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Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs Again for people that are not reading all the posts the PS4 will require a PSPlus membership to play games online. It is no longer free.

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Old 06-12-2013, 12:08 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs View Post
Again for people that are not reading all the posts the PS4 will require a PSPlus membership to play games online. It is no longer free.
ok good to know because I hadnt read that yet, hopefully this means a better online experience and free map upgrades for future games like xbox owners.
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Old 06-12-2013, 01:50 PM   #32 (permalink)
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When your gaming do you want to share any bandwidth? I dont!

Joking aside the new routers out there can make even a 10mb connection go a long way. With the help of lag compensation of console gaming you do not need crazy speeds to play at the same level of someone with a screaming fast connection.

It sucks to have that fast connection though and get owned by lag compensation, but it allows everyone no matter the budget to enjoy the games.

Originally Posted by SS_Firehawk View Post
I'll just upgrade my GPU for $500 instead. Don't have to worry about backwards compatibility, lack of launch games, subscriptions to play on the internets, a graphics ceiling, and I can do 3 monitors. I'd rather wait for the dust to settle. I bought a Wii back in 2009, it's not used very often. I used to be a big console gamer, but after replacing six PS2's, no thanks. I've never had a pc part fail unless I did something stupid. My brother replaced two Xbox 360's, I don't have much faith in the durability of consoles anymore. Why is it all the Nintendo needs is someone's hot @ss breath blowing on it? Super Nintendo still works, N64 still works, Gamecube still works. Dreamcast still works. If I would choose only one? PS4 would take my money. $500 and DRM is rough. Not only that but their cloud computing to increase performance does sound like a great idea, it forces the console to always be online for games that deem it necessary. Better have a 100+mb connection because now you'll hear family members bjtch because your F'n Xbox is stealing all the bandwidth to play your game.
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Old 06-12-2013, 02:52 PM   #33 (permalink)
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I've already got 2 Xbox Ones on preorder for day one release. I am not loyal to either company as ive had both x boxes and ps1 and ps2. Ive never owned a ps3 because there were no games i felt i had to have for it, and everyone i knew were buying 360 versions of the online games due to multiplayer reliability. I also preordered these xboxes before the ps4 release conference at E3, just so i was guaranteed a xbox system. If i decide to not want it before release i will just sell them or return them unopened to the store for my refund. There is no down side to preordering. Now after the PS4 conference, it looks like they can be rocking a better exclusive lineup, but who knows, there is still 5 months till release time and what both have up their last minute sleeves we can only guess. As for the online deal with xbox, this does not bother me as bandwidth is not an issue in my house and could care less if it has to connect everyday. But I do understand the people in more undeveloped areas bitching about it. In the end though, its looking like I will be purchasing both systems prior to christmas time lol Neither will fail and fall on its face, no matter what people are thinking due to the restrictions. These are now pretty much the last 2 systems left (Wi U basicly being a flop), and the odds of one dominating the other so much that it becomes a 1 system community for gamers is slim to none in my opinion.
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Old 06-12-2013, 03:02 PM   #34 (permalink)
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PS4's Price And Policies Humiliate Microsoft's Xbox One At E3 - Forbes

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Old 06-12-2013, 03:26 PM   #35 (permalink)
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that forbes article is fine, ive read it when it first came out yesterday. But its still all moot points. $500 price is not a lot, especially when you compare it to what ps3 cost when it first came out... I guarantee sony had 2 price points set for ps4 based on what xbox said it was launching at. Xbox one is the same price as what 360 and kinect cost for people that bought them both when they came out. The only argument is now forcing everyone to buy a connect, but i feel real strongly that kinect will be a major bonus in the forgoing years and has monstrous potential with the new specs. But if $100 price difference is really your make or break budget decision, then people have larger financial issues at hand and probably shouldnt be buying any system. Plus if you end up buying the sony camera device you are at the same price point if not more (i dont know the sony camera price, but assume it will be atleast $100)

As for the used game portion, it is still a non issue until the game company itself makes it an issue. Who knows, not a single company may enforce the used game policy for Xbox One.

Like i said in my other post, im not a platform loyalist, and im not arguing that One is better than PS4. I do like to play devils advocate though and look at how big of an issue really is the objectifications people are making about how bad a system is compared to another
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Old 06-12-2013, 03:40 PM   #36 (permalink)
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lololol theres honestly no way anyone can say xbox after that press conference yesterday. what a joke. requiring high speed internet?? way to alienate troops overseas and rural area owner microsoft.... what a joke

the ps4 is statisticly better in every way. costs $100 less. and microsoft has to use sony blue ray players in its box...
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Old 06-12-2013, 03:43 PM   #37 (permalink)
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As I catch up on news, I see now why I see this topic popping up: E3! Microsoft isn't making this easy for themselves and is making it easy for Sony to get a standing ovation. $100 more for the console is the biggest reason PS3 adoption was slow.

I couldn't care less about used game sales. It's a market that simply will not last over time as media becomes more digital, just like music. Sure it's not going to completely go away and places like GameStop will be pissed, but it's hard to be absolutely upset about it.

"Always on" requirements are lame and unnecessary if you ask me, but it wouldn't affect my purchase because I'm always on anyway.

I don't care for the Kinect. I'd rather not have it and I'd rather not pay to have it. I don't want it invading my privacy and otherwise getting me up off the couch. That's really the reason for the price difference. As a core gamer, I just want a controller in my hand. As a PC gamer, I just want to sit and use a kb/mouse as a controller. Not stand up and gesture, or gesture at all.
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Old 06-12-2013, 03:46 PM   #38 (permalink)
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I took in a lot of e3 coverage and I am far more intrigued by the One's lineup of games. TC's The Division is the only ps4 title Sony showed that blew me away. According to not always accurate wiki Division is not an exclusive, One/ps4.
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Old 06-12-2013, 03:48 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jofro6 View Post
that forbes article is fine, ive read it when it first came out yesterday. But its still all moot points. $500 price is not a lot, especially when you compare it to what ps3 cost when it first came out... I guarantee sony had 2 price points set for ps4 based on what xbox said it was launching at. Xbox one is the same price as what 360 and kinect cost for people that bought them both when they came out.
Price is a big deal because of other effects it produces. When little Timmy wants a game console system and frugal parents compare, they compare pretty much by price. That puts Timmy on the cheaper system. Same with a whole host of people who barely afford a system plus the games/periphs. This gives you a base of people who will be on the cheaper system, regardless of any other quality. Game developers look at the cost to develop a game on a platform and the potential market numbers.

Just talking off the top of my head, I wonder how many game consoles have led their generation while flat out costing significantly more?
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Old 06-12-2013, 03:49 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Someone should start a new thread: How much $ are you gonna scalp your PS4 or XB1 for?
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Old 06-12-2013, 03:52 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by fonzo179 View Post
Someone should start a new thread: How much $ are you gonna scalp your PS4 or XB1 for?
If only I knew which one wants to supply less so they can have free marketing when they say they're "sold out."
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Old 06-12-2013, 03:56 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ElVee View Post
If only I knew which one wants to supply less so they can have free marketing when they say they're "sold out."
Good call. If it's the PS4, I'll scalp mine for 1 baby dragon soul. Because they are delicions.
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Old 06-12-2013, 04:01 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ElVee View Post
I don't care for the Kinect. I'd rather not have it and I'd rather not pay to have it. I don't want it invading my privacy and otherwise getting me up off the couch. That's really the reason for the price difference. As a core gamer, I just want a controller in my hand. As a PC gamer, I just want to sit and use a kb/mouse as a controller. Not stand up and gesture, or gesture at all.
Some of the things Im reading about kinect integration are advanced beyond the simple gesture. USAToday article Why you should keep quiet while playing 'Dead Rising 3'

As far as the privacy invasion, something in my gut tells me my cellphone or webcam are going to provide more than enough intel long before the eyes get to my Xbox. I am fairly certain noone wants to watch me Halo in my draws.
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Old 06-12-2013, 04:02 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jofro6 View Post
that forbes article is fine, ive read it when it first came out yesterday. But its still all moot points. $500 price is not a lot, especially when you compare it to what ps3 cost when it first came out... I guarantee sony had 2 price points set for ps4 based on what xbox said it was launching at. Xbox one is the same price as what 360 and kinect cost for people that bought them both when they came out. The only argument is now forcing everyone to buy a connect, but i feel real strongly that kinect will be a major bonus in the forgoing years and has monstrous potential with the new specs. But if $100 price difference is really your make or break budget decision, then people have larger financial issues at hand and probably shouldnt be buying any system. Plus if you end up buying the sony camera device you are at the same price point if not more (i dont know the sony camera price, but assume it will be atleast $100)

As for the used game portion, it is still a non issue until the game company itself makes it an issue. Who knows, not a single company may enforce the used game policy for Xbox One.

Like i said in my other post, im not a platform loyalist, and im not arguing that One is better than PS4. I do like to play devils advocate though and look at how big of an issue really is the objectifications people are making about how bad a system is compared to another
There isn't enough info to even compare the next gen kinect to move. As it stands right now. The PS4 standard controller will be pretty much the equal to current move controllers. So we need to see what the PS4 eye will bring in terms of next generation tech to the PS4. It's an uncharted comparo to even talk like it's an advantage.
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Old 06-12-2013, 04:03 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ElVee View Post
Price is a big deal because of other effects it produces. When little Timmy wants a game console system and frugal parents compare, they compare pretty much by price. That puts Timmy on the cheaper system. Same with a whole host of people who barely afford a system plus the games/periphs. This gives you a base of people who will be on the cheaper system, regardless of any other quality. Game developers look at the cost to develop a game on a platform and the potential market numbers.

Just talking off the top of my head, I wonder how many game consoles have led their generation while flat out costing significantly more?

I totally understand your point with the pricing in family situations. I was just saying price point as moot, in our general grouping here, adults buying for themselves as this is a 'which are you buying' thread. As for developers choosing which system to develop for? I feel like most major games are on both systems, so obviously that cost and ease arent a real issue. SUre there are games that are only on one that you speak of, but disregarding the ones that im sure the companies pay for rights to an exclusive deal with, those games are almost blah for most hardcore gamers i feel. They arent sytem decision making games (the smaller games that are only on one due to ease of development) This is of course just my feelings from experience, and in no way based on factual numbers that ive researched lol

as for your other question, that would be interesting to know about expensive systems ruling over cheaper ones.
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