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DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 11:55 AM

Ever thought about "catching" a red light?
I posted this story on my old local 370Z page and thought you might get a kick out of it... (For the record, I am an equal opportunity racist, I hate everyone, and my own people the most, so when you see "Mr. India", please don't get offended, it just adds the flavor necessary to the story, LOL)

Oh, and because most of you have never met me, I am not exactly a small guy... I had my full Osama beard at the time, I'm 6'3", and my leg probably weighs as much as most forum members, LOL (so you can invision the intimidation factor when I did what I did)

FB preface: (some of those local members do not know me)

If you want to read a kind of funny story, look on my status updates...
Fair warning, you'll get insight to my assholishness (if you know me well enough, I hope you know I'm not that much of an ásshole, just a hard shell of ásshole, LOL), and there is some language in it


Let me set up a scenario. I am sitting at a red light, and you can obviously tell that a guy making a left from the other side of the road gunned it to make the red, but actually ran the red...
I have a bad habit of gunning it, thank god for that auto, straight towards that person's car and slamming the horn just to scare the shít out of that person so they know not to do it again...

Today, this guy made a right turn into the lane I was making a left into... I had a green light, he ran the red, so I did the usual of GUNNING IT, SLAMMING the horn, and "swerving" out of the way... The guy then follows ME into the parking lot, and after I park, sits there and rolls his window down and yelled, (IN A REALLY THICK INDIAN ACCENT) [I will be notated by "--" and Mr. India will be "-"
-Hey, who had the right of way?!?!?!
--ME, what are you, fúcking crazy???!!!???!!!???!!! I had the GREEN light, you ran a red, get the fúck out of here! (Started walking away to Starbucks)
-You want me to call the police and report you?
--Yes, fúck it, I'll call them, watch. What are you going to tell them? That you RAN A RED??? (Walked up to the guy's car, showed him who I was dialing and gave him my phone)
-Hey, no need to call the police, we are Nissan brothers (he was in an Infiniti M35h) C'mon, we are both from PV, (high end neighborhood for those outside CA) I thought you would be nice man
--No, I'm from Texas, see the plates?

-Who had the right of way? (Inside voice now)
--I did, I had a green, you ran a red.
-Ok, I am sorry, you are right my friend. I know this is stressful time with Christmas shopping and such.

(I was LAUGHING MY ÁSS OFF at this moment in my head)

I hung up the phone and said,
--Look, at least you're not being an ásshole, drive safe sir, have a good day.
-OK, thank you

(Guy drove away) I felt like an ásshole a bit because I probably made this guy shít his pants once or twice, and I though this story and him saying "Nissan brothers" was CLASSIC. So I got him a gift card from Starbucks and put it on his windshield with a note saying sorry about the driving issue, at least let me buy you a drink.

b1adesofcha0s 12-20-2012 11:58 AM


shaun66 12-20-2012 12:00 PM

I get so mad driving around town sometimes getting cut off by people in their huge trucks. FUGGIN Texas.

DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by shaun66 (Post 2069532)
I get so mad driving around town sometimes getting cut off by people in their huge trucks. FUGGIN Texas.

LOL!!! In TX it was a joke, I HAD a 2009 Maxima (RIP), then the 370Z as well as an ISF the whole time, and NO ONE, with their "Southern Hospitality" and such would EVER let me in, damn SEMIS were trying to gun it while I had my blinkers on.

When I had my Maxima I was about to get stickers made saying "My Maxima is more of an AMERICAN CAR than your CAMARO"

b1adesofcha0s 12-20-2012 12:03 PM

Seems kinda dangerous to be doing that. Never know when you're gonna scare someone into getting in an accident with you.

DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 2069546)
Seems kinda dangerous to be doing that. Never know when you're gonna scare someone into getting in an accident with you.

The SP brakes are good enough! :tup:

I don't/wouldn't do it in TX or a crappy neighborhood because both are FILLED with guns, lol

And even though I will be hitting them, it'll be a 50/50 insurance-wise at worst... Even though I am gunning it, the other driver is the one who broke the law first which caused the accident. (Dad, and friend t-boned someone recently and it was other person's fault (friend's accident was yesterday actually))

b1adesofcha0s 12-20-2012 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by DEpointfive0 (Post 2069558)
The SP brakes are good enough! :tup:

I don't/wouldn't do it in TX or a crappy neighborhood because both are FILLED with guns, lol

And even though I will be hitting them, it'll be a 50/50 insurance-wise at worst... Even though I am gunning it, the other driver is the one who broke the law first which caused the accident. (Dad, and friend t-boned someone recently and it was other person's fault (friend's accident was yesterday actually))

I meant the other person freaking out and doing something stupid like letting go of or suddenly jerking the wheel in the wrong direction. Insurance wise it wouldn't be a problem, but if you get injured in that accident then you will definitely regret that decision.

kellyefields 12-20-2012 12:19 PM

This reminds me of the same situation I have at an intersection here that is known by people to run the light. So there I was setting in the left lane, (just so you get the picture the right lane is supposed to turn but it gives just enough room once you get through the light to merge left, so everyone will pass everyone waiting their turn in the left lane to run up on the right and expect someone in the left to let them in or make them slam their breaks because they are coming over weither you like it or not.) So I am first in line in the left lane because I am going straight through and this young girl come up on the right on her cell phone and being very animated. you could tell she was pissed at someone. well the light turns for the traffic on the other side to turn left and I know that by the amount of traffic sitting on that side that not all will get through before it turns red, and knowing human nature the girl to my right was going to gun it to get in front of me. I looked over at my wife and told her to watch this. about that time the light turns green, about 4 people are starting to cross the intersection in front of us (light was red on their side for at least 2-3 seconds before they went through it) and I gun it. the girl beside me guns it as well because she has to get in front of all of us that waited our turn. The last person was a guy in a red truck and seeing his face as we come barreling down on him was great he clears my path just as I get to him but straight in the path of the young animated girl on her cell phone. she finally locks up her breaks to avoid hitting him but it made me feel good knowing one that nobody got hurt but more so that he will think twice about running a red light and the fact that the girl did not get in front of anyone that she had passed. BTW my wife turned about 3 shades whiter and that is very hard to do since she is a red head and already as white as casper.

DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by kellyefields (Post 2069592)
This reminds me of the same situation I have at an intersection here that is known by people to run the light. So there I was setting in the left lane, (just so you get the picture the right lane is supposed to turn but it gives just enough room once you get through the light to merge left, so everyone will pass everyone waiting their turn in the left lane to run up on the right and expect someone in the left to let them in or make them slam their breaks because they are coming over weither you like it or not.) So I am first in line in the left lane because I am going straight through and this young girl come up on the right on her cell phone and being very animated. you could tell she was pissed at someone. well the light turns for the traffic on the other side to turn left and I know that by the amount of traffic sitting on that side that not all will get through before it turns red, and knowing human nature the girl to my right was going to gun it to get in front of me. I looked over at my wife and told her to watch this. about that time the light turns green, about 4 people are starting to cross the intersection in front of us (light was red on their side for at least 2-3 seconds before they went through it) and I gun it. the girl beside me guns it as well because she has to get in front of all of us that waited our turn. The last person was a guy in a red truck and seeing his face as we come barreling down on him was great he clears my path just as I get to him but straight in the path of the young animated girl on her cell phone. she finally locks up her breaks to avoid hitting him but it made me feel good knowing one that nobody got hurt but more so that he will think twice about running a red light and the fact that the girl did not get in front of anyone that she had passed. BTW my wife turned about 3 shades whiter and that is very hard to do since she is a red head and already as white as casper.


DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s (Post 2069568)
I meant the other person freaking out and doing something stupid like letting go of or suddenly jerking the wheel in the wrong direction. Insurance wise it wouldn't be a problem, but if you get injured in that accident then you will definitely regret that decision.

Agreed, I have had shocked drivers who "instinctively" hit their brakes in front of me, but I usually am not going much past 30 and can always stop before I get near their car. It's just more for thematic purposes, LOL :tup:

JARblue 12-20-2012 12:42 PM

Great story :tup: In my manual Ford Explorer Sport, I could make the car "lurch" forward in a way that made it look like the car is about to jump out into the intersection, yet done properly, the tires make a nice loud squeal and only move about 3 ft forward. It's amazing how many times I would "lurch" at the line when someone runs a red light, and see them staring back at me with eyes as big as dinner plates while I'm grinning ear to ear :icon17:

In Austin, people are habitually running yellow and red lights - it's unreal how often I see it. However, I don't do stuff like this in the Z... I guess partly because of my infatuation with the Z and partly because I'm getting old enough now to realize that it's not worth it. Most of the people who even noticed the lurching action probably just got pissed about it, which may have made their driving even worse. My actions in my car simply do not influence other people's driving ability. :shakes head:

JARblue 12-20-2012 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by kellyefields (Post 2069592)
BTW my wife turned about 3 shades whiter and that is very hard to do since she is a red head and already as white as casper.

I did this same thing to my wife (also a red head :tup:) on a Lime Creek run a couple of months ago... she refuses to go back with me :icon17:

kenchan 12-20-2012 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by DEpointfive0 (Post 2069524)
-Ok, I am sorry, you are right my friend. I know this is stressful time with Christmas shopping and such.

nothing racist or anything, but huh, i did not know hindu/buddist celebrated christmas.

kellyefields 12-20-2012 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 2069646)
I did this same thing to my wife (also a red head :tup:) on a Lime Creek run a couple of months ago... she refuses to go back with me :icon17:

unless you post a pic of your wife it didnt happen. :stirthepot:

DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 12:55 PM

@ JARblue... Your sig says:
TWM Desert Eagle Gunmetal Shift Knob

As your are infatuated with the Z, I am infatuated with the Desert Eagle (gun)

What does this knob look like? LOL

DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 2069651)
nothing racist or anything, but huh, i did not know hindu/buddist celebrated christmas.

:confused: I am confused... That's what the guy told ME... I don't celebrate Christmas, never have...

And I think Christmas is more of a culture thing now. I have PLENTY of non-Christian friends who celebrate it

kenchan 12-20-2012 12:57 PM

oh i get it, im on DE's iggylist. :icon17:

DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 2069674)
oh i get it, im on DE's iggylist. :icon17:

I'm even more confused, I looked it up, but I don't think I haven't blocked you or anything, lol

I welcome all criticism and coments

b1adesofcha0s 12-20-2012 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by DEpointfive0 (Post 2069625)
Agreed, I have had shocked drivers who "instinctively" hit their brakes in front of me, but I usually am not going much past 30 and can always stop before I get near their car. It's just more for thematic purposes, LOL :tup:

I say this to you from my experience. I used to have a 2010 Maxima before the Z. I was making a left turn to get onto the highway and there was a pickup truck coming in the opposite direction from me. He had his turn signal flashing right and was getting onto the ramp when I decided to pull into the empty intersection and start turning. All of a sudden, this guy jumps out of the lane for the ramp (crossing the solid white line) and decides he wants to go straight. It was a 2 lane road and I was able to bring my car to a complete stop in the lane that he wasn't driving in. Then this azzhole decides to turn into me for a head on collision even though he would have been perfectly fine going straight in his lane. I'm pretty sure he did it on purpose just to get some insurance money out of it, but thank god no one was hurt.

Insurance said it was my fault since I was turning left so he automatically had the right of way. Didn't matter that he jumped out of the ramp, crossing the solid white line in the process. My Maxima was totaled and he was able to drive his truck back home. I know it's not exactly the same situation as you, but my point is that people are unpredictable and can do some stupid sh1t sometimes. You have to be careful especially when you are putting yourself in these more high risk situations. Never know when some d1ckhead is gonna get pissed at you and decide he wants to ram your car head on.

b1adesofcha0s 12-20-2012 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 2069651)
nothing racist or anything, but huh, i did not know hindu/buddist celebrated christmas.

Probably didn't, but was just trying to use any excuse to de-escalate the situation. There are some Indian Christians as well.

kenchan 12-20-2012 01:35 PM

i heard world is ending tomorrow anyway.

RonRizz 12-20-2012 01:59 PM


forza370z 12-20-2012 02:54 PM

LOL I had a good laugh out of the story. Thanks for sharing.

JARblue 12-20-2012 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by kellyefields (Post 2069652)
unless you post a pic of your wife it didnt happen. :stirthepot:

Well, I'll have to respond to your story in the same manner: :pics: or it didn't happen :stirthepot:

I don't have a pic of that moment - I was busy driving and trying to keep at least three of the wheels on the asphalt :icon17: There are pictures of her in the Hot Wife/GF thread, though :tup:


Originally Posted by DEpointfive0 (Post 2069669)
@ JARblue... Your sig says:
TWM Desert Eagle Gunmetal Shift Knob

As your are infatuated with the Z, I am infatuated with the Desert Eagle (gun)

What does this knob look like? LOL

I'm sorry to inform you that it's not gun-shaped. But it's pretty hawt imo.

( Click to show/hide )

kellyefields 12-20-2012 03:21 PM

[QUOTE=JARblue;2069962]Well, I'll have to respond to your story in the same manner: :pics: or it didn't happen :stirthepot:

I don't have a pic of that moment - I was busy driving and trying to keep at least three of the wheels on the asphalt :icon17: There are pictures of her in the Hot Wife/GF thread, though :tup:

I will have to check out that thread. :excited: redheads are my kriptonite.

JARblue 12-20-2012 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by kellyefields (Post 2069972)
I will have to check out that thread. :excited: redheads are my kriptonite.

Yup :tup: My wife was only kissed by the ginger gene though; some people get pistol whipped by it :icon17:

my2004Z 12-20-2012 03:30 PM

I'll tell you what, if a 6'3" tall anything comes walking up to my window in an aggressive manner they will either be staring down the barrel of a gun or get run over multiple times regardless of what I may have done while driving. I know of too many car jackings or robberies starting off this way. Glad your situation ended peacefully and with a gift to bury the hatchet.

shaun66 12-20-2012 04:38 PM

I'm 6'3" you got me nervous now not all tall people are evil.

my2004Z 12-20-2012 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by shaun66 (Post 2070145)
I'm 6'3" you got me nervous now not all tall people are evil.

It's easy, don't walk up to my window in an aggressive manner. If you walk up with your hands where I can see them and stay out of arms reach while having a smile on your face and saying "Hello, I have something I need to talk to you about" then you won't get the anti-carjack treatment!:tiphat:

shaun66 12-20-2012 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by my2004z (Post 2070214)
it's easy, don't walk up to my window in an aggressive manner. If you walk up with your hands where i can see them and stay out of arms reach while having a smile on your face and saying "hello, i have something i need to talk to you about" then you won't get the anti-carjack treatment!:tiphat:


GrandZ45 12-20-2012 06:28 PM

Could end badly
Around here, way too many people armed for me to get out of my car for a verbal confrontation over the right of way with anyone. If someone else gets out of their car and comes towards me, I will stay in my car and have my own weapon in my hand out of sight. I am a big guy too and try to remember that scaring people could get me shot.

The driving here is too awful for me to play chicken with anyone. Passed a bad accident scene last night--a PW Z hit in the side. Any day I get home in one piece was a successful days driving no matter how many times someone cut in front of me or took "my" right of way.

But I do like to honk at cell phone yappers and watch them swivel all over looking to see what they did wrong . . . because they weren't paying enough attention to have any idea what they did.

DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by my2004Z (Post 2069990)
I'll tell you what, if a 6'3" tall anything comes walking up to my window in an aggressive manner they will either be staring down the barrel of a gun or get run over multiple times regardless of what I may have done while driving. I know of too many car jackings or robberies starting off this way. Glad your situation ended peacefully and with a gift to bury the hatchet.

LOL, that's why I did it in the most peaceful of neighborhoods, LOL


Originally Posted by shaun66 (Post 2070145)
I'm 6'3" you got me nervous now not all tall people are evil.

I'm not evil, I promise, just a díck when needed, lol

Originally Posted by my2004Z (Post 2070214)
It's easy, don't walk up to my window in an aggressive manner. If you walk up with your hands where I can see them and stay out of arms reach while having a smile on your face and saying "Hello, I have something I need to talk to you about" then you won't get the anti-carjack treatment!:tiphat:


This is true, while living in Texas, I will say that I did pull my gun out on someone... Not something I'm proud of, but I do get it.

DEpointfive0 12-20-2012 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by GrandZ45 (Post 2070274)
Around here, way too many people armed for me to get out of my car for a verbal confrontation over the right of way with anyone. If someone else gets out of their car and comes towards me, I will stay in my car and have my own weapon in my hand out of sight. I am a big guy too and try to remember that scaring people could get me shot.

The driving here is too awful for me to play chicken with anyone. Passed a bad accident scene last night--a PW Z hit in the side. Any day I get home in one piece was a successful days driving no matter how many times someone cut in front of me or took "my" right of way.

But I do like to honk at cell phone yappers and watch them swivel all over looking to see what they did wrong . . . because they weren't paying enough attention to have any idea what they did.

Oh yeah, I agree, in TX, Houston especially, I get cut off, no problem, someone driving like a prick, no problem, I'll let them pass, or pull over and let them go.

There is a time and place for everything, and having lived in the South, I know the rules of living there. Especially me being the Iranian... Yeahhhhh, that doesn't usually fly... But again, time and place for everything...

Telephone 12-20-2012 06:48 PM

You both like drama and both versions of this story suck.

Pintsize725 12-20-2012 09:34 PM

Cool story bro

kensin0429 12-23-2012 02:12 PM

Sounds like somthing you would do lol
Come out here to my hood again in your z. Let me buy you a drink !

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