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motoextreme 07-12-2010 02:57 AM

Motoextreme saying hello to old friends
Just wanted to say hello to the many friends I made on the board a while back. Pretty much checked off the board for about 4 months so quite a few messages I'm just now getting into...way too many posts so I'll get to that eventually.

Anyway, for those of you that I was close too, doing much better. Had a pretty crazy last 4 months but through the woods!

Still have my BATCAR (HAHA) sort of.. Didnt want to just sell it and say goodbye because of the divorce, pretty set on keeping it but I moved to the ocean area and there is no way I can drive it down here anyway and keep it nice. Roads are bad and I would stress over it. So I gave the car to my right hand guy, but still in my name and I use it when I'm out in the 909 so its pretty much a win win (although I don't make it out much lately)

Bought myself a used Ducati to keep me smiling and a nice older sailboat to put by my Apt so as bad as things WERE, they are turning around pretty quick. Both houses are sold, X and I are doing great and now I'm just figuring out the car situation as my Rov lease is up in about 6 months....what to get? Or drive the Z? Hmmmm?? No more Rov's, can't afford it anyway.

Anyway, miss shooting the sh#$ with you guys, had a few fun hangout nights and would like to join a meet one of these days when I return from Hong Kong. Would be cool to catch up a bit.

Sorry to say I really can't be as active as I used to be on the board as I travel ALL the time but I'll definitely watch a little closer.

Glad to see all the same familiar names from earlier this year and last! Talk to you soon


Marco_xyz 07-12-2010 09:33 AM

Welcome back adam, we've missed ya!

hazzazi 07-12-2010 10:06 AM

Welcome back...glad everything is working out for you now.

Trips 07-12-2010 10:10 AM

Welcome back Adam, great to hear from you a gain, and you are missed. Don't be a stranger? :hello:

370Zsteve 07-12-2010 10:18 AM

Look what the cat dragged in! 'Sup Adam!

Red370 07-12-2010 10:22 AM

good to hear from you man, glad everything is looking up, wish I had a sweet ass apartment by the ocean and a sail boat!:tup:

2theextreme 07-12-2010 02:12 PM

:iagree: with all of the above! Glad you are still in possession of the BATCAR! :tup:

theDreamer 07-12-2010 02:14 PM

Glad to hear you are doing well.

G Fo12ce 07-12-2010 06:15 PM


Good to hear from you, hope things keep going in the right direction.

m4a1mustang 07-12-2010 06:16 PM


phelan 07-12-2010 06:19 PM

I'll be damned, good to hear things are turning around for ya Adam :tup:

HKYStormFront 07-12-2010 07:09 PM

always loved your car, welcome back! :hello:

motoextreme 07-13-2010 10:03 PM

Thanks guys!

Looks like I finally get to go home this Friday, plans were another week or so out here but tired of this damn humidity.

Are some damn sick cars rolling around though. My Hotel has Lambo's and Ferrari's out front on a regular basis. Crazy thing about that is we have a 125% car tax out here not to mention cars have other taxes and costs added on. A $350K Lambo back in the States could cost you a $1,000,000 out here. Nuts how much money is out here.

Anyway, thanks for the nice welcome back. Awesome to see the same names...hasn't really been that long I suppose but seems like forever for me.

PS. the boat, 20 year old 32' sailboat...nothing to brag about but awesome shape and I sure love the thing. Maybe some of you local guys want to take a trip out one of these days...doesn't go terribly quick but sure is a blast!

Catch you soon

Xan 07-13-2010 10:12 PM

Good to see you back and that you are doing good!

Welcome back!

FuszNissan 07-13-2010 10:25 PM

Welcome back!

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