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Radar detector

Do police use mainly radar or laser guns over here? As I feel a radar detector equipped car is pointless once hit with a laser gun. I brought my trusty

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Old 10-17-2014, 01:12 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Radar detector

Do police use mainly radar or laser guns over here? As I feel a radar detector equipped car is pointless once hit with a laser gun.

I brought my trusty Snooper S5 radar detector from the UK and it detects K , X, Ka and Ku bands. Just need to locate a windshield mount as I have seemed to lost it. Or perhaps use velcro?
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Old 10-17-2014, 02:17 AM   #2 (permalink)
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They've saved me enough for me to back them. True some frequencies aren't detected until later, but something is better than nothing and I am more than happy with my Passport 9500ix.

And try to find the proper windshield mount, velcro sounds whack.
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Old 10-17-2014, 06:40 AM   #3 (permalink)
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I have a Belltronics and use the velcro to attach it to the dash and I don't leave home with out it
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Old 10-17-2014, 06:42 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by HEK View Post
I have a Belltronics and use the velcro to attach it to the dash and I don't leave home with out it

You'd pick up a ton of range if you raised it off the dash.
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Old 10-17-2014, 07:08 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Limeybastard View Post
Do police use mainly radar or laser guns over here? As I feel a radar detector equipped car is pointless once hit with a laser gun.

I brought my trusty Snooper S5 radar detector from the UK and it detects K , X, Ka and Ku bands. Just need to locate a windshield mount as I have seemed to lost it. Or perhaps use velcro?
In the city here they run some radar but on the expressway, all laser signals all the time from the state guys. I actually gave away my Bel STi Driver to a forum member because it was pointless to have one in my situation. I live outside the city and use highways 99% of the time. On my 350Z I had a Laser Interceptor and it was amazing. Worked flawlessly and I want to get another one for the 370.
Imho you are correct about a radar detector not being of any use if laser is hitting you. It may alert you that it's laser but by that time you are hosed.

I had one like this and it was perfect for it sitting under the mirror.

Last edited by madwi; 10-17-2014 at 07:11 AM.
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Old 10-17-2014, 07:23 AM   #6 (permalink)
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If you don't get a good answer here, try ->

Edit: I looked at one of the forums from the link above and it seems that what method the police use for measuring speed varies widely, especially at the county and city level. I doubt if any one detector is going to see everything. But I didn't dig very deep so YMMV.
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Old 10-17-2014, 08:47 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Most states i crossed from cali to Florida, then up to CT used more radar than Lidar. But main highways i found usually the state cops used lidar and town cops use radar. My beltronics was awesome when i had it just infront of my mirror. i cant count how many times it saved me and how much time it saved me driving accross the country. hands down money well spent. Every now and again i would use the tech display to see what FRQ they were using. I then googled that FRQ to see what it was. I eventually had a mental chart of what was what. air planes, traffic monitoring, toll gates, garage doors, auto doors at CVS, ect.
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Old 10-17-2014, 08:59 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Radar detectors aren't a perfect solution, but when used in conjunction with smart traffic management, they give you enough of an edge to more than justify their cost. Most dangerous/vulnerable times are at night when you're the only car on the road. You're safest when you're in traffic where everyone (or at least one person) is ahead of you and driving as fast as you are. During daylight, my method is to drive the speed limit until someone passes me, then drive the same speed as him until someone else passes us, then drive the same speed as him until someone else passes all of us. Safest when you have a little high-speed caravan of 4 or 5 cars.

Where I live, I've never been hit with a laser.

Mounting....I've always used suction cup mounts on the windshield. The newer cup mount from Escort works very, very well, but by far the best I've ever used is the Blendmount with MirrorTap.

Last edited by MacCool; 10-17-2014 at 09:01 AM.
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Old 10-17-2014, 09:07 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MacCool View Post
Radar detectors aren't a perfect solution, but when used in conjunction with smart traffic management, they give you enough of an edge to more than justify their cost. Most dangerous/vulnerable times are at night when you're the only car on the road. You're safest when you're in traffic where everyone (or at least one person) is ahead of you and driving as fast as you are. During daylight, my method is to drive the speed limit until someone passes me, then drive the same speed as him until someone else passes us, then drive the same speed as him until someone else passes all of us. Safest when you have a little high-speed caravan of 4 or 5 cars.

Where I live, I've never been hit with a laser.

Mounting....I've always used suction cup mounts on the windshield. The newer cup mount from Escort works very, very well, but by far the best I've ever used is the Blendmount with MirrorTap.
I agreee... I got dinged in the middle of the night with no one on the road doing 30 over in a 60 zone (kmh). Charge was dropped to 0-15 and no demerits. Also saved me over 1000 on insurance.

I do the same thing with highway driving with the caravan. I'll cruise up to 115-120 and then if I see a person pass around 125-130 i'll tag along. If they zoom past too quickly I say f-it not worth it. I'll wait till slower - fast pain train comes.

If things go well you can usually get a good rotation. The worst is when a ding-bag will follow you, tail you, then you move over, he passes, then slows right back down.
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Old 10-17-2014, 03:59 PM   #10 (permalink)
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My Beltronics can pick up a cop with radar on about a good 30 seconds before I see the cop, over the hills and around the corner and 360 deg if he is behind.
But I travel back roads mostly and I noticed that most highways in MA have the instant on where the radar goes off if the cop has his hand held unit pointing directly at you so traveling in packs works good as well because he will not pull over a number of cars traveling at the same speed
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Old 10-17-2014, 06:08 PM   #11 (permalink)
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I have a Beltronics radar as well, works great. Usually goes off with the KA band in the city and normal highways, but sometimes on the interstate POP will go off like crazy and I always see a cop. Detects laser pretty good
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Old 10-18-2014, 06:32 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Limeybastard View Post
Do police use mainly radar or laser guns over here? As I feel a radar detector equipped car is pointless once hit with a laser gun.

I brought my trusty Snooper S5 radar detector from the UK and it detects K , X, Ka and Ku bands. Just need to locate a windshield mount as I have seemed to lost it. Or perhaps use velcro?
mr. brit---i'm not a fan of mirror mounts as i feel there is already way too many blind-spots inherent in the design re. windows and mirrors in our beloved zeds...

my very, very cheap solution to my install of the 9500ix was $6.00 on amazon for a sticky-slab mount that rides/sides right along my right most gauge on the dash. the input is on "the wrong side" of the cord butt, the spiral cord wraps itself very nicely around the clock, snuggly, and i've never had an issue with the unit coming loose from the mount...

admittedly, i'm not sure, for sure, if'n it's reading front-to-back, butt, ironically, perhaps, having the radar detector has seemed to slow me down as i don't, in fact, know if it's working...

can't beat six bucks and priceless better views thou...

cheerio, mate
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Old 10-18-2014, 08:47 PM   #13 (permalink)
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I have a Passport 8500ci mounted behind the front bumper cover and the escort ZR4 laser shifters mounted front and back. That way I have protection from radar and lidar.

As stated above, the radar detector will tell you that you just got popped by laser and offers no protection from lidar. The laser shifters will keep you from getting popped by lidar. I've driven coast to coast and have found that I need both.
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Old 10-19-2014, 10:47 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jaybulls View Post
mr. brit---i'm not a fan of mirror mounts as i feel there is already way too many blind-spots inherent in the design re. windows and mirrors in our beloved zeds...

my very, very cheap solution to my install of the 9500ix was $6.00 on amazon for a sticky-slab mount that rides/sides right along my right most gauge on the dash. the input is on "the wrong side" of the cord butt, the spiral cord wraps itself very nicely around the clock, snuggly, and i've never had an issue with the unit coming loose from the mount...

admittedly, i'm not sure, for sure, if'n it's reading front-to-back, butt, ironically, perhaps, having the radar detector has seemed to slow me down as i don't, in fact, know if it's working...

can't beat six bucks and priceless better views thou...

cheerio, mate
Thanks, got any pictures of the said mount and location on your Z?
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Old 10-19-2014, 11:27 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Honestly, it's all about your reaction time when it comes to laser. Just because the cops hit you, doesn't mean they have a reading yet and you have a good split second to brake. You have to understand that when in range and they turn that gun on, if you have a good detector, it's gonna go off, but they have to aim it at certain parts of the car like, head lights or bumbers to get a reading sometimes. I've been hauling *** several times and got hit and have always been able to brake in time and avoid getting nailed. Once a cop hit me and I braked and as I drove past him he yelled out " I almost got you" and I've had a few that would wave or point a finger at me acknowledging that I beat them to the punch. I have a Passport 8500 and it's great.
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