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Cyberium 03-19-2011 02:37 AM

Radiation Concerns
Just checking on any 370z members that live on the west coast and see if they have any first-hand experience with increased radiation or what their local news is telling them.

I know experts are saying that today the west coast, mainly so-cal, is supposed to get a little radiation from last Friday’s release. Unfortunately, those leaks were minimal in comparison to the radiation emitted after explosions on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.

Apparently, around late Monday or so, that is when the really bad stuff, like plutonium that was blown into air from the Sat, Mon, Tues explosions are supposed to arrive.

I know I live on the east coast, but man, I'm still scared. This is nuts.

It's really obvious that mainstream media is downplaying the severity of the situation so everyone doesn't go ape-**** and start rioting but I'd encourage everyone to take precautions.

Not trying to sound paranoid, but just because the nightly news tells you everything is ok, does not make it so.

phelan 03-19-2011 04:24 AM

Yes, it's concerning that radiation is released. However, based on the levels I'm seeing reported in other news sources (BBC especially), the radiation levels are well below harmful. Even in Japan itself, radiation levels are elevated but not to dangerous levels. I'm concerned, but not much.

370zFORme!! 03-19-2011 04:35 AM

Well an extra arm hasnt started growing out of my *** yet, so all good so far :ugh2:. In all seriousness though, there hasn't been much hoopla about it in the news so far. Will update if things change in the next couple days.

ChrisSlicks 03-19-2011 08:34 AM

6000 miles of ocean is a good buffer zone, you shouldn't be too concerned. You might receive up to 2 or 3 times the normal background radiation level if you are outside but that's no big deal, you don't have to start getting worried unless you were continuously exposed to 100x the background level (short exposure to those levels is fine).

370zproject 03-20-2011 01:53 PM

>.> crazy crap

370zproject 03-20-2011 02:28 PM

nagoya how bad is that area

wilsonp 03-20-2011 03:51 PM

I wouldn't worry, I'm pretty sure you'll die of lightning or meteor strike or car accident before radiation.

oleg 03-20-2011 03:57 PM

Do you guys think the radiation on cars that will be imported will be significant? I'm asking because my grandpa and his coworkers died of cancer that they got from driving a car that was near the Chernobyl factory when the meltdown happened. Makes me a little hesitant taking delivery on my car thats supposed to be here at the end of April.

kenchan 03-20-2011 05:19 PM

Phelan- you guys have more smog in socal that is hells more significant and dangerous than some minimal exposure of radiation. Not to forget the nuke lab outside san gabriel with tons of nuclear waste slowly seeping into the ground, no? :D

CBRich 03-20-2011 06:59 PM

Let me help explain some things. Radiation can not get on you. It's energy, much like heat. Contamination or radioactive material can get on you and it emits radiation. The most common method used at a nuclear plant to remove said contamination? Soap and water. IF some amount of radioactive material were carried through the wind stream to the West coast it would emit so little radiation it wouldn't even matter. And if you were some crazy paranoid who thought the material on your car was going to kill you? Wash it. Problem solved.

As for cars and things made in the area? A simple wash of the parts would clean them right up. They dont get hit by radiation or contamination and suddenly become a piece of radioactive material forever doomed to cancerize you.

Please gain some knowledge on the subject from an outside source. The media is clueless and more lost than just about anyone.

CBRich 03-20-2011 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cyberium (Post 996170)
It's really obvious that mainstream media is downplaying the severity of the situation so everyone doesn't go ape-**** and start rioting but I'd encourage everyone to take precautions.

Not trying to sound paranoid, but just because the nightly news tells you everything is ok, does not make it so.

Quite the opposite. The nightly news is clueless. Their constant spewing of misinformation is only causing people more worry than necessary. Are you aware that you receive 3.6 millisieverts every year from the sun, rocks, and soil around you? My God! How frightening. Seriously, instead of taking precautions go read a book on nuclear physics.

spinhead 03-20-2011 07:47 PM

daisuke149 03-20-2011 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Cyberium (Post 996170)
Just checking on any 370z members that live on the west coast and see if they have any first-hand experience with increased radiation or what their local news is telling them.

I know experts are saying that today the west coast, mainly so-cal, is supposed to get a little radiation from last Friday’s release. Unfortunately, those leaks were minimal in comparison to the radiation emitted after explosions on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.

Apparently, around late Monday or so, that is when the really bad stuff, like plutonium that was blown into air from the Sat, Mon, Tues explosions are supposed to arrive.

I know I live on the east coast, but man, I'm still scared. This is nuts.

It's really obvious that mainstream media is downplaying the severity of the situation so everyone doesn't go ape-**** and start rioting but I'd encourage everyone to take precautions.

Not trying to sound paranoid, but just because the nightly news tells you everything is ok, does not make it so.

People in Tokyo a couple hundred miles shouldnt be concerned about this yet, so someone 6000 miles away should definitely not worry.

And like someone said, the media is actually blowing it out of proportion just to make news. Remember, drama/bad **** = ratings. If you think they are just trying to help then, sorry to say, theres not much anyone can do to help you.

kenchan 03-20-2011 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by CBRich (Post 998349)
Please gain some knowledge on the subject from an outside source.

you mean like from car forums? :tup: ;)

370zproject 03-20-2011 11:48 PM


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