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ct63084 08-20-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by bboypuertoroc (Post 160644)
Absolutely NOT. GT is trash compared to Forza. Prologue plays like complete ****. It's still bumper cars and crappy AI.

This is true, and the crappy AI does suck. But prologue is a demo it's an unfinished game released kind of like sneak preview. When GT5 comes out then we can compare that to Forza, but not prologue.

Pleugim 08-20-2009 04:17 PM

I'm suffering a serious flashback to my junior high days when the kids yelled back and forth at each other over what was 'better', the Genesis or Super Nintendo. The more things change, eh?

shabarivas 08-20-2009 04:19 PM

They never do - but SNES > than all lol :p

ct63084 08-20-2009 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 160753)
LMAO ... I work in graphics all day long... I play more games than you can imagine... Not only do I play the games but I also develop the crap that makes these games run... I can tell you first hand that the PS3 is FAR superior to the XBOX in HW... no question about it.. the XBOX is an outdated PC... heck any old PC these days will womp a 360 in performance.

Halo is the lamest game ever made - soo many graphical issues ... and it looks like *** too... gameplay is trite and gets boring VERY fast... gears was better but gears 2 is just a glorified gears 1... resistance looks and feels (more subjective) than Halo / gears any day... R1 came out w/ the PS3 and is extremely epic still..

THE ONLY REASON exclusives moved the 360 is because its easier to write games for a xbox and port it across PCs and if need be a PS3 than it is to optimize for the PS3 and port to the XBOX... also game companies are afraid of the lead time it would take them to fully understand the HW specs and limitations of the PS3... its going to take them even longer to understand how to fully use the PS3's potential as writing games using vector processing is different and unheard of until now. In 2 years the games coming out for the PS3 will need xbox to go make the xbox 480 or whatever the hell they wanna call it... the PS3 will shine - it will just take time...

Yup shaba is right the reason why 360 is so succesful is because it's easier to make games in that platform. But as Hardware goes the PS3 trumps the 360, with all the stuff that comes on that system its an actual bargain. The reason 360 makes more sales is because of games they have the best shooters in the business and then add the xbox live on top of that. The 360 is pretty much the best multiplayer console. Now that the ps3 came out with the slim they might catch up but i highly doubt it because pretty much all the exlusive the ps3 is getting is crossing over to the 360, plus the way the economy is IDK if people is willing to shell out 300 dollars for a gaming system.

Devil Z 08-20-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by bboypuertoroc (Post 160737)
It's been proven time and time again that multi-platform games play better on the 360.

My PS3 lags WAY more than my 360. LIVE is by far a better service than the PSN. It's true when they say you get what you pay for.

I lol'd at Viva Pinata being better than LBP... LBP is AWESOME, and one of the reasons I bought a PS3. Can't wait for Mod Nation Racers.

I also lol'd at the list of exclusives you put up. Most of those games sucked. Just because they're exclusives doesn't mean they're good (you know, like Halo... even though it's way better than that crap Resistance).

You gotta think, there's a reason why former exclusives moved on to the 360...

I love how your opinion justifies everything, if you think or anyone else thinks something is crap it's all over, that's it it's crap, bluray, crap player PS3. All those exclusives we're crap. If they were crap then why the hell are they scored so high, from a user rating and review rating? Seriously get off the pipe man, if you don't like GT5 that's your opinion, but it's not **** and never has been **** bcuz it's the most best leading racing game series. Wait till the release of both games then make a comparison, I love how you just decide right away it's ****. To the guy who said PS3 fanboys cling to their blurays, we have games like MGS4, Killzone 2, GT5 bcuz of Bluray. You sound like a Honda kid defending a Vtec seriously lmao.

Plasmaball 08-20-2009 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Devil Z (Post 159964)
PS3 slim is $299.99 for Bluray, free online, web browsing, wifi, 120 gb, Dualshock 3 li ion battery, blutooth, and smaller product. Why would anyone buy a 360 at the same price of a PS3? Halo? Gears? Forza? Fable? Viva Pinata? lol

Those games aren't enough to close people. 360 is sitting at 30 million units shipped with a 54% failure rate and a year jump start, while PS3 is at 24 million considering price with a good number of exclusives. With the price drop at even for both consoles, 360's failure rates, and PS3's upcoming exclusives which outnumber 360, Microsoft shot themselves in the foot. Anyway your right though a christmas release would be brilliant. I just started a console war thread lmaoooo, I couldn't help the amazement of some people's opinions.

because as of right now the Slim does not play old ps1 and ps2 games.
Which you know is important.
I love the GT series, sigh i dunno if i will get this now

arcticreaver 08-20-2009 05:10 PM

i can not wait for this game. can't wait to supe up a 370z and just go all out. also, i think it is rumored to have full 3D head tracking system.

shabarivas 08-20-2009 05:53 PM

Wanna know why MGS4 was never out of XBOX?

Here is why:

And thats ALL THANKS to BluRay!!

bboypuertoroc 08-20-2009 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Devil Z (Post 161223)
I love how your opinion justifies everything, if you think or anyone else thinks something is crap it's all over, that's it it's crap, bluray, crap player PS3. All those exclusives we're crap. If they were crap then why the hell are they scored so high, from a user rating and review rating? Seriously get off the pipe man, if you don't like GT5 that's your opinion, but it's not **** and never has been **** bcuz it's the most best leading racing game series. Wait till the release of both games then make a comparison, I love how you just decide right away it's ****. To the guy who said PS3 fanboys cling to their blurays, we have games like MGS4, Killzone 2, GT5 bcuz of Bluray. You sound like a Honda kid defending a Vtec seriously lmao.

I never said Bluray was crap. I enjoy Bluray, and that's the majority of what my PS3 is used for.

Killzone 2 is ******* outstanding.

The GT series stopped evolving. The graphics got better, but the gameplay stayed the same. The physics are trash. The AI is trash. How is that simulation? I can't compare Forza to GT5 since GT5 has yet to release (which is sad considering there will be TWO Forzas released before hand, with Forza 3 dominating the **** out of Forza 2), so I can only compare it to past GT games. Hell, even the creator of GT said that Forza does more than GT does (I gotta dig that quote up)... he compared the games as watches, with Forza being the super multi-functional watch and GT being a less functional, highly (can't think of the exact wording) polished watch.

Will post more on this later, got an appt.

t-ray 08-20-2009 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Plasmaball (Post 161230)
because as of right now the Slim does not play old ps1 and ps2 games.
Which you know is important.
I love the GT series, sigh i dunno if i will get this now

Every ps3 plays ps1 games.

Devil Z 08-20-2009 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Plasmaball (Post 161230)
because as of right now the Slim does not play old ps1 and ps2 games.
Which you know is important.
I love the GT series, sigh i dunno if i will get this now

most PS3 owners have PS2 and if not then it's a $100.00 for a PS2, probably much cheaper used. It would be nice to have backwards compatibility, but your getting Bluray for $299.99. They had to have cut something to support the low productions cost.

shabarivas 08-20-2009 07:32 PM

Wait.. you really think the driving physics of GT5p is less than what forza has to offer... the ONE and ONLY thing ill give to forza is the online crap - but i want a simulator... When it comes to track accuracy and feeling the cars weight shift ... you cant touch GT... if you are comparing crap to GT4 then get out of town man.. that game is ancient... but GT5p has a million times better physics than forza... I hope you play both games in the "professional" setting... and not the "advanced" ....

Devil Z 08-20-2009 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 161351)
Wait.. you really think the driving physics of GT5p is less than what forza has to offer... the ONE and ONLY thing ill give to forza is the online crap - but i want a simulator... When it comes to track accuracy and feeling the cars weight shift ... you cant touch GT... if you are comparing crap to GT4 then get out of town man.. that game is ancient... but GT5p has a million times better physics than forza... I hope you play both games in the "professional" setting... and not the "advanced" ....

your right on point

Asheth 08-20-2009 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Devil Z (Post 161223)
I love how your opinion justifies everything, if you think or anyone else thinks something is crap it's all over, that's it it's crap, bluray, crap player PS3. All those exclusives we're crap. If they were crap then why the hell are they scored so high, from a user rating and review rating? Seriously get off the pipe man, if you don't like GT5 that's your opinion, but it's not **** and never has been **** bcuz it's the most best leading racing game series. Wait till the release of both games then make a comparison, I love how you just decide right away it's ****. To the guy who said PS3 fanboys cling to their blurays, we have games like MGS4, Killzone 2, GT5 bcuz of Bluray. You sound like a Honda kid defending a Vtec seriously lmao.

MGS4 was how long ago? The next Metal Gear is coming out for the Xbox!! There is a new Halo coming out actually 2 more coming very soon. Say what you want if you don't like the series or not they will sell like crazy!!

Again I point to Tekken 6. Tekken was designed on PS3 hardware yet there is no Graphical differences what at all between the 2 versions. Namco has always been pro Sony so I wouldn't call them being biased.

YouTube - TEKKEN 6 - Steve Fox intro and gameplay trailer

Look at the PS2 sells still but not the most technical system out there. Hell for about 2 years the PS2 was still outselling the PS3. Its about installed user base. Not about Graphic power Microsoft learned that last round. They had the better system but people still flocked to the PS2. It doesnt matter how much untapped power there is in the PS3 if no one takes advantage of it it might as well as not exist. Obviously sony isnt even taking advantage of it if you still talking about its still in there.

Installed user base is what matters! People have the console in there homes and playing it.

Here are the numbers. This is from 6th of August 09

Console installed bases in NA and Europe according to Activision Blizzard -


Following Activision Blizzard's financial reports, where the company revealed that apart from World of Warcraft, the Xbox 360 topped their revenue input, the company now brings us console installed bases.

In their 2008 report, Activision's president Mike Griffeth predicted that the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 would sell 8 million units each in 2009 and 16 million units for the Nintendo Wii (North America and Europe only):

"For calendar year 2009, we expect the installed base of hardware in North America and Europe will be up 8 million units for the PS3 and up 8 million units for the Xbox 360," he said.

However, the company has now altered their predictions to 9 million for the Xbox 360, 7 million units for the PlayStation 3, 15 million units for the Nintendo Wii, and 21 million units for the PSP and Nintendo DS combined.

The company's latest report also brings us the current installed bases for each of the consoles, based on NPD and Gfk reports. Of course, this means that only North America and most of Europe are included, but it's still interesting to compare the numbers to the reports released by the platform holders themselves, with the gap between the Xbox 360 and PS3 growing from 7.6 million units to 11 million units.

The difference between the following totals and the worldwide statistics reported by the platform holders comes to 12.6 million Nintendo Wii's, 4.4 million Xbox 360's and 7.8 million PlayStation 3's.

Worldwide installed bases according to NPD and Gfk*

# Nintendo Wii - 40 million
# Xbox 360 - 27 million
# PlayStation 3 - 16 million
# Handhelds - 96 million
According to this report the gap will widen not close. :tiphat::stirthepot:

ct63084 08-20-2009 08:56 PM

lol i dont' even know why we debating about 360 vs ps3, it seems like the wii is kicking both those consoles combined lol.

BanningZ 08-20-2009 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by BanningZ (Post 159733)
Official release date is Dec. 22, 2012.


Originally Posted by bboypuertoroc (Post 160660)
According to who?


ssqpolo 08-20-2009 09:10 PM

i was gonna buy a ps3 just for gt5, then im like F it, for a ps3 steering wheel and game and hdmi cable will be like 700-800 rather mod my car for that! but htis new ps3 slim looks hot...sooooo i might just look back into it. regardless, im still getting forza 3 too. at least i know it will come out for sure lol

theDreamer 08-21-2009 09:04 AM

Asheth, actually the gap is closing in slowly, now with the PS3 slim coming out it might even get closer, but Microsoft already has an ace up their sleeve which they are about to drop soon (remove one console and lower the top console price to 299).

Real numbers currently:

The PS3 has slowly been eating away at that 10 million gap over the past 6 months. The 360 beats it in overall sales each month, but by less each time.

Now on the point about Forza v. GT5, the GT series has always been the premier driving simulation. Yes the AI has been below par, the cars do not get damaged, but in terms are accuracy and precision the GT series is still number one (based on GT5p and what information we know of Forza 3). Now with the full GT5 comes out and Forza 3, we will better be able to determine the higher power.

Those who try to argue a 360 v. a PS3 are just hurting themselves. Each one beats the other in one category and loses in another. The PS3 has the potential to have better graphics, but Sony limits itself by out casting developers and game studios with no support for the system which leaves them finding their own way to make the game. Also, (not sure if they lifted it yet) studios who develop for the PS3 cannot share "developer kits" with other studios to help each other when developing for the PS3, per Sony requirements.

shabarivas 08-21-2009 10:31 AM

360 was out for an extra how long? ... and the headtracking is NOT going to work - think about it... your one tv screen is in front of you... you look right...and the screen in front of you pans lol... how are you going to be able to look at the screen and look right?

Devil Z 08-21-2009 02:24 PM

This topic was never made to get PS3 vs 360, but people came in knocking on this fabolous game calling it trash and clinging to Forza 3. When I see responses like that I couldn't just sit and watch how biast people's opinions are, but to each his own.

shabarivas 08-21-2009 03:05 PM

agreed lol.. i mean its not like its a GT5 vs forza thread... but for what its worth... forza is well... forza... I mean if a company is taking 5 years to make a game... and they happened to be good enough for Nissan to let them design their GTRs center info display... and the owner of the company happens to be a perfectionist car nut who has many ford gts and ZR1s ... its gotta be working on something good... forza seems like it cranks out a new game every 2 years... feels like a maddenish franchise....

xiven 08-21-2009 03:28 PM

it shouldn't take 5+ years to make a game IMO

shabarivas 08-21-2009 03:41 PM

LOL... many many many games have taken 5+ years to make... its VERY intensive... especially when you wish to model real life cars in real life you have any idea how much r&d needs to happen to get every tree and mirror and other minor detail correct? Pro drivers use GT5s tracks to learn when to brake and when to be conservative... they use trees / buildings / land marks alike to learn how to drive their car well on that track... how do you imagine all that research will not take 5 years? I would think just going and gathering the data would take that much time...

Think about it.. they had to scan each and every car to get the models in the highest detail possible... and then they had to drive em around to make sure the car drove exactly as it would in real life (gearing / etc etc etc)...

Not to mention... learning how to make all this **** work on the PS3 HW... its a DAUNTING task... and I am somewhat thrilled it will be here so soon... its not just a game... its a simulator...

ct63084 08-21-2009 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by xiven (Post 162655)
it shouldn't take 5+ years to make a game IMO

There's an article actually that i've read not quite sure what magazine, they where talking about how making games is like making movies nowadays and they were saying that to make a very good game it takes about 3 years. One good example is the sports franchises they come out yearly and most of them especially madden sucks EA is pretty much just brings out a game then they just add patches to fix bugs that should have been detected during the beta phase of the game. So for EA to be able to bring out a new madden game every year what they do is bring out a beta madden to the public make them pay and use them as their beta testers and just bring out patches.

Devil Z 08-22-2009 02:03 AM

Couple of new pics from check em out.

GT5 images -updated with HD gameplay shots @ posts 146 & 152- - Page 8 - GTP Forums

jenko 08-22-2009 02:14 AM

here is a trailer of the damage physics in gt5. and honestly if this is the best they can do i will be greatly disappointed. i mean no scratches or anything
Gran Turismo 5 Video Game, GC 09: Car Damage (Cam) | Game Trailers & Videos |

Devil Z 08-23-2009 02:48 PM

New updates to the game's release.

Gran Turismo 5 To Release “Shortly” After GT PSP

Devil Z 08-23-2009 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 162628)
agreed lol.. i mean its not like its a GT5 vs forza thread... but for what its worth... forza is well... forza... I mean if a company is taking 5 years to make a game... and they happened to be good enough for Nissan to let them design their GTRs center info display... and the owner of the company happens to be a perfectionist car nut who has many ford gts and ZR1s ... its gotta be working on something good... forza seems like it cranks out a new game every 2 years... feels like a maddenish franchise....

Every exact point is correct. :iagree:

bboypuertoroc 08-24-2009 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 162664)
Think about it.. they had to scan each and every car to get the models in the highest detail possible... and then they had to drive em around to make sure the car drove exactly as it would in real life (gearing / etc etc etc)...

Problem is, two of those cars handle NOTHING like they do in real life.

Example: The Evo IX in GT5P. Handles/drives NOTHING like an Evo IX in real life. It's a complete failure.

Example: The 350Z handles/drives NOTHING like a 350Z does in real life. It's another complete failure.

In Forza 2, they do EXACTLY what I would expect them to do in real life. The Evo pushes when I know it would push, oversteers when I know it should (which ain't often LOL), is at the same MPH at the same RPM in the same gear as in real life, etc. GT doesn't replicate this at all. This is the same with the Z for the most part (didn't pay as much attention as I did to the Evo).

I really, REALLY hope GT5 proves me wrong, trust me. So far, outlook is no bueno.

bboypuertoroc 08-24-2009 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Devil Z (Post 165147)
New updates to the game's release.

Gran Turismo 5 To Release “Shortly” After GT PSP

That's better than nothing. Looks like the other article definitely confirms a 4th quarter release. Just wish they would give a damn date already.

bboypuertoroc 08-24-2009 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 162628)
agreed lol.. i mean its not like its a GT5 vs forza thread... but for what its worth... forza is well... forza... I mean if a company is taking 5 years to make a game... and they happened to be good enough for Nissan to let them design their GTRs center info display... and the owner of the company happens to be a perfectionist car nut who has many ford gts and ZR1s ... its gotta be working on something good... forza seems like it cranks out a new game every 2 years... feels like a maddenish franchise....

And the Turn 10 guys aren't perfectionist car nuts? LOL. Come on now, you GOTTA be a car nut to make a game of either GT or Forza caliber.

Madden-ish franchise? LOL... FM2 was leaps and bounds better than FM1 (which I didn't enjoy nearly as much as GT at the time)... damn near every area of the game was an improvement (only thing that pissed me off was that the took some race types out). After talking with people that have actually played FM3 the same can be said about it's improvement over FM2, except they haven't been able to think of any negatives. You know anyone that's actually played GT5 and can comment?

ANYWAYS, I'm just gonna lay off the subject now since nobody is gonna give up any ground. Can't wait to compare both side-by-side.

xfrgtr 08-24-2009 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by shabarivas (Post 162664)
LOL... many many many games have taken 5+ years to make... its VERY intensive... especially when you wish to model real life cars in real life you have any idea how much r&d needs to happen to get every tree and mirror and other minor detail correct? Pro drivers use GT5s tracks to learn when to brake and when to be conservative... they use trees / buildings / land marks alike to learn how to drive their car well on that track... how do you imagine all that research will not take 5 years? I would think just going and gathering the data would take that much time...

Think about it.. they had to scan each and every car to get the models in the highest detail possible... and then they had to drive em around to make sure the car drove exactly as it would in real life (gearing / etc etc etc)...

Not to mention... learning how to make all this **** work on the PS3 HW... its a DAUNTING task... and I am somewhat thrilled it will be here so soon... its not just a game... its a simulator...


MarcusMIA 08-24-2009 02:33 PM

You have to be insane to compare Forza to GT. Say what you want about GT, but Forza has been ahead in physics and damage since the ORIGINAL Forza.

Devil Z 08-26-2009 10:41 AM

GT5 ftw

shabarivas 08-26-2009 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by bboypuertoroc (Post 166467)
Problem is, two of those cars handle NOTHING like they do in real life.

Example: The Evo IX in GT5P. Handles/drives NOTHING like an Evo IX in real life. It's a complete failure.

Example: The 350Z handles/drives NOTHING like a 350Z does in real life. It's another complete failure.

In Forza 2, they do EXACTLY what I would expect them to do in real life. The Evo pushes when I know it would push, oversteers when I know it should (which ain't often LOL), is at the same MPH at the same RPM in the same gear as in real life, etc. GT doesn't replicate this at all. This is the same with the Z for the most part (didn't pay as much attention as I did to the Evo).

I really, REALLY hope GT5 proves me wrong, trust me. So far, outlook is no bueno.

what physics you use w/ gt5p?

bboypuertoroc 08-26-2009 12:43 PM

The only assist I remember using was ABS.

Let me see if I can find a friend with a copy and I'll let you know the specifics.

ssqpolo 08-26-2009 12:50 PM

ABS is a must! in both games. i simply cant race without it.
as for the discussion, picking up my ps3 slim monday along with gt5p and i preordered forza 3 already, so i can give u all real updates soon enough when i have both games. i have both expensive steering wheels, so ITS ON!

bboypuertoroc 08-26-2009 12:57 PM

^ Did you get the Fanatec wheel for the 360?


shabarivas 08-26-2009 01:03 PM

I got the G25 logitech and its AMAZING... no other wheel can come close to its precision. Just make sure you turn up the force feedback from in game :)

BrokenVow 08-26-2009 01:14 PM

The G25 is a cool wheel. But hardly amazing. The shifter is a plastic toy wrapped in leather and the pedals are too close together. It's definitely better that the other Logitech wheels, but GT5 (or at least GT5P) is not meant to work with the wheel. The clutch support is weak and it really hampers the experience. It's pretty much an on and off switch. Maybe PD will implement an actual clutch feature in the game so it works better.

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