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TerribleONE 04-27-2012 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 1688758)
Ya I keep telling myself I need to slow down, but once in a while i get the urge or some douche in a civic wants to talk crap.

I have already slowed way down on my bike after my crash back in December.

By the time you detect radar isn't it to late? Or is that only sometimes?

My radar has saved me TONS of times.. +1^ if you get the laser alert, you might as well just pull over and wait

bdavis89 04-27-2012 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by daisuke149 (Post 1688763)
I barely do 5 over most of the time whe driving by myself. Get into a group though and all hell breaks loose!

:iagree: I was like that back when I had my mustang. Freshman year of college I got pulled over twice 4 weeks apart, at the same spot, by the same cop. (I was late to class). Needless to say I learned the hard way, and started driving 5 over at the most.

Since I've gotten the 370z this has gradually increased to 10 over, and anything goes in a group lol. :ughdance:

That being said, I know my area pretty well as far as speed traps go, and get my rocks off on the I95 on ramps and slow down by the time I'm merging. :driving:

Speedy 04-27-2012 11:12 AM

Hit the track. Once you know you can go all out in a controlled environment zipping around on the street becomes passe'.

SalA 04-27-2012 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 1688699)
I am a speed junkie I will be the first to admit it. But man is it costing me.....

I have had some wicked tickets back in my day, and still do.

Today got clocked 65 in a 35. Have to go to court to fight it so i do not get points, as my insurance is already high enough.

Anyone else have this problem? Any advice? :shakes head:

I feel your pain with this one. I think some of the advice offered here is good..But, I would certainly get an attorney to represent you if the plan is to fight the ticket.

I have received tickets in both NJ & NYC and in both events the attorney(cost was about $500) was able to negotiate the ticket down to a lesser offense with zero points. Unfortunately, the local Prosecutor and Judge generally are not motivated to do that without an attorney.

Bottom line the additional amount paid for the legal rep. saved me money on my insurance for the next 3 years.

TreeSemdyZee 04-27-2012 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 1688710)
Ya, hard to do 5 over when you get an urge to hit it!

115 in a 65 was my biggest ticket a few years ago.

That would land you in jail in this area.

babbagandu 04-27-2012 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 1688758)
Ya I keep telling myself I need to slow down, but once in a while i get the urge or some douche in a civic wants to talk crap.

I have already slowed way down on my bike after my crash back in December.

By the time you detect radar isn't it to late? Or is that only sometimes?

In my experience the radar detector is usually good about warning you before it's too late. It's lasers that are the problem. By the time they hit you with the laser it's too late. But you can always install a laser jammed just make sure they are legal in your state

Thechidz 04-27-2012 09:43 PM

Yeah im bad too, ive gotten better but last year was nailed twice, 75 in a 55 and 77 in a 50. Got the first one dropped to parking on pavement so only $150 on no points, still waiting on court date for the second one hoping the da drops it down to pop again. Ive only lost 2 points since losing my license to points in a different state back in '06 so needless to say my insurance is higher than id like. I try not to go over 10 over speed limit sometimes ill do 79 in a 65 when im very familiar with the road. Theres a Time and a Place to punch it. For me its usually sunday morning in jersey or pa where the points doint count :p

LakeShow 04-27-2012 11:32 PM

Got clocked a 53 in a 30. If convicted at full, supposed to be 6points and it's my first ticket and pull over ever. Hopefully it will be able to be dropped down, been postponing it. Suffolk courts are apparently the toughest compared to other counties. Will be investing in a 9500ix or a Valentine 1.

Thechidz 04-28-2012 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by LakeShow (Post 1690503)
Got clocked a 53 in a 30. If convicted at full, supposed to be 6points and it's my first ticket and pull over ever. Hopefully it will be able to be dropped down, been postponing it. Suffolk courts are apparently the toughest compared to other counties. Will be investing in a 9500ix or a Valentine 1.

They will most likely drop it down to no points since its your first offense

PapoZalsa 04-28-2012 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by LakeShow (Post 1690503)
Got clocked a 53 in a 30. If convicted at full, supposed to be 6points and it's my first ticket and pull over ever. Hopefully it will be able to be dropped down, been postponing it. Suffolk courts are apparently the toughest compared to other counties. Will be investing in a 9500ix or a Valentine 1.

Suffolk and Emporia US 58 is where the out of town get the most tickets. Those towns are famous in VA for tickets. The cops are sitting there just waiting for a victim. I never go 5 over and go with the flow of traffic.

Thechidz 04-28-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by PapoZalsa (Post 1691576)
Suffolk and Emporia US 58 is where the out of town get the most tickets. Those towns are famous in VA for tickets. The cops are sitting there just waiting for a victim. I never go 5 over and go with the flow of traffic.

I believe hes referring to suffolk county in long island

eastwest2300 04-29-2012 02:25 AM

this is an easy fix...just slow down broda!

blue660r01 04-29-2012 10:10 AM

Stop driving like a moron? 65 in a 35? Sounds like an area with high pedestrian traffic. You're lucky you didn't kill anybody.

SailFree 05-01-2012 08:45 PM

Once passed radar cop at 128mph, then floored it, but never got stopped. By the time he got up to speed, I was gone out of his sight and off the highway.

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, in a former life, I ran 300 miles from Camp Grayling, Michigan, to my driveway in Findlay, Ohio, in 3 hours and 5 minutes, at average 98.7mph. Reason it was under 100 is that I was stopped for about 15 minutes in construction near Ann Arbor, Michigan.

SailFree 05-01-2012 08:51 PM

Ticketed near Emporia
Was running on cruise 54mph and entered unaware a little town near Emporia and stopped by cop in 35mph zone. Went to court--but FIRST I took online drivers' ed course, fairly cheap. Took certificate to court. Was very polite and praised the policeman for his professionalism. Son happens to be policeman (Arlington, VA, at the time) and I just happened to mention that. Was a new car, I was not familiar with instruments, it was a sunny day and I had on very dark sunglasses which made seeing speedo difficult, and I get migraines in bright light so couldn't drive without shades. Brought all that up. Had good driving record up till then. By the time all was done, the judge kept knocking down the charges until I got fined for a non-moving violation. Seemed fair.

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