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tbonesteak 07-29-2009 04:08 PM

First Date Convo Topics!!
Hey Guys,

Can we make a database so that people going on first dates can refer to this and have even a slight better chance of not being awkward in the first date? What is a good conversation topic for first dates? Nothing that'll creep out the ladies please!

Jason 07-29-2009 04:24 PM

i usually start by talking about my addiction to strip clubs, but i'm single.

INTENSEPOWER 07-29-2009 04:53 PM

Ethnicity for sure.

Start off by saying do you happen to have any (whatever ethnicity you are) in you?

When she says no ask her simply if she would like to.


You could always take her to the movies and bust out the popcorn trick

Step 1:
Purchase popcorn

Step 2:
Cut hole in bottom of popcorn container

Step 3:
Insert Penis in bottom/ hole of popcorn container

Step 4:
Offer some popcorn and tell her the stuff at the bottom is better


No seriously it'll work and if it doesn't it was never meant to be. :tiphat:

CrownR426 07-29-2009 05:05 PM

Just get to know the girl I guess.
Find out her hobbies and her dislikes and likes.
You should be good after that!

Scott@FontanaNissan 07-29-2009 05:31 PM

take her out to do something YOU are going to enjoy. If she doesn't like what you like, it isn't going to work. And don't forget...YOU are the catch, and YOU are deciding whether there will be another date ;)

shabarivas 07-29-2009 05:37 PM

Be a baller and talk about your cars / car related hobbies... thats what I did :) I also tried to be myself and not do anything out of my norm to impress... I might have tried to crack a joke or two over the top but hey... we all try...

Worked on my now-fiance-soon-to-be-wifey :)

Roo 07-29-2009 06:05 PM

Depends, trying to get laid or finding a wife?

370Ztune 07-29-2009 06:16 PM

I just sum it up in one short sentence...If you do not like me, then something is wrong with you.


alexanderb 07-29-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Roo (Post 130274)
Depends, trying to get laid or finding a wife?

:icon18: good question Roo. so OP?

tonmed123 07-29-2009 06:39 PM

Start with "the Fellas on the 370z forum suggested we talk about this...insert topic." And see her reaction. Keep talking.. then when she walks off, come back a post it up so we can laugh at you. Although, the penis in the bottom of the popcorn spunds like a winner!!! thats a F'in funny idea! If its meant to be its meant to be!!! Thanks INTENSE POWER!

Zing LOL

CrownR426 07-29-2009 07:02 PM

Just show them your bank account, cars, clothes.
And you can take any girl. Unless your broke as ****...

sloterg 07-29-2009 07:18 PM

it just depends on the girl..

if i have a history with her i bring back something that relates to both of us and then i tell her another similiar story,preferably something funny that she doesnt know about and it usually relates to the first story and then smooth sailings from there.

if i dont know the girl i tell her a pretty funny story or something really interesting that happened in my life that is true.. then try n get her to tell u stuff about her n play the listening game n ur good to go.

nogoodname 07-29-2009 07:55 PM

talk about stuff, just not urself....go with the flow...compliment her...make some jokes...something man.....act normal

Mike@Blackline 07-29-2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jason (Post 130207)
i usually start by talking about my addiction to strip clubs, but i'm single.

if she laughs at that, marry her

definitely depends on what someone said; looking to smash and dash, GF, or wife this girl? in the end it shouldnt really matter if youre just kicking it and being yourself


Originally Posted by nogoodname (Post 130387)
talk about stuff, just not urself....go with the flow...compliment her...make some jokes...something man.....act normal

heres the way i look at it. if you have to ask for first date conversation topics (and im not saying that in a degrading or judging way at all), then you're probably going to be nervous enough to not remember everything or anything people post her. that being said, just be yourself. i know thats what everyone says and it doesnt seem that helpful, but if she doesnt take you as your are, she's not the one for you.

nogoodname 07-29-2009 08:30 PM

how about this, i will come down there and take her out for

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