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Devil Z 08-20-2009 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Asheth (Post 160190)
Im talking blockbusters not MLB The Show. Viva Counters Little big planet

Halo counters every shooter there if that doesnt satisfy Gears does. Im talking the exclusives that make people want to buy the system. The blockbusters are multi-platform now. Madden will probably sell more on Xbox its the sports console.

As for online and playing many will tell you that they would rather play for a more stable online experience over laggy. Just check Tekken Zaibatsu Many people bought the PS3 initially for Tekken I am a tekken fan but I have no reason to go over to PS3 as I can get it for my Xbox. If you look around that forum you will see that many say they will get it for both systems or just xbox for the more stable online play.

Free doesnt always equal better. These kinda of debats pop up all the time when talking about the Z versus cayman. GT-R versus 911 is the price worth it to me it is.

If 360 is the sports console then why does PS3 have a blockbuster MLB franchise?

"Halo counters every shooter there if that doesnt satisfy Gears does." Typical typical typical fanboy, Do not start Halo and Gears debates with every one of those blockbuster titles, yes every one of them. Enjoy having a milk of Halo and repetitive gears. Viva pinata over little big planet, you do release what you said right? Little big planet is game of the year. Along with MGS4 which xbox does NOT get. Why do 360 fanboys go back to retaliation instead of agreeing maybe there would be no console war, but most 360 owners I know all have the same opinion at everything. Until the numbers and facts come out, they still don't agree. Laggy online? what lag? There's more lag on Halo then their is on most games i've played. I have Wi-fi two PS3's online and Dlink Gamerlounge and I still rarely get lag. LOL Viva counters Little big planet lmfaoooooo

Zerafian 08-20-2009 07:32 AM

I'll stick with muh Forza 3

SManZ 08-20-2009 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by 300ShooTTer (Post 159827)
And to the poster who said the PS3 is not a system that's worth it, please tell me how well your XBOX plays Bluray discs...At least you can watch King Kong in HD to your hearts' content. :-P

Easy. It doesn't play BluRay and I give not a damn. PS3 fanboys always point out that their VIDEO GAME system plays HD movies as if that is the saving grace for this platform. If I want to play BluRay movies I'll buy a BluRay player. If I want to play games, I won't be looking for a PS3. If the PS3 happens to be the cheapest/best BluRay player if/when I get into the market for one I'll buy a BluRay player.

bboypuertoroc 08-20-2009 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by ct63084 (Post 159002)
Yeah forza 3 is coming but this is Gran Turismo the best freaking most realistic driving game ever, the physics on this game blows forza out of the water.

Absolutely NOT. GT is trash compared to Forza. Prologue plays like complete ****. It's still bumper cars and crappy AI.

bboypuertoroc 08-20-2009 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Devil Z (Post 159713)
Maybe you need to relax, you sound like an upset fanboy.

Preorders are expected in September, words from Polyhony's mouth. There's no release, because they are waiting to announce it at TGS in September. People make three years a big *** deal, chill out and just wait it out a couple of months. We are seeing the game which means it's going to come out. When it does everyone will jump the bandwagon and say it was always good. The only release I heard was on saying Feb.2, but GT5p was announced at TGS in 2007 and was released a couple of months later in December. I'm going off that.

Upset fanboy? LMAO... GT is crap. I haven't liked them since GT3 (GT4 and GT5P sucks balls). Sure, I'm gonna buy it when it comes out, but Forza blows all the GT games ut the water.

I just call ******** on Sony when they claimed that GT5 was going to release with the launch of the PS3 and then for the next couple years just show a bunch of trailers for the game. It's like people are waiting for a release date of the release date.

bboypuertoroc 08-20-2009 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by BanningZ (Post 159733)
Official release date is Dec. 22, 2012.

According to who?

shabarivas 08-20-2009 01:28 PM

woah so much hate ... lol I have 2 ps3s an xbox and a wii... you guys are tripping man... PS3 has better hardware - the software is tied as the game devs are lazy and want to write X86 code on the xbox and port it to the ps3 which is bad cus it does not utilize the ps3s cell arch... with that aside... the reason ps3 exclusives are a cut above the 360 exclusives is due to the fact that those games are MADE for the cell processors... and not for a typical PC (your xbox)... The PS3 also HAPPENS to be able to play blu-ray - **** why the hell not... It still costs just about the same as the xbox. Not to mention... everyone w/ an xbox is paying AT LEAST 50$ a year extra just to have live... ps3 its free... so in 2 years you have already made up for the cost increase.

Honestly I have all the exclusives for both - while mass effect / etc are cool games... they just cant compare to the complexity of what the PS3 can do... just look at the ps2 and god of war 2 - they are still not using the ps2s full potential and its been around for what 7 years? ... xbox will go through another revision before the ps3 even thinks about changing...

Dont start the whole forza vs GT nonsense - GT has been at it a lot longer and I have both w/ racing wheel setups (G25 and a pro for the xbox) - and let me tell you... i will take GT5 Prologue over Forza ANYDAY... this is from someone who habitually races on both of them - i could not care about the online component - all i care about is its simulation.

bboypuertoroc 08-20-2009 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Devil Z (Post 160196)
If 360 is the sports console then why does PS3 have a blockbuster MLB franchise?

"Halo counters every shooter there if that doesnt satisfy Gears does." Typical typical typical fanboy, Do not start Halo and Gears debates with every one of those blockbuster titles, yes every one of them. Enjoy having a milk of Halo and repetitive gears. Viva pinata over little big planet, you do release what you said right? Little big planet is game of the year. Along with MGS4 which xbox does NOT get. Why do 360 fanboys go back to retaliation instead of agreeing maybe there would be no console war, but most 360 owners I know all have the same opinion at everything. Until the numbers and facts come out, they still don't agree. Laggy online? what lag? There's more lag on Halo then their is on most games i've played. I have Wi-fi two PS3's online and Dlink Gamerlounge and I still rarely get lag. LOL Viva counters Little big planet lmfaoooooo

It's been proven time and time again that multi-platform games play better on the 360.

My PS3 lags WAY more than my 360. LIVE is by far a better service than the PSN. It's true when they say you get what you pay for.

I lol'd at Viva Pinata being better than LBP... LBP is AWESOME, and one of the reasons I bought a PS3. Can't wait for Mod Nation Racers.

I also lol'd at the list of exclusives you put up. Most of those games sucked. Just because they're exclusives doesn't mean they're good (you know, like Halo... even though it's way better than that crap Resistance).

You gotta think, there's a reason why former exclusives moved on to the 360...

shabarivas 08-20-2009 02:04 PM

LMAO ... I work in graphics all day long... I play more games than you can imagine... Not only do I play the games but I also develop the crap that makes these games run... I can tell you first hand that the PS3 is FAR superior to the XBOX in HW... no question about it.. the XBOX is an outdated PC... heck any old PC these days will womp a 360 in performance.

Halo is the lamest game ever made - soo many graphical issues ... and it looks like *** too... gameplay is trite and gets boring VERY fast... gears was better but gears 2 is just a glorified gears 1... resistance looks and feels (more subjective) than Halo / gears any day... R1 came out w/ the PS3 and is extremely epic still..

THE ONLY REASON exclusives moved the 360 is because its easier to write games for a xbox and port it across PCs and if need be a PS3 than it is to optimize for the PS3 and port to the XBOX... also game companies are afraid of the lead time it would take them to fully understand the HW specs and limitations of the PS3... its going to take them even longer to understand how to fully use the PS3's potential as writing games using vector processing is different and unheard of until now. In 2 years the games coming out for the PS3 will need xbox to go make the xbox 480 or whatever the hell they wanna call it... the PS3 will shine - it will just take time...

jenko 08-20-2009 02:34 PM

micorsoft said at E3 that they wouldn't be making another xbox till 2012-2013

Next Xbox 720 to launch in 2011-2012 according to Microsoft - Video Games Blogger

ct63084 08-20-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by bboypuertoroc (Post 160644)
Absolutely NOT. GT is trash compared to Forza. Prologue plays like complete ****. It's still bumper cars and crappy AI.

This is true, and the crappy AI does suck. But prologue is a demo it's an unfinished game released kind of like sneak preview. When GT5 comes out then we can compare that to Forza, but not prologue.

Pleugim 08-20-2009 04:17 PM

I'm suffering a serious flashback to my junior high days when the kids yelled back and forth at each other over what was 'better', the Genesis or Super Nintendo. The more things change, eh?

shabarivas 08-20-2009 04:19 PM

They never do - but SNES > than all lol :p

ct63084 08-20-2009 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 160753)
LMAO ... I work in graphics all day long... I play more games than you can imagine... Not only do I play the games but I also develop the crap that makes these games run... I can tell you first hand that the PS3 is FAR superior to the XBOX in HW... no question about it.. the XBOX is an outdated PC... heck any old PC these days will womp a 360 in performance.

Halo is the lamest game ever made - soo many graphical issues ... and it looks like *** too... gameplay is trite and gets boring VERY fast... gears was better but gears 2 is just a glorified gears 1... resistance looks and feels (more subjective) than Halo / gears any day... R1 came out w/ the PS3 and is extremely epic still..

THE ONLY REASON exclusives moved the 360 is because its easier to write games for a xbox and port it across PCs and if need be a PS3 than it is to optimize for the PS3 and port to the XBOX... also game companies are afraid of the lead time it would take them to fully understand the HW specs and limitations of the PS3... its going to take them even longer to understand how to fully use the PS3's potential as writing games using vector processing is different and unheard of until now. In 2 years the games coming out for the PS3 will need xbox to go make the xbox 480 or whatever the hell they wanna call it... the PS3 will shine - it will just take time...

Yup shaba is right the reason why 360 is so succesful is because it's easier to make games in that platform. But as Hardware goes the PS3 trumps the 360, with all the stuff that comes on that system its an actual bargain. The reason 360 makes more sales is because of games they have the best shooters in the business and then add the xbox live on top of that. The 360 is pretty much the best multiplayer console. Now that the ps3 came out with the slim they might catch up but i highly doubt it because pretty much all the exlusive the ps3 is getting is crossing over to the 360, plus the way the economy is IDK if people is willing to shell out 300 dollars for a gaming system.

Devil Z 08-20-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by bboypuertoroc (Post 160737)
It's been proven time and time again that multi-platform games play better on the 360.

My PS3 lags WAY more than my 360. LIVE is by far a better service than the PSN. It's true when they say you get what you pay for.

I lol'd at Viva Pinata being better than LBP... LBP is AWESOME, and one of the reasons I bought a PS3. Can't wait for Mod Nation Racers.

I also lol'd at the list of exclusives you put up. Most of those games sucked. Just because they're exclusives doesn't mean they're good (you know, like Halo... even though it's way better than that crap Resistance).

You gotta think, there's a reason why former exclusives moved on to the 360...

I love how your opinion justifies everything, if you think or anyone else thinks something is crap it's all over, that's it it's crap, bluray, crap player PS3. All those exclusives we're crap. If they were crap then why the hell are they scored so high, from a user rating and review rating? Seriously get off the pipe man, if you don't like GT5 that's your opinion, but it's not **** and never has been **** bcuz it's the most best leading racing game series. Wait till the release of both games then make a comparison, I love how you just decide right away it's ****. To the guy who said PS3 fanboys cling to their blurays, we have games like MGS4, Killzone 2, GT5 bcuz of Bluray. You sound like a Honda kid defending a Vtec seriously lmao.

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