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Bking 05-01-2013 05:27 PM

Is anyone familiar with electronic cigarettes, personal vaporizer, e-vape, vape, or PV? (I swear this thing has more names than weed)

I'm looking to buy one because I'm a very casual smoker and I would like to quit. I've looked around and all the forums are not entirely newb-friendly. There are so many brands, mods, terms and jargon it gives me a headache.

I'm looking for a basic and reliable one and probably don't need the variable voltage thing the high-end ones offer. Can anyone give me some suggestions? Thanks.

BeemaaZ 05-01-2013 05:41 PM

Glad you post this.

My uncle has been a chain-smoker for years and he would like to try e-cig. I don't think he would quit but worth to try.

I hope some of the members here who have tried could share their experience.

Bking 05-01-2013 06:59 PM

I know they have different concentrations of nicotine in the "e-liquids", ranging from 0mg to >36mg per 10mL. And e-cig will give you that kick if you're addicted to nicotine, just not the taste of the smoke, and all the poisons of course.

MX52Z 05-02-2013 01:02 AM

I've been using one for a month now and almost immediately reduced cigarette smoking. I'm still confused on all the jargon as well, cartomizers, clearomizers and whatevermizers. Mine is a simple canister that sits on top of a battery holds 3ml of fluid.

The past week, i've smoked two cigarettes out of a new pack and when I catch myself reaching for another smoke, like when I'm working in the garage, I put them down and grab my device instead because the draw is so much better.

Don't get hung up on all the jargon and kits at the local vape store, just order a "starter kit" of two 1100mha batteries off ebay along with a couple tanks (one charging while one in use). Finding a good vape store is good to sample all the different flavors. Before long, you'll know what flavors in what dosages to buy as you can mix and match. There everything from marijuana to cigar and cigarette flavors all the way to mocha capuccino or Big Red.

Where it gets difficult is finding the right dosage for you to be as satisfied with your vapor as with your Marlboros. Personally, I like USA made liquids I guess for their quality control over Chinese brands and I've had a couple bottles custom made: 36mg tobacco flavor + 0% triple menthol + caffeine for my morning hits and another bottle of the same but without the caffeine for night time toking.

A good brand will have enough ethylene glycol to give a good hit in the lungs and lots of smoke. Also, your choice of replaceable wick will determine how satisfying a drag you get. For instance, my favorite wicks are 1.8 Ohm because I get lungs full of satisfying menthol (more than any cigarette could.

Remember, start off with an equivalent dose of nicoteine as you get smoking cigarettes and then mix lower doses as you gradually wein off Nicoteine altogether, at your own pace of course.

Nicoteine, while not as dangerous as the thousand other industrial toxins used in cigarettes still carries with it some side effects such as restricting capillaries and leading to a smaller penis.

Since my penis was already very small, it didn't seem to get any smaller with e-smoking but I suppose I should post some before and after picts.

DEpointfive0 05-02-2013 01:37 AM

So... I am/was a 3-5 cigarette a day smoker. Some days none, some days 10 (not a LOT of the 10 days, but a few) I used an e-cig 4-5 years ago before it was cool.

The original thought was this is bitchin, I can smoke anywhere. Morning after me and my friend got ours (he was a 1-2 pack a day smoker) we both called each other and said "hey, do you have a RAGING headache like you have a hangover?" Yep, we had nicotine withdrawals because we smoked EVERYWHERE, and ALL the time.

Went back to normal cowboy killers after a bit due to shėtty battery life and recharge time (I had the cigarette looking ones)

Now, I haven't smoked in a several months, I stopped because of 2 things, girl who hates smoking (I didn't even smoke enough for her to know I was a smoker, LOL)

It's amazing, I didn't get ANY info on HOW to use it like that I can only smoke for the first week or whatever, and I wanted to take it because the other med I take makes me want to smoke 10 times as much...

After a week or two... I just stopped smoking... I just didn't want it, I didn't really care for it... It was AMAZING!!!
Now, I have had 3-5 cigarettes in 2 months, just when it's social to smoke, not even when drinking or anything, and hell, I even stopped taking the meds 3 weeks ago because I got sick, and even now, I maybe get the urge once a week or 2, and hell with it, the urge isn't engrained anymore, so I don't need to do it

I bought a Blu e-cig from 7-11 a week ago just to have to puff on those times when I want to socially smoke... Used it 2 times, woke up with a terrible sore throat, so honestly:


DEpointfive0 05-02-2013 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by MX52Z (Post 2296502)
Nicoteine, while not as dangerous as the thousand other industrial toxins used in cigarettes still carries with it some side effects such as restricting capillaries and leading to a smaller penis.

Since my penis was already very small, it didn't seem to get any smaller with e-smoking but I suppose I should post some before and after picts.


SouthArk370Z 05-02-2013 09:27 AM

I bought one of the Blu starter kits a few weeks ago. I've cut back from 1-1.25 packs/day to about one-half pack/day.

I avoided all the confusion over choices/names/&c by going to a store that only carried Blu. :)

The Blu starter kit came with 4-5 flavored nicotine cartridges. The tobacco and menthol cartridges have a reasonable taste but the coffee one was terrible. The fruit flavored ones were OK, but not something I would buy.

They are a little bit inconvenient because you have to recharge the batteries once a day or more, but the Blu kit came with wall and USB chargers and a "cigarette pack" with a built-in charger (recharge the batteries with the portable pack; recharge the pack via wall or USB).

The battery/cartridge combination is on the heavy side and difficult to hold with my lips. I end up clenching it in my teeth. The cartridge is fairly soft plastic on the outside so it is not uncomfortable, just different from what I'm used to.

I have only been using Blu for a few weeks but it seems to be helping. If you want to give them a try, you can get a disposable for ~$10. IIRC, the starter kit was about $45 (two batteries, chargers, and 4-5 cartridges). According to the pamphlet in the box, the cartridges come in different levels of nicotine.

Good luck.

UNKNOWN_370 05-02-2013 09:37 AM

Hey.. If it's good enough for Stephen Dorff??? :nutswinger:
There's no need to question it. lol:rofl2:

I quit after a 25 years of smoking. Started at 11yrs old. I've tried every ween-down method there was. I found the best way to quit is to learn to hate the fact that cigarettes are controlling you and just throw out the pack and quit cold turkey. My last cigarette, there were still 15 cigs in the pack. Just threw em out. Got sick and tired of being dependent.

Bking 05-02-2013 10:42 AM

Thanks for the feedback guys.

Someone recommended Provari, Smoktech ZMAX V2, and Joyetech eGo's. Any thoughts of those?

MX52Z 05-02-2013 11:10 AM

I use Ego-T because they're so modular. It all starts with the battery which is cheaper on ebay than at a vapor shop by a lot. I have three now (2x1100 and 1x650) because at first, I reverted to smoking cigarettes while my one battery was charging. Now I don't worry about it. Heck, even one of my 1100 batteries lasts two days.

Once you have the batteries, you can then get different reservoirs depending on how much you want to carry. For home toking, I use my 3ml tank. When out and about, I use my 1.5ml tank on my 650 battery which akes the whole thing the size of a thick cigarette.

Find a good vapor shop locally and get your favorite flavors in whatever dosages and wicks. It's good to get your batteries online but your reservoirs and accessories at a local shop because they will carry replacement wicks to fit the reservoir. When I order wicks online, I usually get the wrong ones.

I don't like the little ones that look like a cigarette because I don't get a good toke and they don't last long. You also have to buy proprietary cartridges for them. With my generic setup, I can mix whatever cocktail of flavors and nicotine dose level.

Bking 05-02-2013 12:24 PM

Glad you quit! I'm a casual smoker; I only smoke when I drive and when I drink. I don't feel that cigarettes are controlling me but I just want something "healthier" than smoking. In fact, I probably won't get the liquids with nicotine in them, I just like the menthol taste. (Yes I only smoke menthols)


Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 (Post 2296765)
Hey.. If it's good enough for Stephen Dorff??? :nutswinger:
There's no need to question it. lol:rofl2:

I quit after a 25 years of smoking. Started at 11yrs old. I've tried every ween-down method there was. I found the best way to quit is to learn to hate the fact that cigarettes are controlling you and just throw out the pack and quit cold turkey. My last cigarette, there were still 15 cigs in the pack. Just threw em out. Got sick and tired of being dependent.

Lug 05-02-2013 04:30 PM

Listen to me.

Buy this

KGO kit1100mAh by SLB

People are usually tempted to get one that looks like a "real" cigarette, don't. They don't have enough power and the battery doesn't last long.

There are a million types of eJuice and everyone likes something different so I can't really advise you there.

This is after a WHOLE lot of research, trial, and error.

3 out of 5 smokers in my family have quit smoking cigs for over 2 years now.

I have no affiliation with the company but have done a lot of business with them w/o any problems.

tjlazer 05-02-2013 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by DEpointfive0 (Post 2296506)
So... I am/was a 3-5 cigarette a day smoker. Some days none, some days 10 (not a LOT of the 10 days, but a few) I used an e-cig 4-5 years ago before it was cool.

The original thought was this is bitchin, I can smoke anywhere. Morning after me and my friend got ours (he was a 1-2 pack a day smoker) we both called each other and said "hey, do you have a RAGING headache like you have a hangover?" Yep, we had nicotine withdrawals because we smoked EVERYWHERE, and ALL the time.

Went back to normal cowboy killers after a bit due to shėtty battery life and recharge time (I had the cigarette looking ones)

Now, I haven't smoked in a several months, I stopped because of 2 things, girl who hates smoking (I didn't even smoke enough for her to know I was a smoker, LOL)

It's amazing, I didn't get ANY info on HOW to use it like that I can only smoke for the first week or whatever, and I wanted to take it because the other med I take makes me want to smoke 10 times as much...

After a week or two... I just stopped smoking... I just didn't want it, I didn't really care for it... It was AMAZING!!!
Now, I have had 3-5 cigarettes in 2 months, just when it's social to smoke, not even when drinking or anything, and hell, I even stopped taking the meds 3 weeks ago because I got sick, and even now, I maybe get the urge once a week or 2, and hell with it, the urge isn't engrained anymore, so I don't need to do it

I bought a Blu e-cig from 7-11 a week ago just to have to puff on those times when I want to socially smoke... Used it 2 times, woke up with a terrible sore throat, so honestly:


Hate to tell you this, but since you are a smoker and you used Chantix to quit. If you continue down this "social smoker" road you will never quit and will pick the habit right back up. To quit means never take another puff. Not even socially. All it takes is one smoke when off the meds and you are right back to smoking.

tjlazer 05-02-2013 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 (Post 2296765)
Hey.. If it's good enough for Stephen Dorff??? :nutswinger:
There's no need to question it. lol:rofl2:

I quit after a 25 years of smoking. Started at 11yrs old. I've tried every ween-down method there was. I found the best way to quit is to learn to hate the fact that cigarettes are controlling you and just throw out the pack and quit cold turkey. My last cigarette, there were still 15 cigs in the pack. Just threw em out. Got sick and tired of being dependent.

The best and only way to quit. Congratulations. :ughdance:

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