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bigaudiofanat 06-18-2010 01:52 PM

Android or iphone
Which do you have?

I will have the android when it comes in.

PapoZalsa 06-18-2010 02:38 PM

I have AT&T LG Xenon. Waiting for the IPhone 4. If AT&T could improve their signal it would be much better service, however I like the AT&T customer service is better.

bullitt5897 06-18-2010 02:43 PM

I have a 3gs and will be selling it to one of my employees when I get my Iphone 4 woot woot

bigaudiofanat 06-19-2010 01:11 AM

That new iphone is going to be nice.

Trips 06-19-2010 01:26 AM

Moto Droid, and will be dumping it for a iphone 4 in feb

Pushing_Tin 06-19-2010 02:20 AM

I have a 3GS, and whenever Apple/AT&T get their siht together I will have the 4.

AK370Z 06-19-2010 02:21 AM

I have iphone and will get the iphone 4

stacy001 06-19-2010 02:24 AM

iphone all the way! AT&T customer service is great, but their G3 network seems slow to me. They need to expand their network..

pompey 06-19-2010 02:28 AM

had a driod, got a iPhone, iPhone's are so much better, gettin the iPhone 4 when it comes out.

molamann 06-19-2010 02:29 AM

Droid, VZW ftw in socal.

bigaudiofanat 06-19-2010 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Triple's (Post 584268)
Moto Droid, and will be dumping it for a iphone 4 in feb

2 things, have fun with the no longer available unlimited data plan and crappy service.

Been with verizon for 8+ years now and love them. The only way I will get an iphone is if verizon gets it.

Afterburner 06-19-2010 10:40 AM

I've had Android since the g1 came out. And now that Verizon has it I just picked up the incredible the other day and it is sooo awesome. Android with HTC sense software ftw any day.

bigaudiofanat 06-19-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by AK370Z (Post 584300)
I have iphone and will get the iphone 4

You have to let me play with it when you come.

JACKPAC 06-19-2010 10:57 AM

I have the 3gs because my work has AT&T and it's free to me. I had Verizon before that, and where I live the crappiest Verizon phone > the best AT&T phone. Doesn't work well without a network.

Lloydy 06-19-2010 11:03 AM

iPhone 3g currently and pre ordered the iPhone 4

Trips 06-19-2010 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 584489)
You have to let me play with it when you come.

Oh that sounded! :supergay:

Horseface 06-19-2010 12:45 PM

The original iPhone, until it meets with a sticky accident so I can grab the new one.

jikhead 06-19-2010 12:51 PM

Droid Incredible.

I will never ever own any Apple product. I don't like the business model and being forced to use 'said' accessory, or 'said' software, or forced to use iTunes, etc, etc etc. This whole business model is going to catch up with someday.

Pushing_Tin 06-19-2010 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 584464)
2 things, have fun with the no longer available unlimited data plan and crappy service.

Been with verizon for 8+ years now and love them. The only way I will get an iphone is if verizon gets it.

Verizon: End of Unlimited Data Plans Likely Coming Soon

Verizon has beaten this drum before, but it seems that AT&T's move to tiered data has inspired them to cut unlimited plans as soon as this year. It's time to say goodbye to the all-you-can-download buffet.

The comments this time came from CFO John Killian, who came out more explicitly than past Verizon execs in favor of a tiered system in a recent Businessweek interview.


"We will probably need to change the design of our pricing where it will not be totally unlimited, flat rate."
Verizon: End of Unlimited Data Plans Likely Coming Soon

Pushing_Tin 06-19-2010 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by jikhead (Post 584670)
Droid Incredible.

I will never ever own any Apple product. I don't like the business model and being forced to use 'said' accessory, or 'said' software, or forced to use iTunes, etc, etc etc. This whole business model is going to catch up with someday.

Hmm, well the stock is at an all time high and the company is now worth $250 billion, or $20 billion more than Microsoft, making it the second largest company in America based on market cap. Seems like the business model is working pretty well for them.

Horseface 06-19-2010 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by jikhead (Post 584670)
Droid Incredible.

I will never ever own any Apple product. I don't like the business model and being forced to use 'said' accessory, or 'said' software, or forced to use iTunes, etc, etc etc. This whole business model is going to catch up with someday.


Horseface 06-19-2010 01:31 PM

The Incredible, with Sense UI, will periodically store screenshots of the contents of your web browser. The screen captures are a function of the HTC Sense UI bookmark widget and are not the main issue; temporary screen grabs are understandable. The problem is these JPEG files are extremely hard to get rid of.

Good luck with that one.


theDreamer 06-19-2010 01:42 PM

The iPhone did that, Apple fixed it.
HTC has already said they will be releasing a hot fix to have it not do this, but if are you are that paranoid you can easily plug your phone into a PC and delete the files.

Wicked_G 06-19-2010 03:10 PM

Had the iPhone. After putting up with AT&T, they crossed the line one day when they cost me FOUR friking HOURS trying to get their wireless card installed on my mac. (no installation required in the end). They forced me to install some stupid software and then spent hours figuring out why it didn’t work. :shakes head:
Never again...ever.:mad:
I have the Sprint HTC Touch Pro. Can’t complain.

Sunsational04 06-19-2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 584489)
You have to let me play with it when you come.


bigaudiofanat 06-19-2010 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Horseface (Post 584692)

Thats what I did when I read it. I love itunes and how it organizes everything. Apple has even explained in its newest key note address about why they do what they do for selecting what apps go on the market and all. Apple is doing very well and does not look like they are slowing down.

zman99 06-19-2010 06:46 PM

I have the IPHONE. It revolutionized me and then I bought a Macbook. Soon I will have the IMAC and IPHONE 4..

I also bought shares of APPLE stock and it made me $600 thus far and its only been 2 weeks.....

Horseface 06-19-2010 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 584923)
Thats what I did when I read it. I love itunes and how it organizes everything. Apple has even explained in its newest key note address about why they do what they do for selecting what apps go on the market and all. Apple is doing very well and does not look like they are slowing down.

Yeah. Some people need to chill and not be so angry that they start spouting nonsense. Probably the same kind of person who was saying that macs are incompatible with the internet, run slowly and don't have any software a few years back. Yeeps.

The fact is that Apple make the best product, or they're in bed with those who make the best product. Or, they just go out and buy the companies of those making the best product. Logic. Apogee. Yum yum.

If you're running a Mac, the iPhone will work perfectly with it and the way it syncs all your email addresses, phone book, browser bookmarks and such wirelessly with .mac is great.

I have no idea how it works with the windows, to be honest.

bigaudiofanat 06-19-2010 07:29 PM

It will run great with windows as well.

nuTinmuch 06-19-2010 07:36 PM


The fact is that Apple make the best product, or they're in bed with those who make the best product. Or, they just go out and buy the companies of those making the best product. Logic. Apogee. Yum yum.
Unless you want to game at all!

Or, you know, not murder your wallet for literally shiny white plastic.

I do like Apple stuff, but it is just so overpriced. They are so successful because they advertise their products as fashion items and they capitalize on that sort of mentality. It's just as bad as Alienware or Falcon-NW or any of the specialty PC companies. I mean, I guess you can build your own Hackintosh now... but Windows 7 is awesome, so yeah.

I have a Droid and I love it. I'm not one for tech-hopping though, so I'm unlikely to buy another phone until my contract is up. I just can't see dropping that much coin on a phone that really doesn't do anything more than mine.

Also I don't think I will ever buy an iPhone simply because iTunes might honestly be one of the worst pieces of software ever made. Go use Songbird or even Winamp. Jesus.

Also, Apple's large profitability comes from their domination of the MP3 player market more than their OS.

Pushing_Tin 06-19-2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by nuTinmuch (Post 584951)
Unless you want to game at all!

Or, you know, not murder your wallet for literally shiny white plastic.

I do like Apple stuff, but it is just so overpriced. They are so successful because they advertise their products as fashion items and they capitalize on that sort of mentality. It's just as bad as Alienware or Falcon-NW or any of the specialty PC companies. I mean, I guess you can build your own Hackintosh now... but Windows 7 is awesome, so yeah.

I have a Droid and I love it. I'm not one for tech-hopping though, so I'm unlikely to buy another phone until my contract is up. I just can't see dropping that much coin on a phone that really doesn't do anything more than mine.

Also I don't think I will ever buy an iPhone simply because iTunes might honestly be one of the worst pieces of software ever made. Go use Songbird or even Winamp. Jesus.

Also, Apple's large profitability comes from their domination of the MP3 player market more than their OS.

Well most consumer surveys show that Apple leads in quality and repair history, so they must be doing something right. I only own one Apple product and that is my 3GS, but I give Apple a lot of respect for growing the company the way they are and simultaneously keeping the quality high. See Toyota if you need an example of how to get too big for your own good.

nuTinmuch 06-19-2010 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pushing_Tin (Post 584975)
Well most consumer surveys show that Apple leads in quality and repair history, so they must be doing something right. I only own one Apple product and that is my 3GS, but I give Apple a lot of respect for growing the company the way they are and simultaneously keeping the quality high. See Toyota if you need an example of how to get too big for your own good.

This has more to do with keeping a closed loop system than anything else.

bigaudiofanat 06-19-2010 08:37 PM

I take mine LAN party gaming with unreal tournament and if I wanted to I can play any game I want on mine with the windows emulator. But I use mine for other stuff than gaming.

Horseface 06-19-2010 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by nuTinmuch (Post 584951)
Unless you want to game at all!

Or, you know, not murder your wallet for literally shiny white plastic.

I do like Apple stuff, but it is just so overpriced. They are so successful because they advertise their products as fashion items and they capitalize on that sort of mentality. It's just as bad as Alienware or Falcon-NW or any of the specialty PC companies. I mean, I guess you can build your own Hackintosh now... but Windows 7 is awesome, so yeah.

I have a Droid and I love it. I'm not one for tech-hopping though, so I'm unlikely to buy another phone until my contract is up. I just can't see dropping that much coin on a phone that really doesn't do anything more than mine.

Also I don't think I will ever buy an iPhone simply because iTunes might honestly be one of the worst pieces of software ever made. Go use Songbird or even Winamp. Jesus.

Also, Apple's large profitability comes from their domination of the MP3 player market more than their OS.

No, I don't want to game. I want to edit movies and make music on my computers. And this is coming from somebody who owns two game development studios.


I tend to think that a lot of people who argue and argue that the PC is super fun great are either gamers or people enjoy 'running' a computer in the technical fixing, upgrading and maintaining sense, rather than just turning on and running an application sense.

The closed loop system works fine. It stops people whining when some horrendous nameless chinese video card is jammed into their machine and it *shock* doesn't work because it doesn't like the sound card or the nameless Korean USB 2.0 card sat two slots up. With a PC, I had a text editor program which REFUSED to work because of the soundcard I had installed. The text editor didn't even using the fvcking soundcard. POS.

The only thing I don't like about Apple is its trendiness. I used them because they were industry standard in a lot of areas I work in. They were only ever used by those who worked in print or video or music, but now everyone is buying them just so they look stylish as they **** around online or check their facebook. I don't feel special any more. If this continues, I'm going back to my Amiga. ;)

bigaudiofanat 06-19-2010 09:00 PM

Lets get back on the phone sense of things lol.

Waiz 06-19-2010 09:22 PM

Iphone FTW

Trips 06-19-2010 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat (Post 585031)
Lets get back on the phone sense of things lol.


Footloose301 06-19-2010 10:03 PM

I have had every single iPhone on launch date..... go me, haha.

I love the iPhone and it does just about everything I need and I can't see myself without it. I also bought a 17" MacBook Pro with all the goodies and spent over $3k on it a couple years ago. Runs flawlessly. I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy, but I do think their products are top notch.

I have convinced 90% of my friends to go with the iPhones, including the entire immediate family and they couldn't be happier. If you're knocking the iPhone then you probably haven't had the opportunity to use one for at least a week, unless you've got a problem with AT&T.

Needless to say; I have an iPhone 4 32GB set to arrive at the house this Thursday, as well as the girlfriend's and my brother's iPhone 16GB models. My mother and father would love to get one as well but they don't want to spend more each month on data plans that they probably won't use.

nuTinmuch 06-19-2010 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Horseface (Post 585022)
I tend to think that a lot of people who argue and argue that the PC is super fun great are either gamers or people enjoy 'running' a computer in the technical fixing, upgrading and maintaining sense, rather than just turning on and running an application sense.

I can't disagree with this, considering I am a gamer and computer savvy.

Though despite my knowledge of computers I've been completely barren of problems since 7. I use it on my laptop as well as my home machine and I honestly haven't had a single complaint.

Apples are just very... watered down, I guess? I like to customize things, I like to toy around with the parts underneath -- and I like to do so while being able to enjoy the majority of software out there, so Windows appeals to me.


The closed loop system works fine. It stops people whining when some horrendous nameless chinese video card is jammed into their machine and it *shock* doesn't work because it doesn't like the sound card or the nameless Korean USB 2.0 card sat two slots up. With a PC, I had a text editor program which REFUSED to work because of the soundcard I had installed. The text editor didn't even using the fvcking soundcard. POS.
I have to honestly say though, things like this just don't happen anymore. I worked at a techy Geek-squad esque place for 3 years and I never saw anything like this. 95% of everything I saw had to do with Bob clicking on retarded things. And yeah, having a Mac might help that, but if they become as popular (in the actual computing world) as you are afraid of -- then it will become a problem there as well. :p

And we all know Reason and Cubase work just as well on PC! :p

But on topic...

yay droid


If you're knocking the iPhone then you probably haven't had the opportunity to use one for at least a week, unless you've got a problem with AT&T.
tbh if you could grab one on another network it would be so much better, but AT&T is complete trash here so everyone that has one just bitches nonstop about connectivity and dropping out of 3G

Pushing_Tin 06-20-2010 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Footloose301 (Post 585073)
I have had every single iPhone on launch date..... go me, haha.

I love the iPhone and it does just about everything I need and I can't see myself without it. I also bought a 17" MacBook Pro with all the goodies and spent over $3k on it a couple years ago. Runs flawlessly. I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy, but I do think their products are top notch.

I have convinced 90% of my friends to go with the iPhones, including the entire immediate family and they couldn't be happier. If you're knocking the iPhone then you probably haven't had the opportunity to use one for at least a week, unless you've got a problem with AT&T.

Needless to say; I have an iPhone 4 32GB set to arrive at the house this Thursday, as well as the girlfriend's and my brother's iPhone 16GB models. My mother and father would love to get one as well but they don't want to spend more each month on data plans that they probably won't use.

My 3GS is jailbroken and I am wondering about the new OS coming on Monday. I love my SBS setting app that allows me to access most of the important system setting with one swipe, and I have not seen if the new OS will allow something similar. If it does I will upgrade, otherwise I won't until I get my new 4 series in a month or so. Please post what you find here or PM me. :tup:

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