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LunaZ 09-15-2013 11:26 AM

What am I supposed to do with all of this tubular meat?

eastwest2300 09-15-2013 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 2488635)
So do you guys want to reschedule this again or just wait till next year to try again?


Trips 09-15-2013 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 2486245)
I'm going to make an executive decision here and say that the bbq is cancelled for tomorrow. We can try to find a new date that works for everyone or just wait till next year.

You mean 67 pages of buildup :excited:

Only to shoot blanks :gtfo2:

It did sound like a FUN get together :tup:

And it reminds me why organizing even Canyon runs as a group always turns into a FAIL! Flakes!!

b1adesofcha0s 09-15-2013 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Trips (Post 2488702)
You mean 67 pages of buildup :excited:

Only to shoot blanks :gtfo2:

It did sound like a FUN get together :tup:

And it reminds me why organizing even Canyon runs as a group always turns into a FAIL! Flakes!!

Yeah it sucks :shakes head:

eastwest2300 09-15-2013 02:05 PM

67 pages... laughable.. blades, you still the man, dude.

dmhenderson 09-15-2013 02:45 PM

Mazoc 2013 bbq - CANCELLED!
This happens to a lot of our planned get togethers. Everyone commits early, waits until 2 days before the event and backs out. Frustrating for sure

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

H2O_Doc 09-15-2013 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by dmhenderson (Post 2488772)
This happens to a lot of our planned get togethers. Everyone commits early, waits until 2 days before the event and backs out. Frustrating for sure

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

Maybe you need a paypal deposit, refundable at the event. Say $20.

That, or hooters girls.

MyKindaGuise 09-15-2013 03:01 PM

Kind of glad its been canned. Hopefully we can reschedule and ill actually make it to this event :D

eastwest2300 09-15-2013 04:48 PM

I think the problem is, the events are planned 2 to 3 months out, and of course everyone will be available 2 or 3 months out, but then the closer you get to the event, surprise! Things turn up.

dmhenderson 09-15-2013 05:52 PM

We were actually talking about this on saturday so here it is:

The good news: We're a loosely organized group of people who participate in club events and have fun. There are no dues and there is no real obligation to show up for events which is nice. No one is pressured or feels like they're not getting their money's worth and no one feels left out. Nothing bad happens if you show up to 1 club event every 3 months.

The bad news: We're a loosely organized group of people. No one pays dues or invests anything in the club so no one feels obligated to show up to events or participate in club activities because hey, there's always another one coming up and if there's something else to do that day, who cares? Even if other people have invested time and effort in making something happen, that's their problem and not yours. Nothing bad happens if you only show up to the club events that are convenient for you.

Sort of a double-edged sword huh?

I've seen the other side of this coin and can tell you what happens. You end up with a core group of people who are only interested in collecting dues from the "fringe" members and plan activities geared around what the core wants to do and everyone else be damned.

I prefer what we have to be honest.

dmhenderson 09-15-2013 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 2488856)
I think the problem is, the events are planned 2 to 3 months out, and of course everyone will be available 2 or 3 months out, but then the closer you get to the event, surprise! Things turn up.

I don't buy this. If this is true we are all very selfish/inconsiderate people and I don't believe that.

Planning events 2-3 months in the future is the ONLY way to go about it since most of us are adults that have busy lives and a finite amount of time on weekends. The problem is that "things that come up" are allowed to take precedence over events people have already committed to attend but like I said, that won't change unless you start to charge people dues and have enforced bylaws etc and I don't think anyone here wants that.

Not just talking about this one event either. This exact scenario has played out over and over. Off the top of my head: in the original headlight mod event (probably for the best), the dinner in Annapolis and the one Randy cruise in which I/we participated. People confirm and then wait until a day or two before to back out or aren't even that polite and just don't show up and make some excuse later. I would challenge anyone here to point to a club event in the past two years where we have had a quorum.

What everyone needs to realize is that we want to go to these events because they are group activities. You are actively screwing people over if you wait until a day before/day of to decide you're not going because some(?) of us actually like being part of this club and scheduling our free time around club events.

(Sorry, that's a lot of words but figured it was all worth saying - just my two cents)

H2O_Doc 09-15-2013 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by dmhenderson (Post 2488894)
We were actually talking about this on saturday so here it is:...

I prefer what we have to be honest.

I guess this means no hooters girls?

eastwest2300 09-15-2013 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by H2O_Doc (Post 2488910)
I guess this means no hooters girls?


eastwest2300 09-15-2013 06:23 PM

I think planning something as small as a BBQ could be planned "weeks" out not months, just my two cents. I personally think planning something like this "months" out is silly, just my opinion..

Zdayz... yes.

dmhenderson 09-15-2013 06:33 PM

A minimum of 1 month out is appropriate or you will get people saying "Sorry I already have plans".

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