldn't worry about hurting anything. The install was super easy I didn't have to move the center console at all. The only tedious part was filing the bottom of the shifter cup so that it would allow the short throw to engage reverse. One word of advice tho is the boot underneath that covers the linkage is tricky to get on and the lip it sits in is a machined lip that is very sharp and I cut myself a couple times getting it back on there.

All in all it was easy and really improved the driving experience. The shifts are more distinct and there isn't a rubber feel to them anymore.

MightyBobo 06-08-2009 10:38 AM

How do you like your car cover? I'm in desperate need of one - birds have found my car to be a target, it seems.

theDreamer 06-08-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 86915)
How do you like your car cover? I'm in desperate need of one - birds have found my car to be a target, it seems.

The few times I have used it I have liked the results after I take it off. I really should have used it this weekend and am pissed now, I washed the car on Saturday and did not drive this weekend and come out Monday morning and it is covered in dirt (tree, bugs, etc.).

CBRich 06-08-2009 12:03 PM

New 10' x 20' Car Port Driveway Garage Canopy Kit 37927 - eBay (item 200336829859 end time Jun-27-09 12:30:44 PDT)

theDreamer 06-08-2009 12:20 PM

Not bad, though I really wish I could get rid of the three classic cars in the garage which are owned by my father because then I would get a spot in the garage. We have three cars, pick up (cannot fit), SUV (might fit), and my Z (definitely will fit).

MightyBobo 06-08-2009 12:20 PM

I live in Public, unassigned parking sadly. Nowhere to pop that unless I moved it every time, and even then, I have to park on the street, on occasion.

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