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1slow370 07-28-2014 11:48 PM

Bad Drivers and the Finger?
Ok so feel free to share your opinion based on experiences(must share wether you recieved or gave said finger) but this all was sparked off while i was driving around today after work in my beater running errands and came to an ugly moment involving an asshat. SOOO I'm cruising in the left lane creeping past a chevy 2500 that had been murdered out on a 2 lane 45mph surface street in the middle of the city (like commercial/apartments) when i notice a challenger with red douche ba- I mean R/T stripes coming up on me fast like 20mph faster than I am going which was 7mph faster than I should have been going (you know normal people speed) and he just halls up on me and doesn't come down to my speed until his head lights disappeared. I speed up a bit more (I don't like to go over +10) and I see him revvin his **** up and down telling me (like an asshat) to move when I have my blinker on and am speeding up to get in front of the truck next to me(the challenger also stepped over to pass me until he realized the other lane is going slower than I was and quick swerved back over (think heating the tires kind of swerving which has to be hella stupid in 4600lb land barge) I finally get over in front of the truck like 15seconds latter and against my better judment I let the birds fly in a nice calm manner as dude floors his 15second car to pass us, he sees birds and slams on his breaks to match speed and cuss at me in another language that i don't speak but I know what puto is. This then was responded to with "slow down you F'n Jackass dumb son of a bitch" said in a Not So Discreet manner (also I'm not a little dude) and then he speeds up changes over 2 turn lanes at the next street and proceeds upon doing the things asshats do down a 25 mile an hour side street and I continue driving home.

so the meat of this post is
1. If you ran into such a situation would you be tempted to give the 1 digit salute(possibly even the twin)?

2. If you were being an asshat would you be offended by receiving one or more displays of corrective criticism(not accedental douchebaggery I mean you were being a full blown tool) ?

3.(more Socal and bigger city prevelant, also depending on where you happen to be driving through) Say you commited to giving a one finger puppet show, how many times do you worry that your audience may irrationally enforce his opinion via a projectile weapon? (I have seen a guy pull a gun on a dude giving him the finger, what can I say some parts of this state ******* blow)

dP3NGU1N 07-29-2014 12:02 AM

1. Specifically to this situation. I'm always pleasantly surprised when people are going faster than I am and I hate people who block up traffic. I would have moved over and just let him be on his way. No I would NOT have flipped him the bird unless he further provoked me after I had let him through.

2. I'm known to ride people pretty hard when they're not going a certain speed and they don't have anyone in front of them. Once again, according to the situation, I would not have been offended. I know when I'm in the wrong and I'm perfectly willing to accept some berating if I deserve it. For example I almost ran a motorcyclist off the road once. Honestly didn't see him but he doesn't know that. He flipped me off and we both went on our way. I didn't lose any sleep over.

3. Once again. Depends on where you are and who's driving. If it really comes down to it I'm always ready to hit the brakes and pit someone. A little damage to my car to get out of a bad situation? No problem with me. I would never stop or get out of my car though. So... am I worried? You bet. Am I prepared for a confrontation? Absolutely. Learned pretty early on in life that actions have consequences. If I'm going to commit an action that's basically meant to incite a response then I better expect a response.

1slow370 07-29-2014 12:08 AM

I have asked to move this to the lounge btw, and i was going 52-53 ish on a busy 45 (foothill in a slow spot) and I am not embellishing when I say he came up about 20-25mph faster than that. Also I am not afraid of a confrontation not involving weapons it's not something I do purely due to how that shiz usually escalates, my only real concern is firearms, but when someone deserves the finger they deserve the mother ******* finger (personal opinion)

SS_Firehawk 07-29-2014 12:19 AM

I box them in when they are in the process of being a d!ckbag. I usually stop better, turn better, and accelerate faster than they can, so it's kinda like playing witha trapped mouse lol. The last guy bothering me was some old truck that damn near crushed my rear bumper while I was cruising at 35mph (the posted speed limit) on a 4 lane road. He did not try to pass, just rode my *** all the way up the street, slowing down then damn near ramming me. I see he has to turn after a mile of doing this and immedietly cut into his turn lane. I come to a complete stop and leasurely turn off my TCS. I revved her up to about 6k and dropped the clutch spitting dirt and rubber all over the front of his truck while wifey yelled at me. I then proceeded to enter a gated community. I'm pretty sure he wasn't happy at all, neither was my Wife, but I had a pretty smug smile as I parked.

1slow370 07-29-2014 12:31 AM

^i have done that once the "my car is an extension of myself, specificaly my middle finger" technique

My favorite version of that though is when in the beater I willl play the "oops it broke" card and throw on the flashers block both lanes and let them experience 2-5 miles of 15mph speeds(so long as it isn't busy wouldn't want to punish an innocent person.

dP3NGU1N 07-29-2014 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by SS_Firehawk (Post 2911795)
I box them in when they are in the process of being a d!ckbag. I usually stop better, turn better, and accelerate faster than they can, so it's kinda like playing witha trapped mouse lol. The last guy bothering me was some old truck that damn near crushed my rear bumper while I was cruising at 35mph (the posted speed limit) on a 4 lane road. He did not try to pass, just rode my *** all the way up the street, slowing down then damn near ramming me. I see he has to turn after a mile of doing this and immedietly cut into his turn lane. I come to a complete stop and leasurely turn off my TCS. I revved her up to about 6k and dropped the clutch spitting dirt and rubber all over the front of his truck while wifey yelled at me. I then proceeded to enter a gated community. I'm pretty sure he wasn't happy at all, neither was my Wife, but I had a pretty smug smile as I parked.

I will say, if you're in the fast lane going speed limit on a 4 lane road you're an absolute c^unt. I never understood why people think they should take up space just because it's there. And the speed limit doesn't justify blocking traffic. Honestly speed limits are simply revenue generators for the city and if you're really going to follow them then get in the slow lane of traffic. If someone's obviously going faster than you, what is the harm of letting them pass? All you're doing is creating a dangerous situation where the other person's incompetence or your own can cause an accident. Even if he were to go around it's still an extra maneuver that can put others at risk.

On the other hand if there's no one else on the road, or if there was traffic all around you where there's no where to go anyway, then, by all means, he's the ******* and you can disregard everything I said previously.

exsanity 07-29-2014 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N (Post 2911821)
I will say, if you're in the fast lane going speed limit on a 4 lane road you're an absolute c^unt. I never understood why people think they should take up space just because it's there. And the speed limit doesn't justify blocking traffic. Honestly speed limits are simply revenue generators for the city and if you're really going to follow them then get in the slow lane of traffic. If someone's obviously going faster than you, what is the harm of letting them pass? All you're doing is creating a dangerous situation where the other person's incompetence or your own can cause an accident. Even if he were to go around it's still an extra maneuver that can put others at risk.

On the other hand if there's no one else on the road, or if there was traffic all around you where there's no where to go anyway, then, by all means, he's the ******* and you can disregard everything I said previously.

1. Technically, it isn't "the fast lane" it is a passing lane and he was passing slower traffic.

2. IMO, the Charger in this situation was causing the "dangerous situation" by tailgating the OP.

exsanity 07-29-2014 01:18 AM

I have been the recipient of "the finger" once.

I was driving in a 75MPH zone on the interstate, cruise control on 85MPH. I came up on a WRX that, at my present velocity of 85MPH, I passed rather quickly. As I pulled past the driver's window, I noticed that they were giving me the one finger salute. :bowrofl:

dP3NGU1N 07-29-2014 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by exsanity (Post 2911824)
1. Technically, it isn't "the fast lane" it is a passing lane and he was passing slower traffic.

2. IMO, the Charger in this situation was causing the "dangerous situation" by tailgating the OP.

Wasn't referring to the OP but... ok. If you take a look at the post I quoted firehawk who was talking about his own experience with someone else. And you can call it whatever you want but if that's what you got out of reading four lines of text you've completely taken the piss.

exsanity 07-29-2014 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N (Post 2911831)
Wasn't referring to the OP but... ok. If you take a look at the post I quoted firehawk who was talking about his own experience with someone else. And you can call it whatever you want but if that's what you got out of reading four lines of text you've completely taken the piss.

You know what, I appologize. My browser didn't load the quoted text when I originally read your post. :tup:

dP3NGU1N 07-29-2014 01:37 AM

No worries, mate.:tiphat:

exsanity 07-29-2014 01:40 AM

In the case of the quoted text, I agree.
Intentionally blocking lanes of traffic because you think people shouldn't be driving fast is not only unsafe, it is illegal.

I always drive in the farthest right lane possible, regardless of the speed I'm going. I move left to pass and immediately move right as soon as the pass is completed.

SS_Firehawk 07-29-2014 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N (Post 2911821)
I will say, if you're in the fast lane going speed limit on a 4 lane road you're an absolute c^unt. I never understood why people think they should take up space just because it's there. And the speed limit doesn't justify blocking traffic. Honestly speed limits are simply revenue generators for the city and if you're really going to follow them then get in the slow lane of traffic. If someone's obviously going faster than you, what is the harm of letting them pass? All you're doing is creating a dangerous situation where the other person's incompetence or your own can cause an accident. Even if he were to go around it's still an extra maneuver that can put others at risk.

On the other hand if there's no one else on the road, or if there was traffic all around you where there's no where to go anyway, then, by all means, he's the ******* and you can disregard everything I said previously.

I was in a residential neighborhood next to a park in the right hand lane. Cops are up and down that street. I move over for faster traffic... On the freeway. On a city street, f@ck you. I'm usually moving fairly quickly and the backup isn't me. But there are places I don't speed. Parks, schools and speed traps.

If you're referring to my traffic blocking; speeding is not a problem to me. Aggressively driving through traffic, cutting people off, and a common disregard for anyone around them is what grinds me. I'm generally passive until that point

Edit: Removed remarks. Browser was cut off and didn't see last paragraph. Btw , your opinion doesn't bother me. Keep thinking whatever you want.

exsanity 07-29-2014 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by SS_Firehawk (Post 2911847)
I was in a residential neighborhood next to a park in the right hand lane. Cops are up and down that street. I move over for faster traffic... On the freeway. On a city street, f@ck you. I'm usually moving fairly quickly and the backup isn't me. But there are places I don't speed. Parks, schools and speed traps. So you can go eat a fat D!ck until you learn to stop ASSuming what you think happened.

FYI: Apologies are accepted and I'll remove the offending remark if you do as well.

I do hate when people race around on the city streets. That's generally where very bad things happen. Especially in my around where there are a lot of mountain roads.

dP3NGU1N 07-29-2014 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by SS_Firehawk (Post 2911847)
I was in a residential neighborhood next to a park in the right hand lane. Cops are up and down that street. I move over for faster traffic... On the freeway. On a city street, f@ck you. I'm usually moving fairly quickly and the backup isn't me. But there are places I don't speed. Parks, schools and speed traps. So you can go eat a fat D!ck until you learn to stop ASSuming what you think happened.

FYI: Apologies are accepted and I'll remove the offending remark if you do as well.

If you're referring to my traffic blocking; speeding is not a problem to me. Aggressively driving through traffic, cutting people off, and a common disregard for anyone around them is what grinds me. I'm generally passive until that point

No, it's fine, you can leave it. It speaks loads about your character.

SS_Firehawk 07-29-2014 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N (Post 2911850)
No, it's fine, you can leave it. It speaks loads about your character.

Revised. But go ahead and continue be the forum expert on character interpretation throught text.

1slow370 07-29-2014 02:55 AM

In my case i was already going 7 over on one of the busiest streets in the IE and came up on me like i wasnt moving. I mean 9-10 cars in a couple seconds. As for the left lane slow traffic stuff believe me i know i grew up in the north midwest where people actually know how to drive compared to down here where blinkers are almost ******* optional, the right lane is for passing, everyone is out to get ahead of everyone else, and sleeping at the light is like some kind of sport. Dont get me started on the guys how cali roll a right turn on red when there are cars making a ******* u turn in front of them. Right of way is not something you decide it is ******* rule you were supposed to learn in drivers ed. I have been driving for 8-9 years now and have never been in an accident. I seriousley was pissed when i moved here and my car insurance more than doubled and now after a year and a half i know why.

Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk

1slow370 07-29-2014 03:01 AM

I just came up with a great idea, give me back my right to own w/e gun i want, but permanently take the drivers license from anyone who causes an accident that results in the hospitalization, maming, or death of another person, or who causes more than $120,000 in damages in an accident.

Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk

1325 07-29-2014 03:43 AM

I give the bad drivers and finger awards to taxi drivers.

Mt Tam I am 07-29-2014 10:27 AM

If you carry a gun, do not ever give the finger.

1slow370 07-29-2014 11:26 AM

I would never carry one on me in my car because if you drive through pomona or a couple other areas and get pulled over you will be harassed that's just how it's gonna be.

kenchan 07-29-2014 12:58 PM

some loser in a saturn gave me the finger even though i let him in front of me in my lane
at a merge.

i was kinda confused about that one. he mustve been mad at himself while i was enjoying my life in my Z. :D

Mitco39 07-29-2014 01:10 PM

I lost my cool on sunday driving on a divided highway in my Z. I was following this car for a solid hour or so on my way back to the city when out of nowhere it decides to pour out a full cup of what I assume to be pop. I got the mist of it all over the front of my car. After just paying quite a bit of money to get it detailed I went off the rails and he got both birds a couple times. I got right up and close to him so he could see how upset I was and then he tried to brake check me which only upset me more.

I rarely get that upset, but when someone throws something out of their window and it hits my car its game on. He wouldnt make eye contact with me when I got up beside him which did help cool me down a little.

Either way I think that was the second time since I started driving that I flipped the bird. You have to really go out of your way or do someone like that to get to me.

Looking back on it now I probably overreacted but there was a mist of liquid all over the front of my car.

kenchan 07-29-2014 02:46 PM

mitco - in the US, tossing tragectory out the window of a car can land you in jail. that said, i would definitely report it to police next time. :D

Mitco39 07-29-2014 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 2912544)
mitco - in the US, tossing tragectory out the window of a car can land you in jail. that said, i would definitely report it to police next time. :D

Yeah I probably should have. Was just pretty rattled at the time and it was right before my exit. At that rate I would have been equally in trouble for driving like a douche around him to make my point known that I was very unhappy.

JARblue 07-29-2014 03:56 PM

Just yesterday I had someone speed through a yield sign to cut me off and then immediately turn left. He was giving me the bird the entire way :icon14:

I just sped around him with a squeal of the tires to thank him for his disrespectful maneuver.

1slow370 07-29-2014 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 2912544)
mitco - in the US, tossing tragectory out the window of a car can land you in jail. that said, i would definitely report it to police next time. :D

nah they have to throw it at you not dump it and you drive through it. If he had pitched a soda backhand towards you then maybe. He may have gotten litering but if he didn't dump the cup too they might not get him for liquids.

that sucks though i would have followed him and asked for 5 bucks for a touchless so the acid doesn't kill your paint. edit: 50-50 if i would have flipped him off, just detailed yeah i probably would have, spend a couple hundred bucks cleaning a car so some douche can pitch a big gulp on it.

Tadpole 07-29-2014 08:13 PM

I have had the one finger salute to me on 3 occasions. It's the asstards that block traffic in the left lane. Move the eff over and let me by. These self righteous a holes chap my hide. After I get the finger from them I blow them a kiss and then it's ta ta.

brandonb370 07-29-2014 08:20 PM

I normally substitute the finger for a "jacking off" motion. Followed by some dancing and trolling. No need to get pissed at drivers. :)

dP3NGU1N 07-30-2014 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tadpole (Post 2912930)
I have had the one finger salute to me on 3 occasions. It's the asstards that block traffic in the left lane. Move the eff over and let me by. These self righteous a holes chap my hide. After I get the finger from them I blow them a kiss and then it's ta ta.

Hear hear, that **** doesn't happen in Europe. If you're blocking the passing lane they'll let you know until you move. Then they'll let you know what a **** bag you are as they drive by, and so will every person after them that was held up.

It's a self regulating system once you have enough people on board.

Hell the rule even applies to things like escalators and other pedestrian walk ways. There's always a space left specifically for people who need to pass by. This is true for every country I've been too EXCEPT the US.

kenchan 07-30-2014 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by 1slow370 (Post 2912894)
nah they have to throw it at you not dump it and you drive through it. If he had pitched a soda backhand towards you then maybe. He may have gotten litering but if he didn't dump the cup too they might not get him for liquids.

that sucks though i would have followed him and asked for 5 bucks for a touchless so the acid doesn't kill your paint. edit: 50-50 if i would have flipped him off, just detailed yeah i probably would have, spend a couple hundred bucks cleaning a car so some douche can pitch a big gulp on it.

oh, i thought mitco's car got hit by a soda can toss from the car in front of him.

1slow370 07-30-2014 12:48 PM

I've always thought it would be funny if someone going 5 under in the left lane called in to the police about a car behind them flashing their lights at him, and the police sent the guy filing the complaint a ticket for obstructing traffic.

Mitco39 07-30-2014 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 2913616)
oh, i thought mitco's car got hit by a soda can toss from the car in front of him.

Nope just dumped out a full cup of fountain soda.

kenchan 07-30-2014 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mitco39 (Post 2913633)
Nope just dumped out a full cup of fountain soda.

still maddening. :mad:

1slow370 07-30-2014 01:24 PM

yeah i can't say really what i would do but the internal fury inside me after spending 150+ on a good detail job and then getting a soda dumped on it would not be insignificant.

SR71 07-30-2014 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by 1slow370 (Post 2913618)
I've always thought it would be funny if someone going 5 under in the left lane called in to the police about a car behind them flashing their lights at him, and the police sent the guy filing the complaint a ticket for obstructing traffic.

(Never mind the guy talking, who may or not be retarded.) Ooooh damn yo! lol

RoyaltyB 08-02-2014 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by brandonb370 (Post 2912934)
I normally substitute the finger for a "jacking off" motion. Followed by some dancing and trolling. No need to get pissed at drivers. :)

Thank you Brandon, I think I will employ this method the next time I run into a douche bag on the road. And here in SoCal it won't be long before I can use it. :tup:

brandonb370 08-03-2014 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by RoyaltyB (Post 2917337)
Thank you Brandon, I think I will employ this method the next time I run into a douche bag on the road. And here in SoCal it won't be long before I can use it. :tup:

It works every time.. :) Good luck with the results.. I have had many mixed feelings from people who have received my motions. Mostly EXTREME break checking, getting out of their car and threatening to "jack my *** off".. Etc..

1slow370 08-04-2014 05:00 AM

well i realized today that i need an easier way to let bad drivers know they suck, i would seriously get tendonitis down here if i had to rely on hand gestures today i got to see a lifted diesel switch right 2 lanes on the freeway going roughly 90-95ish and when he changed back i swear he lifted an inside tire on a packed freeway racing a gen 3 eclipse at 12:30am on the 10 What the hell goes through peoples heads down here? Screwing around on an empty road is one thing, almost rolling your 9000lbs of utility vehicle playing sports car with people who aren't involved(and wished you couldn't breed) around is another thing entirely.

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