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bigaudiofanat 04-27-2012 09:36 AM

I have got to slow down!!
I am a speed junkie I will be the first to admit it. But man is it costing me.....

I have had some wicked tickets back in my day, and still do.

Today got clocked 65 in a 35. Have to go to court to fight it so i do not get points, as my insurance is already high enough.

Anyone else have this problem? Any advice? :shakes head:

twinturbonet 04-27-2012 09:38 AM

Advice? Stick to 5 mph over the speed limit! OR move your seat further back so your foot only pushes the accelerator slightly. :ugh2:

nepali 04-27-2012 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 1688699)
I am a speed junkie I will be the first to admit it. But man is it costing me.....

I have had some wicked tickets back in my day, and still do.

Today got clocked 65 in a 35. Have to go to court to fight it so i do not get points, as my insurance is already high enough.

Anyone else have this problem? Any advice? :shakes head:

Slow down??? :ugh2:

bigaudiofanat 04-27-2012 09:40 AM

Ya, hard to do 5 over when you get an urge to hit it!

115 in a 65 was my biggest ticket a few years ago.

bigaudiofanat 04-27-2012 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by nepali (Post 1688709)
Slow down??? :ugh2:


Thank you for the obvious :p

TerribleONE 04-27-2012 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by twinturbonet (Post 1688706)
Advice? Stick to 5 mph over the speed limit! OR move your seat further back so your foot only pushes the accelerator slightly. :ugh2:


I have a extreme problem with this... I had to start using cruise control pretty much everywhere to be honest. This doesnt stop me from getting tickets on my GSXR1000

bdavis89 04-27-2012 09:46 AM

Slow down AND invest in an Escort 9500ix

Also, know your area. Its idiotic to be going 65 in a 35 anyways. If you're going to be speeding like that take a pass first to make sure there are no cops..

bdavis89 04-27-2012 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 1688710)
Ya, hard to do 5 over when you get an urge to hit it!

115 in a 65 was my biggest ticket a few years ago.

:eek: You're lucky you weren't arrested. I believe 15+ over in FL and they'll arrest you. Could be 30+ over, not certain, but either way 50 over qualifies for both of those..

ChrisSlicks 04-27-2012 09:52 AM

Find an alternate outlet for your speed fix. After I started racing auto-x and track I found that I started slowing down and driving less aggressively on the roads. Once you have a full understanding of vehicle dynamics and reactions at speed to tend to be a little more realistic about reaction time and the likelihood of crashing should something go wrong.

f00d4tehg0dz 04-27-2012 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by bdavis89 (Post 1688733)
:eek: You're lucky you weren't arrested. I believe 15+ over in FL and they'll arrest you. Could be 30+ over, not certain, but either way 50 over qualifies for both of those..

15 over. :( Unless your lucky like me and you live near by the exit ramp on the highway and the cop is on the opposite side of traffic clocks you and turns his lights on, and you pull off and go park and hide at your apartment complex...

NOT saying I did it..:rolleyes:

bigaudiofanat 04-27-2012 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by bdavis89 (Post 1688730)
Slow down AND invest in an Escort 9500ix

Also, know your area. Its idiotic to be going 65 in a 35 anyways. If you're going to be speeding like that take a pass first to make sure there are no cops..

I was actually getting into the flow of traffic, crazy coming back and fourth. As soon as I got out into traffic and over the hill he was coming the other way. Just as I was starting to put the brake on to even out with everyone. I wasn't actually trying to speed.

twinturbonet 04-27-2012 09:56 AM

When I had my 300zx TT, I got pulled over for doing 92 in a 35. Now before anyone says how "idiotic" that was, the way the roads were set up was one lane each way and large patch of grass on both sides. There are a FEW houses at the end of the large patch of grass (which makes it 35mph/Residential) but their drive ways are no where NEAR the road. I had to pass my friend so they could follow me and when I passed I was in 3rd gear and accelerated kind of hard (That's where I'm dumb because there was no rush, it was late) and anyone who has had a 300zx TT knows that 3rd gear is fu*king bad *** :D ... anyway, I got caught doing 92 in a 35. I was put in hand cuffs, but didn't get arrested... thank God. My buddy had to come pick up my car... lol.

TerribleONE 04-27-2012 09:58 AM

+1 for the 9500IX

bigaudiofanat 04-27-2012 09:59 AM

Ya I keep telling myself I need to slow down, but once in a while i get the urge or some douche in a civic wants to talk crap.

I have already slowed way down on my bike after my crash back in December.


Originally Posted by TerribleONE (Post 1688754)
+1 for the 9500IX

By the time you detect radar isn't it to late? Or is that only sometimes?

daisuke149 04-27-2012 10:03 AM

by the time you detect laser its too late. Radar can be detected ahead of time.

But yeah the only thing you can do is learn and slow down.

I barely do 5 over most of the time whe driving by myself. Get into a group though and all hell breaks loose!

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