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Pintsize725 11-27-2014 10:14 AM

Happy Turkey day, family!

LunaZ 11-27-2014 10:21 AM

Happy Thanksgiving my Ziggaz!

No offense meant if you don't celebrate gluttony and tyranny.

I slept in for the first time this year. It was nice.
I looked at my phone and freaked out when I saw I had a Google card that was telling me I was late for this morning's Turkey Trot. Luckily, I didn't register for any races today. Actually, luck had nothing to do with it.

Gonna spend the day in sweats, drinking coffee made up of mostly Bailey's, Kahlua and Jameson, d!cking around on my computer editing photos and making new playlists for the salon.
I hear tonight's football game should be pretty good.

Thanks for picking my picture for the calendar. I was really stressed about not having taken any pics of my car this year. None. None at all.
I actually went out and shot that pic 24hrs before the deadline, early in the morning before opening the salon. I made my apprentice drive my car up and down the road where the picture was taken. She didn't complain about that part of her day even though it wasn't in her job description!
It was actually a horrible picture. A lot of post-production magic was applied. Objects were removed, signs are in different places, and I took the weather back a few weeks to a warmer, sunnier day. If anyone is interested, I'll post the original; but not today, because that image is on the salon's computer and my goal is to not go there today.

In fact, the day will only be a success if I manage to avoid putting shoes on today.
That's right, I have no plans for Thanksgiving dinners or social engagements. None. Zero. Zilch. Zip.
And I couldn't be happier.

LunaZ 11-27-2014 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by rooftop (Post 3041946)
I'm testing myself for aids right now

That's still a thing?
The way people have unprotected sex these days, you'd think that AIDS had been cured.

I grew up in the day where we weren't that worried about making babies, but we were more afraid that we'd DIE from having unprotected sex.

LunaZ 11-27-2014 10:59 AM

So what's everyone buying themselves from Z1 today?

Pintsize725 11-27-2014 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by LunaZ (Post 3041991)
So what's everyone buying themselves from Z1 today?

A wish that I could...? Hope your lazy day stays that way!

GaleForce 11-27-2014 11:11 AM

Happy Thanksgiving! I brought the cake.

LunaZ 11-27-2014 11:13 AM



Originally Posted by GaleForce (Post 3042001)
Happy Thanksgiving! I brought the cake.

onzedge 11-27-2014 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by LunaZ (Post 3041991)
So what's everyone buying themselves from Z1 today?

Unfortunately, I do not need anything....

alcheng 11-27-2014 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by LunaZ (Post 3041991)
So what's everyone buying themselves from Z1 today?

i am looking for 2 SD card for my new camera... yup, a DSLR with a dual SD Card slot....

alcheng 11-27-2014 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by GaleForce (Post 3042001)
Happy Thanksgiving! I brought the cake.


Zoren 370 11-27-2014 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by LunaZ (Post 3041991)
So what's everyone buying themselves from Z1 today?

Negotiating for a cold turkey!

Uprev tune.

alcheng 11-27-2014 12:28 PM

hi folks,

just want to send a reminder about ordering the calendar.

Vistaprint is having the special going on, 60% off on wall calendar thus it's about CAD$7.5/pc + S&H.

Last year it works out about $12-$14/pcs and I believe this year is about the same.

Anyway, I would like to be able to place the order before the 30th Nov thus we can have the calendar ship out to you before the new year

Please let me know how many copies do you want as late as on the 30th Nov and please follow the instruction below:

1) Send me a PM titled as "I want (#) copy"
2) In the PM, please write down your legal name and mailing address.

I need to know the quantity therefore I can find the best deal from the printing company.

Once I know the quantity, I can tell the exact cost per calendar and I can decide what shipping method do I use.

You can send me the PM anytime between now til the 30th Nov



onzedge 11-27-2014 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by alcheng (Post 3042066)
hi folks,

just want to send a reminder about ordering the calendar.

Vistaprint is having the special going on, 60% off on wall calendar thus it's about CAD$7.5/pc + S&H.

Last year it works out about $12-$14/pcs and I believe this year is about the same.

Anyway, I would like to be able to place the order before the 30th Nov thus we can have the calendar ship out to you before the new year

Please let me know how many copies do you want as late as on the 30th Nov and please follow the instruction below:

1) Send me a PM titled as "I want (#) copy"
2) In the PM, please write down your legal name and mailing address.

I need to know the quantity therefore I can find the best deal from the printing company.

Once I know the quantity, I can tell the exact cost per calendar and I can decide what shipping method do I use.

You can send me the PM anytime between now til the 30th Nov



Did you get my order?

LunaZ 11-27-2014 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by alcheng (Post 3042066)
hi folks,

just want to send a reminder about ordering the calendar.

Vistaprint is having the special going on, 60% off on wall calendar thus it's about CAD$7.5/pc + S&H.

Last year it works out about $12-$14/pcs and I believe this year is about the same.

Anyway, I would like to be able to place the order before the 30th Nov thus we can have the calendar ship out to you before the new year

Please let me know how many copies do you want as late as on the 30th Nov and please follow the instruction below:

1) Send me a PM titled as "I want (#) copy"
2) In the PM, please write down your legal name and mailing address.

I need to know the quantity therefore I can find the best deal from the printing company.

Once I know the quantity, I can tell the exact cost per calendar and I can decide what shipping method do I use.

You can send me the PM anytime between now til the 30th Nov



Did you get my order?
And thanks for giving one of my spots to someone else.
That's the way it should be. :tup:

alcheng 11-27-2014 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 3042068)
Did you get my order?

yes sir.. received your PM..!!

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