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yellowZ 06-21-2010 07:20 AM

Home Protection - Best Method?
What are some thoughts / ideas about home protection?

1) Security System? This would help even when I'm not home whereas the two solutions below won't. However when I'm home, would this make me feel better?

2) Better Locks / Motion Lights? This is a good idea regardless. I have metal doors, metal frames and deadbolts on all hinged doors. I have motion lights leading to the front door.

3) Vigilant neighborhood? We've got this one down - the whole area keeps their eyes open.

3) Guns? Handgun? Shotgun? I don't mind owning a handgun. I'd use one if I felt threatened, and would go to the range to keep proficiency up. keet / trap is very different than home protection, but a 12 gauge will effectively scare someone out of my house / yard.

flashburn 06-21-2010 07:32 AM

I'm not going to go into huge detail like I'm sure someone here will, but the best defense is going to be a layered approach. So basically, all of the above. :) I'd do as much as you can without impeding your lifestyle.

Basically, you want to be a less desirable target than your neighbors.

bigaudiofanat 06-21-2010 09:34 AM

Might I ask why the sudden interest in all this?

All the above plus video recording as well and keep the recording device hidden so it can not be found.

Superthug 06-21-2010 09:34 AM

I totally agree with flashburn...all of the above approach is your best bet. Get yourself a 12 gauge pump shotgun...that will definitley do the job. You should be able to pick one up for around $170 at Academy Sports.

bullitt5897 06-21-2010 10:15 AM

I personally like to use land mines, automatic m60 sentry guns, laser grids, bear traps an much much more! I also like security cameras to catch all the carnage for you tube! I would put up a sign that says "please break into my home I am not here and I have a sh!t load of expensive stuff I don't like anyways!" I hope that helps :tup: ohhh and don't forget to add a moat with piranha and man eating crocs!

FuszNissan 06-21-2010 10:20 AM

Sentry Gun FTW!!

Jeffblue 06-21-2010 11:15 AM


bullitt5897 06-21-2010 11:20 AM

yeah thats probably the best form of home protection... but it sticks out so much! atleast with sentry guns you can dress them up as bushes and sh1t... land mines can be disguised or buried making for good youtube fun!

flashburn 06-21-2010 11:22 AM

Oh, and if you get new locks, buy Mul-T-Lock. I believe they are still the only locks around that can't be "bumped", but there could be others by now. Search "bump key" if you want more info.

Also reinforced strike plates on your doors is a good idea. If you spend the money getting fancy locks, but the door can be smashed in with with only a few pounds of force, then that really isn't any more secure.

Matt 06-21-2010 11:29 AM

PapoZalsa 06-21-2010 01:14 PM

A good Security System that includes motion and glass sensors that are hook to the police and fire department. Motion activated lights and 6ft. fence. Video recording or cameras for those more sophisticated.

Police presence in your neighborhood and a good neighborhood watch.

This way your home will be a less desirable target for thiefts.

Let the police do their job, that is why we pay taxes!!! People need to notified them instead trying to handle the situation by themselves unless their life is in danger.

Guns and other crazy stufff that we might think about will depend on the laws of the state, so be careful.

flashburn 06-21-2010 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by PapoZalsa (Post 586742)
A good Security System that includes motion and glass sensors that are hook to the police and fire department. Motion activated lights and 6ft. fence. Video recording or cameras for those more sophisticated.

Police presence in your neighborhood and a good neighborhood watch.

This way your home will be a less desirable target for thiefts.

Let the police do their job, that is why we pay taxes!!! People need to notified them instead trying to handle the situation by themselves unless their life is in danger.

Guns and other crazy stufff that we might think about will depend on the laws of the state, so be careful.

Your post started out good, but this whole "let police do their job" attitude is the wrong one to have. Police are there as a response unit (i.e. after the fact), and personally I'm not going to put my lives in their hands as I sit and wait helpless in my own home. It's a shame that you feel something as simple and common as home defense is "crazy".

kenchan 06-21-2010 01:36 PM

hide in closet with large katana.

flashburn 06-21-2010 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 586788)
hide in closet with large katana.

Asian dude with a katana? Don't be such a stereotype! How about a fencing sword? :rofl2:

Pushing_Tin 06-21-2010 01:49 PM

Sibze 06-21-2010 03:07 PM


PapoZalsa 06-21-2010 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by flashburn (Post 586752)
Your post started out good, but this whole "let police do their job" attitude is the wrong one to have. Police are there as a response unit (i.e. after the fact), and personally I'm not going to put my lives in their hands as I sit and wait helpless in my own home. It's a shame that you feel something as simple and common as home defense is "crazy".

Well you are qouting me wrong!! I never said home defense was "crazy", so I don't know where are you getting that from. A security system has been the best money a have ever spent to protect my home and family.

I was referring to the police like you stated as a response unit in case someone has attempted to get in your property or something might seem wrong to you.

Again, learn the law of your state for your own protection.

Sorry, I tried to help! :rolleyes:

flashburn 06-21-2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by PapoZalsa (Post 587022)
Well you are qouting me wrong!! I never said home defense was "crazy", so I don't know where are you getting that from. A security system has been the best money a have ever spent to protect my home and family.

I was referring to the police like you stated as a response unit in case someone has attempted to get in your property or something might seem wrong to you.

Again, learn the law of your state for your own protection.

Sorry, I tried to help! :rolleyes:

Fair enough, you said "Guns and other crazy stufff that we might think about will depend on the laws of the state, so be careful.". When you lump guns in with "crazy stuff" you are saying home defense (i.e. weapons) is "crazy". I'm not quoting you wrong, you said it wrong then. Just sayin'. :)

Lug 06-22-2010 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pushing_Tin (Post 586819)

2 of these. It's significantly harder to get around 2 of these than 1.

370Zsteve 06-22-2010 04:29 PM

Pushing_Tin 06-22-2010 07:38 PM

Pushing_Tin 06-22-2010 07:38 PM

When I lived in the city I ordered some ADT lawn signs on E-bay for $20 and stuck them all around the house too.

speedoflife 06-22-2010 08:38 PM

If I felt threatened enough to grab the loaded 12 gauge leaning against my bedside table, I wouldn't trust to police to get there in time. Check your state's laws and I'd recommend a shotgun; 12 gauge if you can. Load it with some double-ought buckshot and call it a day. As far as security systems, German Shepherd FTW. I love mine.

SmoothZ 06-22-2010 10:10 PM

Good neighbors, large dogs that bark, and the final defense - a shotgun.

yellowZ 06-22-2010 10:35 PM

I do have an ADT alarm sign up in the front yard. I also have attack (ahem) cats :(. I don't tend to have any problems with people poking around the house, but others in the neighborhood are complaining and I'm not going to get caught flat footed. As, all of you have noted, I don't have to be the fastest runner, just fast enough to not be the slowest. The sign, flood lights, quality locks, and as a last resort, a 12 gauge seems appropriate.

I know, I know, the pump is the key sound to a shotgun that strikes fear into all that see down the barrel, but I'm more of an O/U guy. I always said, if I can't hit it in 2, I shouldn't be out there anyway.

Thanks for the advice - good to hear ideas and confirm current ones.


Jordo! 06-22-2010 10:36 PM

Landmines :icon17:

Handguns work better in close quarters. That said, if you have a gun handy for defense, you also have a gun handy for getting stollen (bad) or found by the kids if you have any (worse).

On the other hand, nothin' says "get out" like a baseball bat. Inexpensive too, and won't accidentially bludgeon anyone across the street while handling it :tup:

Nitemare06 06-23-2010 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Jordo! (Post 589232)
Landmines :icon17:

Handguns work better in close quarters. That said, if you have a gun handy for defense, you also have a gun handy for getting stollen (bad) or found by the kids if you have any (worse).


Not true. I lock my pistols in a bolted down safe when I leave the house, but when I get home I pull them out and make them "available". Pistol safes that can be bolted to the ground are not that expensive, and get the job done. Where there is a will, there is a way. I don't have kids yet, so I cant argue the second part.

Lug 06-23-2010 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Nitemare06 (Post 589467)
Not true. I lock my pistols in a bolted down safe when I leave the house, but when I get home I pull them out and make them "available". Pistol safes that can be bolted to the ground are not that expensive, and get the job done. Where there is a will, there is a way. I don't have kids yet, so I cant argue the second part.



scans your fingerprint to open, keeps pesky intruders from using your gun on you whilst allowing you very quick access to use it on them. :D

vash_241987 06-23-2010 10:58 AM

Hire some ninjas....

ok not really, but for my HD, I have 19rds of 9mm JHP in a dedicated mag. that I leave out next to the pistol for my xdm9. Will anyone break in, don't know, but it does not hurt to be prepared.

Jordo! 06-23-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nitemare06 (Post 589467)
Not true. I lock my pistols in a bolted down safe when I leave the house, but when I get home I pull them out and make them "available". Pistol safes that can be bolted to the ground are not that expensive, and get the job done. Where there is a will, there is a way. I don't have kids yet, so I cant argue the second part.


Originally Posted by Lug (Post 589611)


scans your fingerprint to open, keeps pesky intruders from using your gun on you whilst allowing you very quick access to use it on them. :D

Fair enough -- and good for you guys for being very responsible about it :tup:

I know a guy who is a landlord and when he has to collect rent, some of the neighborhoods are sketchy, so he carries a gun in his car...

He's had them stollen from the car (locked in glovebox in a small case) -- TWICE :icon14:

StLRedrider 06-23-2010 10:27 PM under my pillow:tup:

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