Slynky |
01-09-2011 03:43 PM |
Originally Posted by Koji_Online
(Post 887540)
^ thanks! sounds good comin from someone who had a hella clean RSX too; I assume it's the one in your sig? I really like the 05-06 body style better. Is that your red Z? awesome if it is; Solid Red is the color I am definitely getting, nothing else lol
I guess we're "out of touch with each other". You see, I like the Platinum graphite and black sort of look. Kind of like your "S". I settled for the red because I got it for several hundred dollars under invoice last January. I like red OK and I sure do get a lot of complimnets on the car---WAY more than I ever got on the "S" but some sort of gun-metal color is my first choice.
Good luck in getting yours! It's different than driving the "S" but after you get past the "this car is HUGE" feeling, you'll love it ! :)
And, yeah, that's it in the pic. When I traded it in, the dealership owner came over to me and told me it was the cleanest 4-year old car he had ever seen traded in.