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molamann 09-17-2009 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Red370 (Post 202131)
Neither. Right now, the Air Force and Navy are downsizing and involuntarily seperating thousands. If you want to stagnate at E-4 for 5 or 6 yrs, join the AF. If you want to rank up based on your test taking ability, join the navy. If you want to get promoted based on job performance and leadership ability, join the Army. Soldiers can go from E-1 to E-6 in 4 yrs, based on the job. Unless your the type that wants to avoid conflict and collect college benefits and a paycheck for sitting behind a desk. Make the smart career decision here, join the ARMY!! And yes, I was a recruiter. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

He's becoming an officer. I know officers are also downsizing but I think he's quite safe with his career route.

Red370 09-17-2009 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by molamann (Post 202320)
He's becoming an officer. I know officers are also downsizing but I think he's quite safe with his career route.

but didnt he use the term "enlisting"? not "commissioning"? and I believe the Army/Marine officer corps promote faster than the AF/Navy

carguyg35 09-17-2009 06:25 PM

The air force is no longer downsizing. The air force is trading planes for people. Less F-22s and more Airmen. But yes air force enlisted promotion rates are well behind other branches. However, becoming an Air Force Officer is a great choice. You don't have to deal with promotion testing you will get promoted at your 2 year point then again at your 4 year point. And those are big pay raises. AFROTC is the best way to get in for the officer route. OTS is much harder to get into. They only take the top 20% of applications. And yes technical degrees are in demand for the air force.

Ajboricua 09-17-2009 08:35 PM

Thanks for all the reply guys and the information you guys provided is very informative. I'm still doing research on the AF and navy, and I know these branches promote are a slower rate than the Army or Marines. The military benefits are awesome and I do want help for my college tuition but I'm not joining the military to pay for my college, if I were too wouldn't I want to join the National Guard which offered a lot of college benefits ;)? It's a goal of mines, I want the military experience and see the world!

I still have a lot of times to think my final decision.

Mike 09-17-2009 08:59 PM

well, you will see more of the world in the Navy, since ships go everywhere. I loved my 10 years of service, but I was somewhat of a primadonna with the planes I flew, since I only deployed from Hawaii to the West Coast, and from California to Antarctica.

ZCarMan 09-18-2009 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Ajboricua (Post 202696)
Thanks for all the reply guys and the information you guys provided is very informative. I'm still doing research on the AF and navy, and I know these branches promote are a slower rate than the Army or Marines. The military benefits are awesome and I do want help for my college tuition but I'm not joining the military to pay for my college, if I were too wouldn't I want to join the National Guard which offered a lot of college benefits ;)? It's a goal of mines, I want the military experience and see the world!

I still have a lot of times to think my final decision.

Don't forget about the Air Force and Navy Reserves. That is also an option.

XwChriswX 09-18-2009 01:58 PM

I think I could chime in with my info, being that I am currently AF for 6 years and serving another 5 right now.

My thoughts -

NAVY - Good school if you go to Annapolis (Can't say for NROTC, but I can't imagine it being any worse...

AF - Good school if you go to the Academy (AFROTC Is not bad either)

I Love serving in the military. I really do. I'm a bit of a historian, and an AF Junkie you could say cause I love all things flying and the history and all that. And I love military movies and the brotherhood of the military. I was the kid watchin the military movies and wanting to be those guys who've got best friends forever cause of what they went through together. Even now movies like Black Hawk Down, Band of Brothers, Patton, Saving Private Ryan (Before they find Matt Damon), those are what get me soggy chinned... Cause I love that sort of stuff.

Now, the military today is NOT what you would think. It is not a machine that when it gets revved up into action it is an unstoppable force. Not anymore. It is a chained animal, but not by laws or government... But by it's own incompetance. Here's what I mean... FOR EXAMPLE:

I reenlisted in March of this year... Lucily enough, I was able to get a Re-enlistment bonus based on my career field and how low manned it was for me to stay. Cool right, $36,000 not bad! Shouldn't be a big deal, just like winning a golf tourney, where's my check right?! WRONG. A month goes by, still no check... I go to finance (I'll explain my original point here in a second), they say that they never received the reenlistment contract paperwork that I signed to give me a bonus... OK No big deal, I'll walk to the NEXT BUILDING OVER to Re-Enlistments and ask them WTF? So They said, then ran the papers over to finance, finance must have lost them... OOOOOK. So I go over to finance again. They have no recolection of it... So I go BACK to Re-Enlistments and ask them can they send another copy over. They said well its finances goof, but ok they'll do it. Alright, situation averted right? WRONG.

2 weeks go by... Still no $$$ At this point, I'm just a bit perterbed.. I go back over to finance, WTF?! Still no paper... I go over to Re-enlistment, they sent the paper... Finance even Signed for it. I said ok enough. GIVE ME THE PAPER. And I walked it to finance myself, scanned a copy and WATCHED him enter it into the computer. He said, ok it's done... should be 7-10 Buisiness days... OHHHH Right, the AF has moved all of its central finacing into one location in South Dakota, which means the actual 'finance' shop on base has now been Voided of all abilities. So yeah I had to wait another week, but finally I got it.

The point is, you can be the best Officer, Senior NCO, NCO or Airman, but you will still get F-ked over by the lowest of the low. That is our military nowadays. Either that, or everything is done via electroics... Which means when you can't access the one webpage thats designed to give you access to everything, you can't do anything.... It's not fun.

And about the promotion piece, the reason why the AF/Navy have Lower promotion rates is WHAT exactly your being tested on. The reason the Army/Marines have such high rates is because a big portion of their Promotion criteria is PT. Pass your PT test, don't get an Article 15, and your sure to get promoted. Or if your Company First Sgt takes a hit, someones gonna have to get promoted to replace him... Thats how it is.

In the AF from my own experience, and the Navy as well (i think), our testing consists of a Points system. You get rated each year by your supervisor on how good he things you have done based on 5 categories. You need to be a well rounded individual, not just a rifle toater who can do 500 push-ups. They want to see educational advancement, community service, base/squadron representation, and of course solid work performance. You take that plus your awards and decorations, and you get points. You then take 1 test based on general Air Force Knowlege, and 1 based on your particular AFSC/NEC/MOS. Those two test scores, plus your rating scores, give you a number. The AF/Navy then say we can promote XX people this year from Grade A to B. So they take the scores, stack them, and count from the top down XX people. That last person becomes the cutoff score, if you didn't make the cut, you don't get promoted. Simple as that. The AF Actually has a HIGH promotion rate right now. E-5 AF avg this year was 49%. Alot of people are hitting their post 9-11 enlistments and bailing now they got their education. And the rest are getting out cause the AF Ops Temp is getting increased alot. People are deploying more and more, and they don't like that.

Ok, that was alot and I'm really not even close to being done lol. But I don't wanna kill another thread lol. So with that, I'll at least try to end with something comical...

jacobwf 09-18-2009 08:34 PM

i say research ROTC at your college.

blue660r01 09-18-2009 08:57 PM

+1 to ROTC. Before I can say my opinion, what do you want out of your experience?

Graybullet 09-20-2009 05:45 AM

You can't go wrong with either or, but of course I'm going to say AF (bias). Also, I work with many Navy O's, and ...for me, can't get into the "Navy customs and culture" and treating a building as if you were on a ship (terminology, ceremonies, etc). However, these Navy tradition are "history" which dates back during the revolutionary days, while the AF tradition is less than 100 years old.


Originally Posted by molamann (Post 202320)
He's becoming an officer. I know officers are also downsizing but I think he's quite safe with his career route.

For the AF, they completed the downsizing and now just maintaining the numbers. There are talks of possible upsizing.

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