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Chuck33079 05-15-2013 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 2316927)
Yeah, I wish I knew a specific case I could refer you to - I get a lot of information first hand from a friend who is active in gun legislation. And it's not that you get away with something because of ignorance of the law. It's that they hold the CHL holders to a higher standard, which makes it more likely for them to be hassled. Most of the people being put on trial for murder aren't being convicted. But the fact remains that they are hassling CHL holders more than non-CHL holders in situations like these.

Knowing what I know, my aim will almost always be for the knee caps, unless they are strapped as well or have other means with which to attack me even if I go for the knees.

Can you ask him for specific cases for me? I'd love to know what happened in those cases that warranted charges vs. the majority of cases where the person defending themselves (chl or no) had no significant legal repurcussions.

I'd wager that the number of people facing prosecution in cases like these is very low compared to the number of incidents. In addition, I'll go out on a limb and say that there were probably other factors involved in the DAs choice to charge someone. If it's a questionable shoot, you may get to discuss it with a jury of your peers. Still better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. DAs in Texas do not routinely bring charges against people who use lethal force for self defense. Hell, we let Joe Horn off.

If you shoot for kneecaps, you will most likely end up being prosecuted. Lethal force is allowed in situations in which you have a reasonable fear for your life. If you shoot for knees, the prosecutor will attempt to show that you obviously didn't have that reasonable fear, since you shot to wound. Often that will end badly for you. Shoot center of mass or not at all.

Do you have a CHL? If you get good a good instructor, you will spend a lot of the class on legalities relating to lethal force.

JARblue 05-15-2013 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck33079 (Post 2316985)
Can you ask him for specific cases for me? I'd love to know what happened in those cases that warranted charges vs. the majority of cases where the person defending themselves (chl or no) had no significant legal repurcussions.

I'd wager that the number of people facing prosecution in cases like these is very low compared to the number of incidents. In addition, I'll go out on a limb and say that there were probably other factors involved in the DAs choice to charge someone. If it's a questionable shoot, you may get to discuss it with a jury of your peers. Still better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. DAs in Texas do not routinely bring charges against people who use lethal force for self defense. Hell, we let Joe Horn off.

If you shoot for kneecaps, you will most likely end up being prosecuted. Lethal force is allowed in situations in which you have a reasonable fear for your life. If you shoot for knees, the prosecutor will attempt to show that you obviously didn't have that reasonable fear, since you shot to wound. Often that will end badly for you. Shoot center of mass or not at all.

Do you have a CHL? If you get good a good instructor, you will spend a lot of the class on legalities relating to lethal force.

I will ask him :tiphat: From what I can remember, nearly everyone does a jury trial and gets off. Yeah, the most surprising thing about these cases is the fact that a DA brought charges in the first place; makes it even more surprising that charges were even brought when the defendant gets acquitted.

My reason for shooting at the knee caps is purely for a worst-case scenario because I cannot be charged for more serious crimes like murder or attempted murder if I shoot below the waist. I'd like to think I wouldn't hesitate to aim differently if I felt like my life was in imminent danger.

I have taken the class and done all the proficiency tests because a construction superintendent I used to work for teaches the class. However, I never submitted an application to the State of Texas; he let me participate in the class for free, which is the main reason I did it. I don't really have a need to carry - as long as I can carry legally in my home and car if I want, that's all I care about.

PM me if you have any more questions. I'll try to PM you with a related case you can look into further :tiphat:

Btw, apologies for the OP for jacking the thread.

blackcherry20 05-15-2013 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 2316927)
Yeah, I wish I knew a specific case I could refer you to - I get a lot of information first hand from a friend who is active in gun legislation. And it's not that you get away with something because of ignorance of the law. It's that they hold the CHL holders to a higher standard, which makes it more likely for them to be hassled. Most of the people being put on trial for murder aren't being convicted. But the fact remains that they are hassling CHL holders more than non-CHL holders in situations like these.

Knowing what I know, my aim will almost always be for the knee caps, unless they are strapped as well or have other means with which to attack me even if I go for the knees.

Not me. Only one story if I'm involved. Mine.

JARblue 05-15-2013 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by blackcherry20 (Post 2317664)
Not me. Only one story if I'm involved. Mine.

I still don't trust the system enough to risk it... only if my life is at risk

blackcherry20 05-15-2013 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 2317680)
I still don't trust the system enough to risk it... only if my life is at risk

Absolutely. That goes without saying.

SouthArk370Z 05-15-2013 07:47 PM

The way I figure it, if someone is willing to break into my house they are willing to kill/hurt me. Ie, my life is in imminent danger.

Outside the house, every situation is different and has to be judged on the evidence at hand.

Chuck33079 05-15-2013 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z (Post 2317732)
The way I figure it, if someone is willing to break into my house they are willing to kill/hurt me. Ie, my life is in imminent danger.

Exactly. God bless the "castle doctrine".

Haboob 05-15-2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Kayzee (Post 2311837)
So how many of you keep a blunt instrument in your vehicle? :stirthepot:

I know a few friends of mine always have something in the car be it a metal extension bar for the lug nut wrench or something of the like for a "just in case" situation.

Mind you, I do not advocate confronting road rage or anything of the like with a weapon and advise everyone to safeguard their health more than their beloved fairladies...

Let's hear em. ;)

P.S: Texas need not apply, shotguns don't count, nor do concealed/open carry states. :gtfo2: :rofl2:

Jealous much? :stirthepot:

That being said, I don't carry anything. I would like to have a handgun to conceal carry (no permit necessary :tup:). However, I know that at times I can have a temper and feel I shouldn't have one.

Chuck33079 05-15-2013 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Haboob (Post 2317759)
However, I know that at times I can have a temper and feel I shouldn't have one.

You'd be amazed how carrying keeps your temper in check. I guess it's something about not having the luxury to lose your cool. I'm so much less likely to flip out on someone if I'm carrying.

Haboob 05-15-2013 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck33079 (Post 2317762)
You'd be amazed how carrying keeps your temper in check. I guess it's something about not having the luxury to lose your cool. I'm so much less likely to flip out on someone if I'm carrying.

Yeah. Maybe I should carry one, empty, just to see how it works one of these times. :ugh2:

I think though, if I was going to get one and get into that hobby, I should have done it pre-2013. Everything is ridiculous now. :shakes head:

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