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kenchan 10-24-2014 12:41 PM

i wonder if the racoon that made a pile of crap on my porch last week has ebola... :ugh:

NoLaKrewe 10-24-2014 03:26 PM

Let's be realistic guys, you're at least 7000000x more likely to die in your 370z. You're 5000000x more likely to die for poor dieting. And if you're a man you're prob 9000000x more likely to die from butt hole cancer :X. The only thing Ebola has shown me is that mass hysteria and stupidity go unchecked on social media. That and the media can spread hysteria when they don't Get checked on it

kenchan 10-24-2014 03:30 PM

not for me. my Z is in hibernation.

NoLaKrewe 10-24-2014 03:38 PM

Even with it in hibernation. In a realistic world you're still more likely to die in it. The media sells fear and unfortunately middle America is just uneducated enough to buy ALL of it. They scared white America with Isis but that got boring. So they switched to ebola. Fear sells better then crack to a uneducated mind

UNKNOWN_370 10-25-2014 01:33 PM

If we isolate west Africa, we'll have less control over the situation, when people try to find alternative routes into the USA.

Quarantine for 21 days sucks, but it's the best protocol till we have a better understanding of how to contain this...

Read T 10-26-2014 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 3011422)
i wonder if the racoon that made a pile of crap on my porch last week has ebola... :ugh:

Probably not. But Baylisascaris is a different story...

0101 10-27-2014 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 (Post 3012244)
If we isolate west Africa, we'll have less control over the situation, when people try to find alternative routes into the USA.

That's what the media says, but it's not logical.
How can you get from Africa to America? List the ways.
I can't think of a single 'probable' way without a passport.
If you ban inbound from Africa, and their passport has Africa stamped on it from yesterday, how are they getting in?

Mitco39 10-27-2014 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by 0101 (Post 3013314)
That's what the media says, but it's not logical.
How can you get from Africa to America? List the ways.
I can't think of a single 'probable' way without a passport.
If you ban inbound from Africa, and their passport has Africa stamped on it from yesterday, how are they getting in?

Now if it was Mexico.... lol

Mitco39 10-29-2014 09:22 AM

Heres another good one...

New Jersey nurse: I'll go to court if Maine quarantines me | CTV News

FPenvy 10-29-2014 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Mitco39 (Post 3015633)

i say that she should be executed.

quietly and discretely of course.

another fuckin idiot eleiminated.

problem solved.

Dreadnaught 10-31-2014 12:31 AM


FPenvy 10-31-2014 07:08 AM

so i saw that cunt who working on ebola paitients in africa that wont stay in quarintine on the news yesterday. she's out riding her bike and going on about civil rights........blah blah blah.

bitch it's 2014. you just got a 21 day (most liekly paid) vacation. you have every piece of technology most likely in your home to keep you occupied. probably exercise equipment if needed. shut the fuck up and enjoy it.

me personally, i would be catching up on some serious xbox time :tiphat:

i know this is bad to say but i really hope that bitch has ebola. maybe even gives it to a reporter or two that were right next ot her so then they can sue her for every fuckin cent she's work. and then they survive.

her......well i'll leave that to darwin.

SouthArk370Z 10-31-2014 07:22 AM

The woman has not been shown to be infected. Even if she is infected, the chances of her spreading it are extremely low. Why should we violate her rights just to calm the fears born of ignorance? The sky is NOT falling.

FPenvy 10-31-2014 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z (Post 3017595)
The woman has not been shown to be infected. Even if she is infected, the chances of her spreading it are extremely low. Why should we violate her rights just to calm the fears born of ignorance? The sky is NOT falling.

she was in africa and treating ebola infected people.

her rights for 11 more days vs public health and safety........

she's a nurse, she knows better. she's a selfish bitch and i'm still all for a public execution for her disregard for everyone around her.

yes it sucks that shes stuck inside but it's only 21 days. 10 of which she already completed.

SouthArk370Z 10-31-2014 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by FPenvy (Post 3017605)
she was in africa and treating ebola infected people.

And? As far as anyone can tell, she is not infected.


Originally Posted by FPenvy (Post 3017605)
her rights for 11 more days vs public health and safety........
she's a nurse, she knows better. she's a selfish bitch and i'm still all for a public execution for her disregard for everyone around her.

Please explain how she is a threat to PH&S.


Originally Posted by FPenvy (Post 3017605)
yes it sucks that shes stuck inside but it's only 21 days. 10 of which she already completed.

It's only the Fourth Amendment. ;)

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