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One_Quick_Z 10-24-2010 07:55 PM

*One_Quick_Z's Journal/Dyno/Videos/Pics*
Just figured I would copy and paste from my ChicagoZ forum to save time already had a journal running there.

Update ARK Exhaust is sold

Car made +22whp.... 304WHP with HKS and Berk Test Pipes with K&N Drop-in Filters.

Enjoy the Videos and Pictures thanks for looking I also Just finished a Photo Shoot and will be posting those pictures aswell( Thanks to Blackie from ChicagoZ)


Originally Posted by One_Quick_Z (Post 446065)
I figured I would make a thread on my progress on modding my car to keep it all in one place.

I went to Sound Performance on Sept. 20 to get a baseline dyno done. My car STOCK put down 283whp on a Mustang Dyno, Which I am very pleased with :)

That night I put on Berk Test Pipes and ARK True Dual exhaust. Both parts were made with great quality, But...

After the install I started the car and let me just say it sounded amazing!! But then it started... There was a very high pitched whistle/humming/hissing noise from 3.5k-2.5k rpm's on deceleration. I kept it on the lift and had a co-worker check it out this is what we found.

Due to the increased Exhaust Flow because of the Berk Test Pipes the Xpipe which is on the ARK exhaust system created a wild loud howling whistle. After contacting the ARK they agreed with my conclusion, I am going to send back the exhaust or sell it.

The exhaust sounds great without test pipes or HFCs but im going to keep my Test Pipes installed especially after tackling the "Demon Bolt". which I killed in an hours time for removal of stock cats and installing the test pipes.

Here are some pictures of the install, The new Exhaust I am planning on getting is HKS High Power it is a very similar set up to the ARK but incorporates a "H" pipe rather than a "X" pipe

I am also planning on doing Dynos after installing the new exhaust just waiting on some companies to get back to me.


This is a Stock exhaust on a cold start with some rev's to 4k
IMG_0591.mp4 video by One_Quick_Z - Photobucket


Originally Posted by One_Quick_Z (Post 446076)
After the Exhaust/Test Pipe install, Car is already warm few rev's. The hissing noise you hear is much louder towards the front of the car were the X pipe is.


IMG_0608.mp4 video by One_Quick_Z - Photobucket

Please post at the end of my first post


Originally Posted by One_Quick_Z (Post 447898)
Just got back from THMotorsports, Lets just say the HKS Hi-Power Exhaust Looks amazing I will be putting it on later this week then going to Sound Performance soon after for a dyno, then taking it to Byron later this month :)

Here are some pictures of the New"er" exhaust :)



Originally Posted by One_Quick_Z (Post 448438)
Just installed the HKS Exhaust system, Lets just say the Fit and Finish of this product is second to none!

All of the flanges bolted up square, All of the welds were solid, and the adjustable tips are very usefull.

I cant wait to get back to Sound Performance and see what the gain is with the Berk Test Pipes and HKS exhaust

Here is a video clip, Play this on a good speaker set up otherwise its not doing the exhaust justice. There is a little hint of a Hiss in person and for some reason its amplified by the video, But under load there is no trace of it.


IMG_0622.mp4 video by One_Quick_Z - Photobucket



Originally Posted by One_Quick_Z (Post 448717)


Originally Posted by One_Quick_Z (Post 449679)
Just installed K&N Drop in filters and Did the ECU reset for all current mods, Also Just ordered a set of these Silicone Hose, Silicone Hoses, Turbo Hose, Turbo Hoses, Intercooler Hose, Intercooler Hoses, Turbo Connectors,T-bolt Clamps,Race-Proven Quality by HPS Performance Racing Products

I know that they are not going to give me the crazy power that the G3 Stillen intakes are known for, but for a total under $300 including these Post MAF tubes and Drop in K&N filters Im happy. Also Didnt make sense to spend 500 on intakes when Im going FI in the Future.

I will post pics this week of them installed, Going to call Sound Performance on Monday to get some dyno time :)



Originally Posted by One_Quick_Z (Post 450633)
Well, I went to Sound Performance today to get a dyno to see the results of my exhaust bolt-ons/ Berk Test Pipes and HKS Hi-Power Exhaust.... Lets just say I am very very pleased :)

Remember my Baseline dyno results were very good 282whp were the results on my Stock 09 370Z 7AT...... Now I am making 304WHP that is a gain of 22WHP from Berk Test Pipes and HKS Exhaust!! I am a very happy guy :)

Below is a picture of the Dyno sheet with baseline so you can see how the mods gained HP throughout the entire RPM range. Also there is a link to a video of one of my three runs.

Also I went and had a little photoshoot with Blackie once he is done going through the photos he should be posting them for me, Thanks again Young!


Video Link--->>> IMG_0638.mp4 video by One_Quick_Z - Photobucket

ThoriumHotdog 10-24-2010 08:58 PM

Nice ride and great journal. Keep it coming. :)

One_Quick_Z 10-24-2010 09:52 PM

Thanks! I am going to post up my photoshoot pictures as soon as I get more of them, the Photographer is teasing me by only sending me a handfull of pictures :)


Juruki 10-24-2010 10:02 PM

How does the sound compare between the two?

One_Quick_Z 10-24-2010 11:06 PM

The ARK Exhaust is Loud I mean Really loud, Also if you plan on going with Test pipes you will not be happy the howling noise is unbearable...

HKS has a great sound and doesnt really have any hissing noise no drone at normal driving RPM's and sounds great under load at WOT (Wide open Throttle)

Listend to the Video Clips that I posted earlier and see for your self, just make sure its on a good set a speakers :)


One_Quick_Z 10-25-2010 10:40 AM

Here are a few pictures from my photoshoot I did with Blackie from ChicagoZ




Originally Posted by blackie (Post 450807)

One_Quick_Z 10-25-2010 02:28 PM

Update just installed my HPS post MAF intake tubes and did the ECU reset... They were a little more of a pain than what I thought they were going to be to get the install done :)


One_Quick_Z 10-25-2010 06:42 PM

What!?!? All of this sweet info and nobody is posting :)


One_Quick_Z 10-27-2010 03:40 PM

WOW still no comments come on! This is great stuff :)


cmancha003 10-27-2010 04:30 PM

Car looks great. I am disappointed by the Ark exhaust w/ the test pipes. It seems like a really hot stripper with a terrible face. With the stripper you look :icon23: and go DAMN! and then look up again and :barf: The initial sound is amazing and then kills it with the hissing. Nice choice on the HKS though :tiphat:

ThoriumHotdog 10-27-2010 04:43 PM

Nice photoshoot. :D

zero 10-27-2010 11:19 PM

Nice photos, I like the color of your Z.

One_Quick_Z 10-28-2010 05:45 PM

Thanks! I will post track results when I go on the 6th, Last years stock best was 13.3


One_Quick_Z 11-05-2010 03:43 PM

Going to the track tomorrow cant wait its going to be sunny and 54 deg out!


Jordo! 11-05-2010 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by One_Quick_Z (Post 780660)
Update just installed my HPS post MAF intake tubes and did the ECU reset... They were a little more of a pain than what I thought they were going to be to get the install done :)


Just ordered a set of these -- what was the problem getting them on?

Will you be re-dynoing with them installed?

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