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Gran Turismo 5 fans!! Break the Silence
It's official expect preorders in September along with the PS3 slim $299.99 on September 1st. Two clips are of damage and gameplay, around the first few seconds of the second trailer keep an eye out for the 370Z. Pics will be up soon, also the last link is a thread in Gamespot describing Gran Turismo features. Enjoy
PS3 Slim Pics http://www.gamespot.com/images/62155..._below;thumb;1 Gran Turismo 5 Videos Stream - Gamersyde Stream - Gamersyde Gran Turismo 5 details http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/driving/...g=topics;title "Gamescom" Gran Turismo 5 at the latest, released in 2009 August 19 August 18, held in Cologne in Germany from "gamescom" at the Gran Turismo 5 has been announced for the latest information on game design. Here are the following announcement. ■ models included 1,000 vehicles 170 Premium model of the type (interior, corresponding to the damage) 830 kinds of standard model (the Gran Turismo 4 are compatible with models that have carried over from) ■ Recording Course Layout of more than 60 courses with 20 or more ■ physical simulation of vehicle Physical simulation is new Represented a fall in vehicle Damage representation (reproduced in full by the collision deformation) Prius, Insight, hybrid cars and the latest Tesla, to faithfully reproduce the behavior of electric cars ■ arcade mode Single Race 2 player battle ■ GT Mode World Map My Garage Car Dealer CHUNINGUSHOPPU (parts, tires) Car Washes Race Championship (Series system, point system) License Test ■ Online Lobby Open Text / Voice Chat Private rooms ONRAINFOTOARUBAMU ONRAINRIPUREIARUBAMU YouTube to replay output ■ Photo Mode Photo Drive (Circuit) Photo stage (Stage Photo mode only) ■ Gran Turismo TV Video output to a PSP ® PUROGURESSHIBUDAUNRODO Improved user interface Continuous Play ■ Museums The Gran Turismo 5 Prologue version, add more information ■ Sound Custom soundtracks (PS3 save the use of the song) ■ User Interface The Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and the same design concept. The icons change color Able to track the movement of KOKUPITTOKAMERA interface (confirmed in three dimensions can be furnished) |
I will believe it when I see it. This game has been pushed back further and further. But just maybe this is at least a glimmer of hope.
And still no release date.
December is a rumor. Until Sony and/or Polyphony officially announce a release date, anything anyone hears is just rumors and speculation. |
This game is a complete failure of Sony/Polyphony. Just look at the majority of the above responses - there is pure ambivalence towards this title. GT5 would have been great 2 years ago. Now its old news, nobody's excited about it, Forza 3 is coming out and a good chunk of people just got tired of waiting and moved on. The lengthly development time is directly related to the amount of resources put towards getting this title out and that is the failure I mentioned.
I've long since sold my PS3 and kept the XBox. Just about any game worth playing is on both platforms anyway and there is better support through XBL. The PS3 turned into a big paperweight and I really doubt I'll buy one back even after GT5 comes out. |
Yeah man Gt5 is taking forever, but you know i'd rather have them take forever to make a very good game than have them bring out a bad one. Yeah forza 3 is coming but this is Gran Turismo the best freaking most realistic driving game ever, the physics on this game blows forza out of the water. The game is so good that even now i'm still playing GT4. I can't wait to play this game with my HDTV.
Can't WAIT! :happydance:
Umm there are like a million threads about this now ... and there IS a release date - its only rumored for the US... its expected for japan - so if it comes out in japan in end of dec - we cant be too far off...
soo..only 170 of the 1000 vehicles will have damage on them?
PS3 slim looks kinda cool!
Other then Damage Forza does not even compare to Gran Turismo's level of simulation or even graphics and gameplay. Read the Specs and reviews. What you must also remember is Forza 2 was needed for the 360's survival, GT5 was not needed for PS3's. Forza relased twice in less then 4 years Gran Turismo is releasing once in 3 years. Look at the number of cars all with simulated perfection. GT5 imo :tiphat: |
Preorders are expected in September, words from Polyhony's mouth. There's no release, because they are waiting to announce it at TGS in September. People make three years a big *** deal, chill out and just wait it out a couple of months. We are seeing the game which means it's going to come out. When it does everyone will jump the bandwagon and say it was always good. The only release I heard was on Gamestop.com saying Feb.2, but GT5p was announced at TGS in 2007 and was released a couple of months later in December. I'm going off that. |
Official release date is Dec. 22, 2012.
NIICE, finally. and a slim already?!1 oh well, the more the merrier
Just a couple months back one of Polyphony/Sony's reps released a riddle that hinted at the US release for March 2010. I'm going to keep banking on that and if it comes in December(which would kill in the Christmas rush) I'll just be that much happier.
And to the poster who said the PS3 is not a system that's worth it, please tell me how well your XBOX plays Bluray discs...At least you can watch King Kong in HD to your hearts' content. :-P |
Those games aren't enough to close people. 360 is sitting at 30 million units shipped with a 54% failure rate and a year jump start, while PS3 is at 24 million considering price with a good number of exclusives. With the price drop at even for both consoles, 360's failure rates, and PS3's upcoming exclusives which outnumber 360, Microsoft shot themselves in the foot. Anyway your right though a christmas release would be brilliant. I just started a console war thread lmaoooo, I couldn't help the amazement of some people's opinions. |
This article explains PS3 slim's impact on the market.
Sony's Yoshida talks PS3 Slim impact - PlayStation 3 News at GameSpot |
can someone tell me what all the racing games are that are coming out this fall/winter ? I don't have a PS3 so guessing this one's not an option... how about for PC and xb360 ? what's the run-down ?
need for speed shift is out sept 15. looks pretty good im getting it
Forza 3 is out oct 27th then you got blur and dirt 2 but i have no idea about release dates on those really |
here is my opinion on both forza3 and gt5 (note i have every gt game ever made and both forza games). they will both be great games and gt5 will probably look better than forza3 but forza3 has better mechanics. i have come to like forza alot more because of one simple fact, the controller. now assuming you aren't using a steering wheel to play either game then forza definatley wins. this is because on an xbox controller you can actually feather the throttle by using the triggers for gas and brake, where as on a ps3 controller all you have is an x and b button and its either press button on don't no half way there. another thing i should say is i feel that forza is much easier to pick up for someone new to the simulator genre, with the racing line and whatnot, plus no stupid driving test you have to do. i would also like to say i have tried the steering wheels on both games (forza2 and gt4) and seem to always go back to the controllers. my xbox steering wheel seemed to be calibrated wrong so i took it back and got another only to have the same problem. the logitech wheel i had for the ps2 worked better than the xbox one but i could always do better using the controller. one other note i would like to add is that gt5 will have nascar in it.
Every important exclusive from the PS2 days is on xbox now minus GT. Xbox has there own version and its done quite well! Xbox did not need Forza to survive at all are serious. Last numbers to come from Xbox 360 units shipped was from March 09 at 30 million. Last update about PS3 numbers shipped worldwide was from this Month at 24 million. THAT IS A 5 MONTH GAP. The HD format war hurt microsoft. The failure rate really didnt 54% with 100% return rate the service is so fast you get your another console back in 2 weeks. Taken from GT Planet! Quote:
I am waiting to see how well the Slim does performance-wise while playing Bluray. I am not in the market for it, seeing as I already have the 80gig backwards compatible unit, but for some reason I don't feel like it will have 100% of the processing power that the big brother does...Maybe I'll be wrong. And seriously, the XBOX 360 is not a God System. It is needed by an avid gamer just as much as the PS3 and the PC. |
Of course most exclusives that Sony had are on Xbox, because Xbox can't make any exclusives so all they do is buy into multi-platform games. It is such a pathetic system you get charged to play online those multi-platform games your xbox is holding on to. MGS, FF12, Tekken 6 you can have them all, the sales rates will show they sell better on PS3. PS3 really doesn’t have any exclusives your right on that. Here’s why they don’t just to name a few. Rating User Score Resistance 8.6/10 8.7/10 Resistance 2 9.0/10 8.8/10 Killzone2 9.0/10 9.1/10 Little Big Planet 9.0/10 9.2/10 MGS4 "goty" 10/10 9.4/10 MLB 07 the show 8.2/10 8.4/10 MLB 08 the show 8.5/10 8.8/10 MLB 09 the show 9.0/10 8.9/10 Infamous 9.0/10 9.0/10 Uncharted 8.0/10 9.0/10 GT5p 7.5/10 8.0/10 Ratchet and Clank 7.5/10 8.8/10 Ratchet and ClankQB 7.5/10 8.2/10 Warhawk 8.5/10 8.6/10 Socom 6.5/10 7.7/10 Heavenly Sword 8.0/10 8.4/10 Disgea 3 7.5/10 8.6/10 Ridge Racer 7 8.0/10 7.6/10 Ninja Gaiden Sigma 9.0/10 8.6/10 Motor Storm 7.9/10 8.1/10 Motor Storm Pacific 8.0/10 8.6/10 soon to come God of War 3 Demon's Soul Heavy Rain Uncharted 2 Little Big Planet 2 Gran Turismo 5 Final Fantasy 13 versus Fianl Fantasy 14 MAG Agent Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Kingdom Hearts 3 Jak and Daxter Ratchet and Clank CIT :stirthepot: |
Porsche is indeed not in GT5, but RUF is in it.
Im talking blockbusters not MLB The Show. Viva Counters Little big planet Halo counters every shooter there if that doesnt satisfy Gears does. Im talking the exclusives that make people want to buy the system. The blockbusters are multi-platform now. Madden will probably sell more on Xbox its the sports console. As for online and playing many will tell you that they would rather play for a more stable online experience over laggy. Just check Tekken Zaibatsu Many people bought the PS3 initially for Tekken I am a tekken fan but I have no reason to go over to PS3 as I can get it for my Xbox. If you look around that forum you will see that many say they will get it for both systems or just xbox for the more stable online play. Free doesnt always equal better. These kinda of debats pop up all the time when talking about the Z versus cayman. GT-R versus 911 is the price worth it to me it is. |
"Halo counters every shooter there if that doesnt satisfy Gears does." Typical typical typical fanboy, Do not start Halo and Gears debates with every one of those blockbuster titles, yes every one of them. Enjoy having a milk of Halo and repetitive gears. Viva pinata over little big planet, you do release what you said right? Little big planet is game of the year. Along with MGS4 which xbox does NOT get. Why do 360 fanboys go back to retaliation instead of agreeing maybe there would be no console war, but most 360 owners I know all have the same opinion at everything. Until the numbers and facts come out, they still don't agree. Laggy online? what lag? There's more lag on Halo then their is on most games i've played. I have Wi-fi two PS3's online and Dlink Gamerlounge and I still rarely get lag. LOL Viva counters Little big planet lmfaoooooo |
I'll stick with muh Forza 3
I just call ******** on Sony when they claimed that GT5 was going to release with the launch of the PS3 and then for the next couple years just show a bunch of trailers for the game. It's like people are waiting for a release date of the release date. |
woah so much hate ... lol I have 2 ps3s an xbox and a wii... you guys are tripping man... PS3 has better hardware - the software is tied as the game devs are lazy and want to write X86 code on the xbox and port it to the ps3 which is bad cus it does not utilize the ps3s cell arch... with that aside... the reason ps3 exclusives are a cut above the 360 exclusives is due to the fact that those games are MADE for the cell processors... and not for a typical PC (your xbox)... The PS3 also HAPPENS to be able to play blu-ray - **** why the hell not... It still costs just about the same as the xbox. Not to mention... everyone w/ an xbox is paying AT LEAST 50$ a year extra just to have live... ps3 its free... so in 2 years you have already made up for the cost increase.
Honestly I have all the exclusives for both - while mass effect / etc are cool games... they just cant compare to the complexity of what the PS3 can do... just look at the ps2 and god of war 2 - they are still not using the ps2s full potential and its been around for what 7 years? ... xbox will go through another revision before the ps3 even thinks about changing... Dont start the whole forza vs GT nonsense - GT has been at it a lot longer and I have both w/ racing wheel setups (G25 and a pro for the xbox) - and let me tell you... i will take GT5 Prologue over Forza ANYDAY... this is from someone who habitually races on both of them - i could not care about the online component - all i care about is its simulation. |
My PS3 lags WAY more than my 360. LIVE is by far a better service than the PSN. It's true when they say you get what you pay for. I lol'd at Viva Pinata being better than LBP... LBP is AWESOME, and one of the reasons I bought a PS3. Can't wait for Mod Nation Racers. I also lol'd at the list of exclusives you put up. Most of those games sucked. Just because they're exclusives doesn't mean they're good (you know, like Halo... even though it's way better than that crap Resistance). You gotta think, there's a reason why former exclusives moved on to the 360... |
LMAO ... I work in graphics all day long... I play more games than you can imagine... Not only do I play the games but I also develop the crap that makes these games run... I can tell you first hand that the PS3 is FAR superior to the XBOX in HW... no question about it.. the XBOX is an outdated PC... heck any old PC these days will womp a 360 in performance.
Halo is the lamest game ever made - soo many graphical issues ... and it looks like *** too... gameplay is trite and gets boring VERY fast... gears was better but gears 2 is just a glorified gears 1... resistance looks and feels (more subjective) than Halo / gears any day... R1 came out w/ the PS3 and is extremely epic still.. THE ONLY REASON exclusives moved the 360 is because its easier to write games for a xbox and port it across PCs and if need be a PS3 than it is to optimize for the PS3 and port to the XBOX... also game companies are afraid of the lead time it would take them to fully understand the HW specs and limitations of the PS3... its going to take them even longer to understand how to fully use the PS3's potential as writing games using vector processing is different and unheard of until now. In 2 years the games coming out for the PS3 will need xbox to go make the xbox 480 or whatever the hell they wanna call it... the PS3 will shine - it will just take time... |
micorsoft said at E3 that they wouldn't be making another xbox till 2012-2013
Next Xbox 720 to launch in 2011-2012 according to Microsoft - Video Games Blogger |
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