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m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Red__Zed (Post 2188889)
new thread!

needs more ghey

MyKindaGuise 02-28-2013 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Khoi@AAMComp (Post 2188847)
The motor is pulled and we mocked up the manifold and turbos, right now our engineer is drawing up the fmic and i/c pipes

I'd like for us to be able to test fit everything on our 370z here, do the power testing and what not, but end up "sponsoring" a local customer with the full kit if they plan on doing shows and what not (DM i know we kind of went over this a bit already with you) since our 370z here is bone stock lol

Thats awesome Khoi, Im really looking forward to the finished build. If AAM does sponosor a local Z my god someone from here take them up on that. It will be a supreme build.

Honestly a good TT build can cost 15k plus. AAM can charge a premium just because they are AAM. They do good work and fabrication and are known for it. Good reputation costs money. Peace of mind in a shop isnt cheap. :tup:

I am doing alot of the supporting mods to make sure my build IS reliable to track once in a while and daily drive some times. I am not a baller so I dont have cash to just blow on a broken car constantly also I love my 370 and dont want to damage it so reliablity is TOP priority for me.

b1adesofcha0s 02-28-2013 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 2188878)
If I was really in love with the Z and had the cash to blow it would probably be worth it, but when you start to think about it you can just get into a (no offense) better car and get that performance straight from the factory for around the same total cost. To each his own, though.

Yup that's my plan too.

Sales@AAMComp 02-28-2013 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise (Post 2188904)
Thats awesome Khoi, Im really looking forward to the finished build. If AAM does sponosor a local Z my god someone from here take them up on that. It will be a supreme build.

Honestly a good TT build can cost 15k plus. AAM can charge a premium just because they are AAM. They do good work and fabrication and are known for it. Good reputation costs money. Peace of mind in a shop isnt cheap. :tup:

I am doing alot of the supporting mods to make sure my build IS reliable to track once in a while and daily drive some times. I am not a baller so I dont have cash to just blow on a broken car constantly also I love my 370 and dont want to damage it so reliablity is TOP priority for me.

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah I am pretty excited to move forward with the kit!

Red__Zed 02-28-2013 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 2188896)
needs more ghey

That's what I'm here for.

MyKindaGuise 02-28-2013 10:26 AM

I dont blame you guys for wanting something faster from factory. Its just personal taste. I could buy an R8 and still want to toy with it. Just a hobby I suppose. or im just sick in the head and like to live on the edge and risk breaking thousands of dollars :D

b1adesofcha0s 02-28-2013 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Red__Zed (Post 2188912)
That's what I'm here for.


Sales@AAMComp 02-28-2013 10:30 AM

GT-Rs for everyone!

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise (Post 2188913)
I dont blame you guys for wanting something faster from factory. Its just personal taste. I could buy an R8 and still want to toy with it. Just a hobby I suppose. or im just sick in the head and like to live on the edge and risk breaking thousands of dollars :D

Don't get me wrong, I like toying with stuff too. No car I own will ever be left alone. But I also just try to be a little realistic about it too. It was just never worth it (to me) to try and get more power out of the Z34 platform via FI.

b1adesofcha0s 02-28-2013 10:32 AM

Yeah I would mod any car I get, just probably not go crazy with an FI kit.

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 2188925)
Yeah I would mod any car I get, just probably not go crazy with an FI kit.

I would potentially FI, I'd just do it on a platform that I felt was good for it.

daisuke149 02-28-2013 10:33 AM

must make random post in here now to keep up with potential trolling.

Sales@AAMComp 02-28-2013 10:34 AM

when you double the power of a car and don't upgrade other parts to go along with it, it essentially becomes an unsafe straight line car lol..

I have this conversation with a lot of customers, but everyone loves to go fast in a straight line, it's a measurable way of saying hey my car is cooler than yours, or the internet version, hey my d!ck is bigger than yours. Take your car, do some stuff to it, but go to a road course, learn to drive your car, learn to take it to it's limits

But hey if you want to go fast in a straight line, to each their own, but for those 8-14 seconds, you risk breaking a hell of a lot of stuff haha

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Khoi@AAMComp (Post 2188929)
when you double the power of a car and don't upgrade other parts to go along with it, it essentially becomes an unsafe straight line car lol..

I have this conversation with a lot of customers, but everyone loves to go fast in a straight line, it's a measurable way of saying hey my car is cooler than yours, or the internet version, hey my d!ck is bigger than yours. Take your car, do some stuff to it, but go to a road course, learn to drive your car, learn to take it to it's limits

But hey if you want to go fast in a straight line, to each their own, but for those 8-14 seconds, you risk break a hell of a lot of stuff haha


MyKindaGuise 02-28-2013 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Khoi@AAMComp (Post 2188929)
when you double the power of a car and don't upgrade other parts to go along with it, it essentially becomes an unsafe straight line car lol..

I have this conversation with a lot of customers, but everyone loves to go fast in a straight line, it's a measurable way of saying hey my car is cooler than yours, or the internet version, hey my d!ck is bigger than yours. Take your car, do some stuff to it, but go to a road course, learn to drive your car, learn to take it to it's limits

But hey if you want to go fast in a straight line, to each their own, but for those 8-14 seconds, you risk breaking a hell of a lot of stuff haha

So true.

I cant stand straight liners. Im tired of seeing stupid high HP/TQ cars that cant do anything because they spin 1-3 gears. I mean its cool to push those limits in a street car I just dont find it too fun. I have two friends that have a 1000whp supra and a soon to be 1700whp+ TT Viper and they cant drive it other than in the summer and must be super careful on the throttle and cant race unless rolling from 60-70mph on slicks. whatever happened to the drivers car? :ugh2:

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 10:45 AM

Different strokes for different folks. :)

b1adesofcha0s 02-28-2013 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Khoi@AAMComp (Post 2188929)
when you double the power of a car and don't upgrade other parts to go along with it, it essentially becomes an unsafe straight line car lol..

I have this conversation with a lot of customers, but everyone loves to go fast in a straight line, it's a measurable way of saying hey my car is cooler than yours, or the internet version, hey my d!ck is bigger than yours. Take your car, do some stuff to it, but go to a road course, learn to drive your car, learn to take it to it's limits

But hey if you want to go fast in a straight line, to each their own, but for those 8-14 seconds, you risk breaking a hell of a lot of stuff haha

For those 8-14 seconds, you're free :icon17:

Yeah this is pretty much what I'm doing now. Got bored of straight line drag racing and now I'm doing road courses to improve my driving skills. I'll be doing the same for whatever car I get next.

eastwest2300 02-28-2013 10:53 AM

hey cody, you know after reading these posts, I thought, why not FI the honda s2000? you ever work on a honda?

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 2188998)
hey cody, you know after reading these posts, I thought, why not FI the honda s2000? you ever work on a honda?

I don't think it's worth it. :rofl2:

MyKindaGuise 02-28-2013 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 2188998)
hey cody, you know after reading these posts, I thought, why not FI the honda s2000? you ever work on a honda?

Never have but Hondas are easy and cheap to do. They are also catalog cars meaning everything is pretty cut and dry and could piece together a good build with very little effort. I would need to research it and do some reading but I have a few friends that are Honda nuts. I even know a guy with a 800whp s2k :driving:

eastwest2300 02-28-2013 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 2189011)
I don't think it's worth it. :rofl2:

I think it is, I could see myself having this car for a good 7 to 10 years, easily.

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise (Post 2189016)
Never have but Hondas are easy and cheap to do. They are also catalog cars meaning everything is pretty cut and dry and could piece together a good build with very little effort. I would need to research it and do some reading but I have a few friends that are Honda nuts. I even know a guy with a 800whp s2k :driving:

800whp at 8k rpm. At 6k... 100whp. :bowrofl:

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 2189018)
I think it is, I could see myself having this car for a good 7 to 10 years, easily.

Meh. If you really want to turbo it, look at PTuning's kit. They actually have a really nice one that maintains a decent power curve. ~450whp and ~250lb-ft, but it's a fairly flat torque curve above 3k or so.

The trouble is, if you want to make real power, the car is just so peaky. I'd much rather drop an LS series engine in there and figure out how to correct the balance.

MyKindaGuise 02-28-2013 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 2189021)
800whp at 8k rpm. At 6k... 100whp. :bowrofl:

haha its not that absurd. Ill have to find the dyno sheet on facebook.

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 11:02 AM

I was being facetious... partially. Red__Zed's 698whp graph is pretty funny.

b1adesofcha0s 02-28-2013 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 2189018)
I think it is, I could see myself having this car for a good 7 to 10 years, easily.

But you don't even drive fast, why spend all that money to go FI?

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 2189037)
But you don't even drive fast, why spend all that money to go FI?

Well, the kit would look great in his living room. :stirthepot:

Red__Zed 02-28-2013 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 2189011)
I don't think it's worth it. :rofl2:

doing it or dedicating the two years to learning?

MyKindaGuise 02-28-2013 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 2189026)
Meh. If you really want to turbo it, look at PTuning's kit. They actually have a really nice one that maintains a decent power curve. ~450whp and ~250lb-ft, but it's a fairly flat torque curve above 3k or so.

The trouble is, if you want to make real power, the car is just so peaky. I'd much rather drop an LS series engine in there and figure out how to correct the balance.

I would be okay with an LS swap....really okay.

I found a guy local to me selling an Audi 4.2fsi+ecu+harness+AWD tranny for 12k with 35k miles. If it would fit nicely that would make a disgusting s2k. chances are it would be a nightmare. Ill loook into the boosted s2k subject though. It would be a fun car to have.

eastwest2300 02-28-2013 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise (Post 2189016)
Never have but Hondas are easy and cheap to do. They are also catalog cars meaning everything is pretty cut and dry and could piece together a good build with very little effort. I would need to research it and do some reading but I have a few friends that are Honda nuts. I even know a guy with a 800whp s2k :driving:

I say lets do something..

eastwest2300 02-28-2013 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 2189037)
But you don't even drive fast, why spend all that money to go FI?

I drive faster than you troll.. you and your 45mph in "your" lambo...:facepalm:

eastwest2300 02-28-2013 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise (Post 2189043)
I would be okay with an LS swap....really okay.

I found a guy local to me selling an Audi 4.2fsi+ecu+harness+AWD tranny for 12k with 35k miles. If it would fit nicely that would make a disgusting s2k. chances are it would be a nightmare. Ill loook into the boosted s2k subject though. It would be a fun car to have.

we could work something out, and actually during the carlisle event, we could talk about it there.

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 11:08 AM

I'm telling you Dee... look up PTuning and Inlinepro. They are local (NOVA) and have the S2K figured out.

b1adesofcha0s 02-28-2013 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 2189046)
I drive faster than you troll.. you and your 45mph in "your" lambo...:facepalm:

eastwest2300 02-28-2013 11:10 AM

I'll check it out, but honestly, I'd rather have me cody and pat work on a project..

MyKindaGuise 02-28-2013 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by m4a1mustang (Post 2189055)
I'm telling you Dee... look up PTuning and Inlinepro. They are local (NOVA) and have the S2K figured out.

A kit would be reliable for the most part and probably have thekinks worked out. maybe get an email for price of the kit and we can install for you.

eastwest2300 02-28-2013 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 2189061)


eastwest2300 02-28-2013 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by MyKindaGuise (Post 2189064)
A kit would be reliable for the most part and probably have thekinks worked out. maybe get an email for price of the kit and we cna install for you.

I'll look into it..

m4a1mustang 02-28-2013 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 2189063)
I'll check it out, but honestly, I'd rather have me cody and pat work on a project..

No offense to those guys, but PTuning has put a lot of R&D into their kit. It seems more practical to me to just have them install and tune should you go with their kit.

InlinePro has more DIY friendly kits, though.

b1adesofcha0s 02-28-2013 11:13 AM

Steve tried to keep up with me when leaving GB, but then gave up :icon17:
and he had to go the other way on 50

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