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Uses For Used Coffee Grounds

10. Deodorizer . Dry them out on a cookie sheet and then put them in a bowl in your refrigerator or freezer, or rub them on your hands to get

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Old 06-23-2009, 10:42 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Talking Uses For Used Coffee Grounds

10. Deodorizer. Dry them out on a cookie sheet and then put them in a bowl in your refrigerator or freezer, or rub them on your hands to get rid of food prep smells.

9. Plant food. Plants such as rosebushes, azaleas, rhododendrons, evergreen and camellias that prefer acidic soils will appreciate the leftovers from your morning cup. Also, grounds can add nutrients to your compost bin.

8. Insect repellant. Sprinkle old grounds around places you don’t want ants, or on the ant piles themselves. The little buggers will move on or stay away. Used grounds are also said to repel snails and slugs.

7. Dye. By steeping grounds in hot water, you can make brown dye for fabric, paper and even Easter eggs.

6. Furniture scratch cover-up. Steep grounds and apply a bit of the liquid to furniture scratches with a Q-tip.

5. Cleaning product. As they’re slightly abrasive, grounds can be used as a scouring agent for greasy and grimy stain-resistant objects.

4. Kitty repellent. To keep kitty from using the garden as her personal powder room, sprinkle grounds mixed with orange peels around your plants.

3. Flea dip. Follow up Fido’s shampoo with a coffee ground rub down, working them down to his skin. Not only are the fleas suppose to vamoose, but puppy’s hair will feel soft too.

2. Dust inhibitor. Before you clean out the fireplace, toss wet coffee grounds over the ashes to keep the ash dust under control.

And, finally, the #1 use for used coffee grounds....drum roll here....

Cellulite reducer. Mix 1/4 cup warm, used coffee grounds and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. While standing over an old towel or newspaper, apply the mixture to your "problem areas". Next, wrap the areas with shrink wrap and leave on for several minutes. Unwind the wrap, brush loose grounds off your skin and then shower with warm water. For best results, it is recommended to repeat this procedure twice a week. A little weird to be sure, but as high priced cellulite creams have coffee in them, it just might work.


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Old 06-23-2009, 11:01 AM   #2 (permalink)
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number 4 is not true. My cats will drink my coffee if i leave it on the coffee table. the one guy also likes mint. If the wife puts mint lip chap on look out her will try to rap her for =christ sake. We have to hide our tooth brushes or he licks them. he also likes the center of after eights.
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Engine detonation is not normal and it should never never happen, and whoever told that need to do something else for living .
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Old 06-23-2009, 11:05 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by shumby View Post
number 4 is not true. My cats will drink my coffee if i leave it on the coffee table. the one guy also likes mint. If the wife puts mint lip chap on look out her will try to rap her for =christ sake. We have to hide our tooth brushes or he licks them. he also likes the center of after eights.

You have a cat with a habit!

Actually, I do use this (without the peels) and it does work, but you have to build-up the area with several sprinklings of coffee grounds.
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Old 06-23-2009, 11:36 AM   #4 (permalink)
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sprinkling the grounds around isnt the same as

maybe ur cat was thirsty...
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Old 06-23-2009, 01:26 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Maybe your cat likes the caffine high
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Old 06-23-2009, 09:12 PM   #6 (permalink)
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burning coffee grounds in a frying pan is the best way to remove the smell of decomposing body. put the burn grounds in a container in the same room in which the departed was.
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