ZMan8 |
04-15-2014 05:12 PM |
Originally Posted by jlo370z
(Post 2782642)
I'm actually thinking of doing something even more drastic
thinking of switching to a galaxy 5, and leaving my relationship with the iPhone
have not been happy at all with my 5
Love my galaxy :tup: I'll probably get the 5 when my upgrade time comes up this summer.
Originally Posted by kenchan
(Post 2782645)
im not sure i'd call corollas, camrys, paseo, celica, etc. exactly exciting? :ugh2:
yah, highlander and sienna both look good for wat they are... but i wouldnt want one.
wat i want next is probably a MINI. that's right, some clown car.
The new mini is :yum:
Originally Posted by b15
(Post 2782681)
I've only had Androids, but my Galaxy S3 has been such a horrid phone I'm considering switching to the Iphone this summer. I currently have Verizon but AT&Ts new plans are quite enticing. I may switch
Why the hate against the s3, mine has been beyond perfect. While my work phone (iphone 4) is :ugh2:
Originally Posted by jlo370z
(Post 2782683)
I've been with AT&T forever, my buddy has a verizon iPhone and we have run some tests. like with gps tracking and phone reception, and the att usually performs better.
there are rumors that the new iPhone 6 will be available in a larger format like the htc/galaxy. if so i may stay. my biggest gripe with my 5 is the home button. it sucks on mine.but wife has no issues
I think if you live near major cities ATT is awesome. It seems most complaints come from people in the middle of nowhere.