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Minsu 09-24-2014 11:57 AM

I need help with my Fathers Insurance
Does anyone help me with Insurance in NJ.
I need some advice, quote, and some ideas.
Super frustrated right now cause im hitting so many roadblocks.
Any help would be appreciated.

cigarclifford 09-24-2014 12:13 PM


Bking 09-24-2014 12:59 PM

What kind of advice do you need? What happened to your father's insurance?

Isn't it better to talk to different insurance brokers about this?

Haboob 09-24-2014 01:46 PM

Try to dodge the roadblocks. That **** will mess up your car for sure.

wheee! 09-24-2014 01:47 PM


...:icon17: that's so Minsu!

olddudesrule 09-24-2014 01:48 PM

Gotta be a bit more specific with what problems you're having.....

DavidZ370 09-24-2014 01:50 PM

What's Insurance?

jaedub 09-24-2014 01:55 PM

You know 15 minutes could save you 15% or more in car insurance

JARblue 09-24-2014 02:01 PM

Whew! Glad another thread by Minsu came along. I was starting to worry that he had become a productive member of the forum :icon17: :p

Find an insurance broker. They will look at all the different insurances for you. They give you all the numbers. So much easier. GL :tiphat:

scottIN 09-24-2014 02:44 PM

They cancel you because they read your signature on here?

Bad Boy 09-24-2014 02:45 PM

I have Direct General. 23, full coverage/ $160 a month.

Minsu 09-24-2014 02:57 PM

ahh a broker might be a good idea, Iono i guess all the insurance companies want to go paperless so my dad never got his bill in the mail, hes old school so he doesnt pay online and what not. And they were like were gonna cancel the policy. So yea and most other insurance places wont accept people who lapsed in payment as well.
For now i decided to just pay w.e he owed and gonna go shopping for car insurance.
***** be payin way to much for that shindig.

6MT-Z34 09-24-2014 03:07 PM

I still get my paper statements every month but I usually dont look at them since I know I have to pay them either way :shakes head: btw i have AAA insurance

kenchan 09-24-2014 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Minsu (Post 2976917)
Does anyone help me with Insurance in NJ.
I need some advice, quote, and some ideas.
Super frustrated right now cause im hitting so many roadblocks.
Any help would be appreciated.

you sound like that noisy neighbor on the roof looking for roof repairman... with reviews.

Minsu 09-24-2014 03:29 PM

Am I naked or clothed, makes a difference

kenchan 09-24-2014 03:32 PM

im not sure, they cant see you over the phone or online quoting...

DavidZ370 09-24-2014 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 2977233)
im not sure, they cant see you over the phone or online quoting...

Plot twist, THEY CAN

enkei2k 09-24-2014 04:37 PM

I hear Jake from State Farm is a pretty rad dude.

6MT-Z34 09-24-2014 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by enkei2k (Post 2977295)
I hear Jake from State Farm is a pretty rad dude.

But "she" sounds hideous ....lmao

enkei2k 09-24-2014 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by 6MT-Z34 (Post 2977297)
But "she" sounds hideous ....lmao

it's the khakis man...blame the khakis.

6MT-Z34 09-24-2014 04:44 PM


Minsu 09-24-2014 05:18 PM

Sigh there like your family has an outstanding balance from 2011...
da fk?

I call today to set up another policy there like you cant you have a balance
ok then geico you stupid piece of trash
how did the policy from 07/2011 to 11/2011 have a balance of 2800 dollars
and in 1/2012 you let me set up a new policy without ever mentioning the fkin balance?
are you guys retarded?

Fkin ridiculous
just retarded.

Minsu 09-24-2014 05:19 PM

And the kicker was, the policy in 2012 had the SAME PEOPLE and MORE CARS.
there like we sent you letters.

Minsu 09-24-2014 05:19 PM

So fkin pissed right now, been at it with this insurance thing from the moment my fkin asian eyes breathed sunlight now its fkin dark out, im so sick of this ********

JARblue 09-24-2014 05:43 PM

How many insurance companies did you have a balance with? Did you try calling one you didn't have a balance with? Have you called a broker yet? Do you even read my posts? Were your parents in charge of the finances when the payments were missed?

This sounds to me like a life lesson for anyone involved. It pays to be in touch with your finances. It's not their responsibility to make sure you pay. There are very few legitimate excuses for missing a payment on anything.

My personal experience:
( Click to show/hide )
My wife is so in tune with our finances, she would recognize just by the bank balance whether any monthly payment wasn't made. She'd ask why we have an extra $100-200 in our fluff money for the month, and go figure out what didn't get paid.

Now, to be fair, she is a CPA and that stuff takes no effort on her part. For many of us it's much more difficult. I understand this, but I have learned from her that it really is important. I do the admin and finances for a small three employee company we have and let me tell you from personal experience it can be expensive to miss payments.

I took over our own bookkeeping from an accounting firm and didn't get all the information changed over for the credit card billing. I never saw a bill, the firm never called me to tell me they received it, and I went along for two months before I thought about it. I called up the CC company and found thousands of dollars in fees not to mention the actual bill. It was a hard lesson learned and I paid for a portion of it out of my own income since there was no one else to eat it.

I do all the invoicing as well, so can also tell you from the other side that it is frustrating to have to repeatedly badger clients about payment. I sent a damn invoice, and you received it. I should not have to send statements every month reminding you that you should have already paid me.

Sure most of us don't need to check our bank account and reconcile everyday like my wife. But at least once a month you should sit down with ALL of your finances and look at your recent income and expenses. Have a checklist or even an actual budget for your regular income and your regular expenses :twocents:

JARblue 09-24-2014 05:44 PM

Of course, it sucks that insurance companies are stupid. Unfortunately, it sounds like you are at their mercy at the moment.

grandpawmoses 09-24-2014 05:45 PM

True Geico story......I had Geico insurance on a motorcycle for $350/year for five years. Mid year I traded bikes & informed Geico. They sent me a bill for $500 for the balance of the year. I called and complained & they said it was because of my credit score. I said WTF & told them to cancel it. They lowered it to $325/year.

Minsu 09-24-2014 05:56 PM

Jarblue, yea it might be one of those life lessons, trying real hard not to go nuts on these ppl. Wooooosahhhhh

cigarclifford 09-24-2014 06:16 PM

Greeting's Minsu, it touches my heart today seeing all the sincere and compassionate
support from all the 370Z forum members..PM at anytime if I
can be of any additional help or support.....GL amigo....


blackcherry20 09-24-2014 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by jaedub (Post 2977116)
You know 15 minutes could save you 15% or more in car insurance

:icon18: :facepalm: :icon17:

Shawa 09-24-2014 07:35 PM

Progressive my man, they treat me good

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