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SMcK23 03-08-2009 11:53 AM

Need Help from So Cal and AZ ppl!
Hey guys, I am not from San Deigo, but I recently found out I will be moving there for a job! Well, actually I was told San Diego and found out that it is El Centro, CA! I grew up in NY and my fiance and I have never lived anywhere else. However, this is a great job and we are going to make the move. I did some research and El Centro doesn't seem like a great place to live and San Diego seems like way too far of a commute (90-120 miles)! So my reason for posting this is, I really know nothing about the area and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me to live and I could commute? I am willing to commute approximately an hour or so! I just want to live in some type of metro area, not on a rural/desert farm. I understand the temperature is hot, but I am just concerned with living in the middle of no where. A place with restaraunts, car dealerships, ect. Any ideas, opinions, suggestions would be great! I heard maybe Yuma, AZ would be good?

Skorch 03-09-2009 03:24 AM

Yuma is a boring dump - you wouldn't like it there. As far as Cali goes, looks like you're stuck in the middle of nowhere. It's gonna be a huge change for you from NY.

SMcK23 03-09-2009 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Skorch (Post 41105)
Yuma is a boring dump - you wouldn't like it there. As far as Cali goes, looks like you're stuck in the middle of nowhere. It's gonna be a huge change for you from NY.

That's what I hear, but no suggestions at all? What is so bad about Yuma? The aparatment complexes look pretty nice! Are there restaurants, malls, car dealerships, etc. ?

dad 03-09-2009 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by SMcK23 (Post 40589)
Hey guys, I am not from San Deigo, but I recently found out I will be moving there for a job! Well, actually I was told San Diego and found out that it is El Centro, CA! I grew up in NY and my fiance and I have never lived anywhere else. However, this is a great job and we are going to make the move. I did some research and El Centro doesn't seem like a great place to live and San Diego seems like way too far of a commute (90-120 miles)! So my reason for posting this is, I really know nothing about the area and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me to live and I could commute? I am willing to commute approximately an hour or so! I just want to live in some type of metro area, not on a rural/desert farm. I understand the temperature is hot, but I am just concerned with living in the middle of no where. A place with restaraunts, car dealerships, ect. Any ideas, opinions, suggestions would be great! I heard maybe Yuma, AZ would be good?

I would avoid this state like a aids infected rattle snake! Taxes are going up! It's already overly expensive, over priced. Unemployment is 10%.

u155282 03-09-2009 01:55 PM

SMcK23 - I posted a long reply with suggestions in the SoCal/SD thread.

SMcK23 03-09-2009 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by u155282 (Post 41328)
SMcK23 - I posted a long reply with suggestions in the SoCal/SD thread.

Thanks for the help! I'll probably end up in Yuma, AZ! Seems like the lesser of the evils!

Greg 03-11-2009 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by SMcK23 (Post 41530)
Thanks for the help! I'll probably end up in Yuma, AZ! Seems like the lesser of the evils!

Did you even take a little trip to each of the places 1st to even check it out?

SoCal 370Z 03-11-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 42306)
Did you even take a little trip to each of the places 1st to even check it out?

^^ Best advice yet.

This area is about to embark on one of the most political and financial fights in Southern California history—water rights. There is also the on-again-off-again bullet train proposal from Imperial Valley to San Diego. If you do not visit this area first, you will be in for such a cultural, geography, demographic shock that you may never recover—no joke.

SMcK23 03-11-2009 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by SoCal 370Z (Post 42314)
^^ Best advice yet.

This area is about to embark on one of the most political and financial fights in Southern California history—water rights. There is also the on-again-off-again bullet train proposal from Imperial Valley to San Diego. If you do not visit this area first, you will be in for such a cultural, geography, demographic shock that you may never recover—no joke.

That's the thing....I have 30 day notice before I have to leave for training, which is 8 months and in Georgia and then as soon as training is done, I have to be ready to work in El Centro! So, no I have no way of visitng either place...

SoCal 370Z 03-11-2009 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by SMcK23 (Post 42379)
That's the thing....I have 30 day notice before I have to leave for training, which is 8 months and in Georgia and then as soon as training is done, I have to be ready to work in El Centro! So, no I have no way of visiting either place...

Use Google Earth, and Google Maps Street View to at that very least peruse the area. El Centro is flat in topography and there is not a helluva a lot going on. Commuting will prove too much of a pain, and you will be dealing with major trucker routes. Purchasing a residence there will be in your favor as prices are down there greatly; only consider purchasing after you have moved there first and scouted the area.

The_Zed_car 03-11-2009 12:51 PM

Also, the nicer the area, the more you pay.

SMcK23 03-11-2009 01:22 PM

Thanks! That's great advice by from I've been reading el centro is a pretty rough area with nothing around! Yuma at least had some pretty nice townhouses etc.

dad 03-11-2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by SMcK23 (Post 42442)
Thanks! That's great advice by from I've been reading el centro is a pretty rough area with nothing around! Yuma at least had some pretty nice townhouses etc.

When you find a place, before you move, call the local Police Department! Ask them about the neighborhood. The crime statistics in that area?

CrownR426 03-11-2009 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by dad (Post 42499)
When you find a place, before you move, call the local Police Department! Ask them about the neighborhood. The crime statistics in that area?

I don't think he has to worry if he's from NYC.
I grew up in brooklyn and what a childhood!

SMcK23 03-11-2009 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by dad (Post 42499)
When you find a place, before you move, call the local Police Department! Ask them about the neighborhood. The crime statistics in that area?

Definitely another good point!

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