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Cypress 06-08-2009 09:46 PM

iPhone 3G S
So who is going to get one of these... (on June 19th)

Apple - iPhone - View all the features of the new iPhone 3G S.

azn370z 06-08-2009 09:53 PM

I have the 3g and I don't think the differnce is enough to justify getting the 3gs.

AK370Z 06-08-2009 09:54 PM

Very tempted. I actually know someone who has the beta software on her iphone and I loved the copy and paste feature.

I currently have the 1st gen iphone. If I were to switch to the new 3G, I think my plan will go up 20-30 dollars.

Junior370z 06-08-2009 10:02 PM

I have the 3G iPhone and agree with azn370z on how the 3Gs upgrades aren't enough for me to switch. I'm sure apple will come out with an even newer and more improved iPhone. Maybe a 4G iPhone or something. That's when I'll get the new one. Anyways right now my wife says I'm spending too much on the Z. It's alright though because buying mods for the Z is a lot more fun!

There's and upcoming update for the 3G soon I think.

BanningZ 06-08-2009 10:09 PM

still no physical qwerty keyboard. Boo.

I'm happy with my G1

Educ8r 06-08-2009 10:13 PM

LOL , there were a few who didn't believe my other post that a new iPhone would be coming out.

One_Quick_Z 06-08-2009 10:19 PM

I love my 3G I dont think I will upgrade until they come out with a whole new model then I might if the updates are good


CBRich 06-08-2009 11:38 PM

I also remember trying to tell people to wait as a new one would be coming out. No front facing camera no sell. Not worth it over the 3G.

Diversion 06-08-2009 11:49 PM

Seeing as you can easily sell a iPhone 3g unlocked/jailbroken for over $300 on Craigslist (I just did)... I had about 50 people begging to sell it to them.. The 3GS will pay for itself next Friday ;) Or pretty close..

CBRich 06-09-2009 12:07 AM

And of course the new firmware has already been jailbroken.

Anatoray 06-09-2009 01:01 AM

The 3G S doesn't offer anything ground breaking to justify upgrading. Most of the new stuff was software based, so everyone has to ask themselves, is a slightly better battery, potentially worthless voice control, video, and a faster cpu worth 200-300 dollars and another 2 years under AT&T's heel?

theDreamer 06-09-2009 09:58 AM

xiven 06-09-2009 10:04 AM

i'll be shocked if there are huge lines for this

CBRich 06-09-2009 10:10 AM

Jailbroken apps have taken advantage of the 2G and 3G cameras for video for a while now. It's disappointing that they would not implement this feature on the older models as a software update.

nogoodname 06-09-2009 10:14 AM

Just update the 3G and it's good enough.
The new one has a better camera and better bat, all apple bats are bad anyways.

Basically the samething when updated to 3.0
A video recorder can be added when jailbroke.

MightyBobo 06-09-2009 10:41 AM

Well, 1st problem is its not out for Verizon. Ironically, the shocker phone of the week is the Palm Pre - people waited in line for that, and it was Palm's "Hail Mary", pretty much. Im kinda happy to hear it did well.

ozzfest 06-09-2009 11:34 AM

I got a Palm Pre this past weekend. All I can say is wow! Im not to big of a techy, but it makes things really easy for you. Had the Htc diamond before the Pre and that thing was a pain im the a@#.

GreenJalapeno 06-09-2009 11:37 AM

I have the first gen iphone, so maybe when it breaks or something I'll get this. Not too excited to spend another 300 bucks for the phone.

AARC51 06-09-2009 01:39 PM

Anyone else hate the term "Jailbroken" or "Jailbreaking?" I know I'm a whiny bitch but those terms absolutely did not exist in reference privilege escalation before the iPhone.

Sunsational04 06-09-2009 06:03 PM

is there a way to get the features of the newest iphone on the 2nd version iphone??

SoCal 370Z 06-09-2009 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Sunsational04 (Post 87880)
is there a way to get the features of the newest iphone on the 2nd version iphone??

Thread to follow: Apple - Support - Discussions - Questions Regarding the difference ...

Apple - iPhone - Compare iPhone 3G S and iPhone 3G

Some of the features are hardware dependent (e.g., the camera).

Cypress 06-09-2009 10:42 PM

I need video (and I am not jailbroken)
So for me, I will upgrade.

I was SHOCKED when I bought the 3G. I did not even look to see if it had video because I assume it would. I mean, even cheap/free feature phones have video. I do a lot of mobile posting and not being able to post videos while mobile was a deal breaker (after the fact) for me. So this is the remedy.

That and I am stinking rich and money is no object and I own my own private island, and a yacht, and a ton of fast cars (and of course a fully loaded 370Z). I did all this even though I came to this country broke. I watched a commercial on TV back in the '80s where this Vietnamese guy came to America with no money and in the end he owned a real estate empire (I think he was also a credit card millionaire) and he promised if I bought his system, I would have lots of money, beautiful women and be very powerful. I did and today I am living the American dream. Actually most Americans don't dream as well as I live.

So, I need to get the 3Gs.

CBRich 06-10-2009 09:18 AM

Man, I always thought those systems on TV were a scam. Ordering now.

Sashimi 06-10-2009 06:42 PM

I don't think the differences are enough to have me running to the store to get one. If I had a 2G Iphone I would definitely get one, since most likely I could buy it for the full discount price at 199-299. but since I have the 3G I'm not eligible for the full discount so I would be paying 399-499 for video, voice recognition, and a compass. (The video editing is pretty cool though)

I work for ATT so I've played with all the phones in all major phone companies, and I still think the Iphone is the best phone on the market today, I've played with the Palm pre, many android phones, HTC phones, and every blackberry imaginable. Still vote Iphone as #1. I just wish they changed the 3GS a little more, all I was hoping for was a little thinner, better screen quality, and a much better battery life.

CBRich 06-10-2009 07:55 PM

The rumor mill is always going crazy with the Apple products and I was really hoping they were right about the front facing camera, but they weren't. My wife has a 3G which she will keep. I may have to upgrade my 2G though.

Sunsational04 06-10-2009 08:24 PM

can you get picture text now??

gnarf 06-10-2009 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sunsational04 (Post 88635)
can you get picture text now??

yea mms is now available..i think I might buy this phone..twice the speed, twice the memory, better camera, mms, compass etc...i think its worth buying the sport package and nav with touring for the 370z

Iphone 3Gs Tour

CBRich 06-10-2009 09:03 PM

MMS will be available on everything but the original iPhone. They say the radio can't handle. Of course that's a lie as evidenced by SwirlyMMS.

Anatoray 06-10-2009 09:34 PM

It seems Apple is trying to erase the original, better looking iPhone with that claim and offering a larger discount for trading it in compared to the 3G.

Sunsational04 06-10-2009 09:50 PM

oh ok. so how can i get the MMS without getting the new 3gs?

Sashimi 06-11-2009 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Sunsational04 (Post 88691)
oh ok. so how can i get the MMS without getting the new 3gs?

The 3.0 software launches on June 17th. Plug your phone into Itunes on that day and it should say "Update available" then press update.

It should download the update and restore your phone with the new update.

NOTE: I always backup my data once before updating. when I updated to 2.2.1 itunes crashed while I was restoring my software and the phone didn't have everything backed up. (phone numbers and calenders info got backed up but I had to install a lot of the apps all over again) So I had to restore everything and redownload some apps. So my tip is plug the phone in, don't update it and backup everything including the apps (this may take a while if you have like 40 apps like I do) then afterwards click on update.

After you're done happy MMSing on the Iphone (finally!!)

mayhem052 06-13-2009 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by CBRich (Post 87564)
Jailbroken apps have taken advantage of the 2G and 3G cameras for video for a while now. It's disappointing that they would not implement this feature on the older models as a software update.

These Jailbroken video recording apps all have horrible frame rate, the old hardware simply can't handle even half decent video so I don't think Apple would really want to release sub-par software and then get a bunch of flack for it.

The 3G also supports MMS and Stereo A2DP Bluetooth, but the 1st Gen iPhones do not. I have a 1st gen iPhone so I think it's definitely time for me to upgrade unfortunately I'll have to pay $400 so I'll have to save up for a while first

Bobba Booey 06-27-2009 04:30 AM

Lovin my 3GS. It's so much faster than my 1st gen iPhone.

Crash 06-27-2009 05:19 AM

Bleh... I wouldn't want an iPhone, I don't care which model. I love my Nokia N95 and the next phone I get will be the N97. Apple's made it very clear they don't really care about keeping up with technology as long as they can hype a phone well enough to get you to buy old technology. I mean, seriously... Cut and paste? MMS? I'm not saying "wow"... I'm saying "It's about freaking time."

And don't expect a 4G phone until every other phone on the market already has 4G. And when that happens, expect to pay a huge premium because the "iPhone is now 4G!"

Apple doesn't usually bug me. In fact, I like Macs a lot. But to release old technology slower than old people f*ck and hyping up an expensive phone isn't cool at all. Makes me feel like people are just lemmings when I see them with iPhones. I don't mean to offend people in here, but lets think about this realistically. Exactly what is so great about a phone that mutes when you talk on it because the touch-screen mute button is right where your cheekbone is? And why did it take YEARS for them to put multimedia messaging into a multimedia phone? If I had 10 billion dollars to hype up crap in a box, I bet I could sell more than 10 billion dollars worth of crap in a box.

CBRich 06-27-2009 09:04 AM

If you've never had an iPhone before you won't understand. Two Words: User Interface.

I am definitely no Apple fanboy. I own a PS3 with Linux, two Windows XP boxes, a Windows XP laptop, and one old iMac that the wife got free. BUT after having a Nokia N series phone and some WinMo phones I was won over by the smooth user interface of the iPhone.

MightyBobo 06-27-2009 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by CBRich (Post 100784)
If you've never had an iPhone before you won't understand. Two Words: User Interface.

I am definitely no Apple fanboy. I own a PS3 with Linux, two Windows XP boxes, a Windows XP laptop, and one old iMac that the wife got free. BUT after having a Nokia N series phone and some WinMo phones I was won over by the smooth user interface of the iPhone.

So...what you're saying is, as long as it looks/feels good versus having actual good features and may be lower tech than other phones, its ok?

Im either waiting for the Storm 2 or the Pre to hit Verizon, myself.

Cjanik 06-27-2009 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by MightyBobo (Post 100794)
So...what you're saying is, as long as it looks/feels good versus having actual good features and may be lower tech than other phones, its ok?

Im either waiting for the Storm 2 or the Pre to hit Verizon, myself.

no, the user interface is extreamly easy and enjoyable to use. very easy to go from app to app, very easy to get any app you need, I love the touch screen versus the "push" screen that the blackberry has. the palm pre is a little too small and i dont like the keyboard.

I love the abundance of apps out there that you can choose from.

by user interface, were talking programming/software, not the hardware part of it. (or at least i am).

MightyBobo 06-27-2009 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Cjanik (Post 100797)
no, the user interface is extreamly easy and enjoyable to use. very easy to go from app to app, very easy to get any app you need, I love the touch screen versus the "push" screen that the blackberry has. the palm pre is a little too small and i dont like the keyboard.

by user interface, were talking programming/software, not the hardware part of it. (or at least i am).

Like I said, that is all look/feel kind of stuff - it didn't even have MMS or copy and paste until now?! That's ridiculous for a phone costing so much. I want my product to perform as well as it looks.

Pushing_Tin 06-27-2009 12:27 PM

Mw wife and I played with them at the mall, and LOVED them. But I despise AT&T and will never be a customer of theirs again. So unless Verizon gets their own, I'm SOL.

AK370Z 06-27-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bobba Booey (Post 100734)
Lovin my 3GS. It's so much faster than my 1st gen iPhone.

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